Home > Charming Devils : A Bully/Revenge Reverse Harem Romance(4)

Charming Devils : A Bully/Revenge Reverse Harem Romance(4)
Author: Katie May

My nana is a sex witch, one of the last of her kind. As such, she requires…err…certain stuff in order to perform her spells. Certain stuff that I shall not name out loud or else risk vomiting everywhere.

Polo chuckles softly, and I have to admit he’s handsome. Of course, I’m not attracted to him in any way, shape, or form—ew—but I can see why Nana chose him and his brothers. They’re definitely a catch.

You go, Nana.

“Do you need a ride to school?” Polo continues eagerly, as if my acceptance of their unconventional relationship gives him leeway to be a fucking grandfather to me. Honestly, I have no idea what he’s playing at.

“Nah. It’s only a twenty-minute walk. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, anxiety bleeding through his voice. “I don’t want anything happening to you. And it can get cold in the winter.”

“Fortunately for me,” I pause to stick a piece of bacon in my mouth, holding it between my teeth as I pour my coffee into a to-go mug, “it’s not winter, and I’m a badass witch who can look after herself.” Once I grab everything I need for my first day, I lift my free hand and wiggle my fingers. “Toodles.”



High Groves High School is significantly larger than the middle school, having been recently updated. It’s a single story building that branches in all directions like the spindly legs on a spider. You would think that a small town such as High Groves would have a petite brick building as their high school with a single flagpole erected on the front lawn. Instead, the modernistic school has a single row of windows sprouting down each hallway, showcasing their expensive electronics and appliances. The walls are a mash of brown, red, and even some green bricks, the combination surprisingly easy on the eyes. The main entrance stands taller than the rest of the school, sans the auditorium, with a shingled roof that curves steeply upwards.

While High Groves may be a small community, it’s still a rich one. Every kid over the age of sixteen has their own car, and I can’t think of one house that doesn’t have a heated, outdoor pool.

But these rich fucks are about to get what’s coming to them.

With a swagger to my step, I march right through the front doors as if I own the building. At this hour, there are only a few people scattered about. I recognize a chapter of the NHS meeting in the cafeteria, and a male and female couple sitting side by side in front of a stone wall.

I head to the main office and offer a sincere smile to the secretary.

Patricia Brooks had once been the secretary at the middle school before she transferred here. She was my only supporter back in the day, the only one who saw through the Devils’ bullshit.

“I don’t know if you remember me—” I begin sheepishly. Before I can even finish speaking, her mouth props open and she jumps up from her swiveling chair.

“Peony Simone! Is that you?” she gasps, waddling towards me with her arms outstretched.

“I missed you, Pat,” I whisper, accepting her embrace. “And you’re pregnant!” I pull back to get a good look at her, surprised to see the generous baby bump pushing at her cream-colored sweater. Her cheeks darken in a blush as she flickers her gaze down towards her belly.

“Met him two years ago,” she whispers, her voice taking on that wistful, dreamy quality all new lovers seem to have. “We’ve been inseparable ever since.”

“Good. I’m really happy for you.”

When I met her as a hormonal pre-teen contemplating suicide, she told me a little bit about her life. Back then, she’d been in her late twenties and had just gotten out of an abusive relationship. I’m extremely happy that she was able to find someone to love her. Pat’s a great woman, and I know she’ll be an amazing wife and mother as well.

After all, she saved my life, and she didn’t even know me.

“I heard you were coming back, but I didn’t believe it,” Pat exclaims, moving to once more sit behind her desk. “Are you here to pick up your class information, sweetie?”

“You know it.” I lean indolently against the counter before spotting a bowl full of jelly beans. Popping one in my mouth, I wait for her to print out my class schedule. I could’ve easily looked up this information online…if my mom or even Nana believed in a computer or internet. As it is, I’ll have to travel to the local coffee shop with my laptop in order to complete my assignments.

As she passes me the still warm paper fresh from the printer, her hand lingers on mine.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she whispers, casting glances in both directions. “Those bullies of yours…”

“I’m better now,” I promise, hoping to put her fears at ease. She has a right to be worried, but not for me this time. I refuse to be a victim again. I’m better than that, stronger than that, and the last thing I want or need is to venture back to the dark place that almost killed me five years ago.

“Good. That’s good,” she whispers, but she doesn’t sound convinced. There’s a slight furrow between her brows, as if she’s attempting to calculate a difficult math equation. “You’ll come to me if you need anything, right?”

My heart thumps erratically in my chest at her words. At the sheer prospect that someone actually cares about me in this hellhole.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” I say, using my finger to create an X over my chest. “I’ll even pinkie promise if you want me to.”

She rolls her eyes at my dramatics before shooing me away.

“Go. Get ready for class.”

“Yes, ma’am.” With a two-fingered salute, I duck out of the office and into the hallway. It’s already busier than it was when I first arrived less than ten minutes ago. Students, like me, are carrying cups of coffee and are rubbing sleep from their eyes.

I understand school. I honestly do.

But why the fuck do classes need to start so early in the morning? It’s not even light outside, for fuck’s sake.

As I walk through the halls, heading towards the gymnasium, I can’t help but notice the appreciatory stares I get from both guys and girls alike. They’re not hateful as they had been years ago. They’re not even calculating.

It’s nice to be the recipient of attention that isn’t cruel or domineering.

I stop in front of the wing of the school that houses the three gyms, weight room, and aerobics classroom. If my calculations are correct…

With a spring to my step, I venture into the weight room first, where both the football team and cheerleading squad are hard at work. My eyes survey all of the occupants quickly before landing on my two targets.

Karsyn Alder and Mariabella Stevens.

The quarterback of the football team and his perky, beautiful cheerleader girlfriend.

Karsyn currently has his back to me, deep in conversation with a man I recognize to be his tight end. Mariabella is giggling with one of her friends, blonde hair slicked back into a tight ponytail and perky breasts on display in her skin-tight sports bra.

I chance another glance at Karsyn, but he’s still oblivious to my presence. That’s okay, I suppose. He’ll come to see me soon enough.

With considerable effort, I wrench my gaze away from his sweat-soaked gray shirt and focus on the cheerleading coach, Mrs. Watson. I memorize her face briefly before stepping back out.

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