Home > Wounded Kiss(3)

Wounded Kiss(3)
Author: Willow Winters

The werewolves never attack the towns that break their pacts. The shifters just leave them be. And when the other paranormal and vile creatures of the night show up at the vulnerable homes, there’s no one to help. Sometimes it’s only days after when people go missing, or worse. Other times it’s years. I’ve watched on the news as fathers cry, begging for their daughters to be returned to them. I’ve seen pictures of entire towns burned to the ground, supposedly for nothing more than a witch’s enjoyment. The attacks themselves are hardly ever captured but the resulting aftermath leaves enough evidence to determine what happened.

Vampires and witches are ruthless, taking without shame or apology. People say there are good ones and bad ones, just like every other species and race. But I’ve never seen or even heard of a good deed done by either vampires or witches. The only silver lining is that although they may wreak havoc, they don’t touch what belongs to werewolves. History has proven time and time again that werewolves will win that fight.

It’s been nearly one hundred and sixty years since the violence and tragedy that brought about our arrangement with the shifters of Shadow Falls. According to what Lizzie and I were taught in school, vampires came in the night all that time ago and abducted humans to hold captive for their own pleasure, leaving disaster in their wake. At the time the town had no help, no treaty, no one to beg for mercy. Shadow Falls put up a fight as best they could, but it was useless. Families huddled together at night yet in the morning, someone would be gone without a trace. Or they were massacred. Either way, it was hopeless. The vampires would swoop in, drink their fill, and leave their victims to die. Back then, those sharp-fanged villains were careless. Rather than snatching their victims and hiding like they do today, they’d remain on their hunting grounds and flaunt their kills.

It was only a matter of time before the werewolves came. The thick scent of blood that coated the air might have initially attracted them to Shadow Falls but with so many vampires around, the town was ripe for their picking. Desperate and out of options, the mayor at the time begged the werewolves for help. The wolves agreed, but on one condition—Shadow Falls would have to offer their women to them willingly once a year—forever. He agreed without hesitation, knowing there was precedent in forming treaties with shifters, but stopping the slaughter was his priority. Within days the vampires fled, and the ones unlucky enough to get caught by the werewolves were devoured without mercy.

That year, one woman was taken by the shifters at the offering. Since then, the wolves have upheld their end of the bargain to protect the town, but they haven’t taken anyone else. Only that one woman at the first offering. She went without a word, without a fight. It’s said she went into a trance of sorts and no one ever heard from her again. That’s the story we’re told and taught, anyway. And that’s the reason we’re headed to the local college to “offer” ourselves.

This is our first year and we’ll have to attend for the next two as well. To put it mildly, I’m freaked the fuck out. I try to remind myself that the shifters haven’t taken anyone in a hundred and sixty years. Maybe this is nothing more than an outdated tradition. How the hell should I know? But knowing they haven’t taken anyone in over a century and a half only drops my fear down a notch, a very small notch.

The fact that I’ll be presented to them gives me mixed emotions, but the overriding feeling is complete and utter fear. I finally have a home and safety and a life that I cherish. I don’t want to leave. No one really knows what happens if they take you, but it’s not hard to guess. If you’re chosen, you don’t come back. The very idea throws me into full-on panic mode.

With her lips turned down and her gaze looking off to nowhere, I know Lizzie’s thinking the same things I am. My hand grips hers as fiercely as she held me that first night she cried in my arms, in my bedroom when we were only kids. “It’s going to be fine,” I reassure her, surprised my voice is even as the words come out.

A tight smile is my reward, followed by a shrug, then my Lizzie is back. “I’m fine, just … remembering.” It takes all my strength to simply nod, pulling ahead in the line for coffee.

Silence brings memories.

We came last year to watch, just to see what it would be like. It was Lizzie’s idea. She was far worse than she is now. Just being around the werewolves made her tremble.

We nearly left, but we had to know what to expect so we could prepare ourselves. About a hundred girls were lined up single file and in alphabetical order, then they crossed the stage. If I had seen a picture of it and didn’t know the context, I would have thought it was a graduation. A snort leaves me at the comparison. Unlike a graduation, the atmosphere was ominous and grim with no speeches or sense of joy. The werewolves came, the women walked in front of them, and then the shifters left. It was somber and perfunctory, almost like neither party wanted to be there. I know for a fact that was true on our end.

Even though the werewolves were mostly covered by their cloaks, it wasn’t hard to tell that they were pure muscle. Nothing but killing machines. I couldn’t see much from the other side of the stadium but Sherri, one of the cashiers at the bookstore, told me that they looked “scary as fuck,” as she so eloquently put it. She’s a senior in college now, so her last time to walk was last year. She told us she couldn’t be more grateful.

I wondered why all the women walked quickly and quietly with their heads bowed, but I guess that’s why. Not that I can blame them. If someone were staring at me like they wanted to rip my throat out—again, Sherri’s phrase, not mine—I wouldn’t want to look them in the eye either. Especially knowing they could legally take me against my will.

So yes, head down and a fast pace.

“You okay?” Lizzie asks with a bravado I know is fake, but I love her anyway for trying to be strong for us both. Lizzie licks her lips and then pulls out a tube of gloss from her bag. She can barely look me in the eyes.

“Fine. We’re going to be just fine.” I pat her hand before pulling up to get our drinks and then taking off. Time to face the music, so to speak.

“Of course we are.” She smacks her lips after applying a thin, glittery coat of gloss but I notice how her hand trembles. “And then we’re going to whoop it up at Jake’s party.” I force a small smile for her and try to shake off my nervousness. If not for me, then for her. At least I’m concentrating on the party tonight instead of the offering. Arriving at the college a few minutes later, we park in the designated spots for “those participating in the offering.” I turn off the car and grab my stuff from the back seat, keeping my snide thoughts to myself.

“You think Mike’s going to be there?” she asks as she opens her door. I follow her lead and walk quickly with her to the stadium entrance, trying to figure out what she’s even asking. Right. Jake’s party. We only have a few minutes left to get in there for the offering. If you don’t make it, you’re forced to leave town. Supposedly. No one ever risks being kicked out of a protected area, so I don’t really know if that particular law would be enforced. Not that I have any intention of finding out firsthand.

“He told me he would.” She’s been trying to decide whether or not she wants to make a move on Mike. I don’t think she should. He keeps coming into the bookstore just to flirt with her and never buys a book. He’s worked at his father’s construction company since last year when we all graduated. Whenever I suggest he buy something, he always tells me he has no need for any books, not that he has any time to read. He could use a book, though. He’s kind of an ass and she deserves way better than him.

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