Home > Christmas Treats(38)

Christmas Treats(38)
Author: Piper Rayne

Waving it off, I snicker, “Heard and said much worse, believe me.”

Jogging to the passenger’s side, Grey casts a final wave at me as he rounds the truck. “See ya around, Nova.”

The driver shakes his head at Grey, almost as if he’s already exasperated with him. He slides the sunglasses back to rest on his head and turns his attention to me. A slight nod and a curt yet polite “Ma’am” are the only acknowledgments I receive from the mystery driver, who favors Grey immensely, only with a sterner expression and lack of a five o’clock shadow.

Hmm. Wonder if they’re related.



Grey’s instructions put me on the right track, eventually leading me to the adorable whitewashed brick bungalow my aunt and uncle have called home for as long as I can remember. The fuchsia mailbox stands out among the others with its bold hue and various satin gold finishes on the small metal detailing. Lime green pavers create a colorful walkway, leading up to a white home with fuchsia Craftsman shutters and a lime green wooden swing. A dark-gray door with a satin gold knocker and doorknob adds some balance. Aunt Vera has always been one for splashes of color everywhere.

Beep! Beep! I’m pulled from my short walk down memory lane as a—what else?—lime green minivan pulls into the driveway. Love for green in all hues runs in the family.

A familiar halo of curly, snow-white hair steers at the helm. “Well, you have perfect timing, sweet girl,” my aunt says through her open window, greeting me as she parks the van. “I thought you’d be much later getting here tonight.”

A group of children pours out of the van like water rushing from an overturned vessel, only to come to a halt in front of the stranger in their midst. My attention bounces from one to the others before I address my aunt. “Am I interrupting something?”

She ruffles the hair of the middle boy as she reaches for me for a quick hug. “Not at all. We’re going to grab a bite to eat. Then, it’s off to ball practice.”

Five pairs of eyes watch me almost warily, trying to figure me out. Offering them a big smile, which only the youngest girl returns, I reach for a couple of the bags she’s carrying. “But, it’s September.”

“Fall ball,” she explains, turning towards the group of children that has to be the infamous Baker clan she mentions from time to time. “Kids, I want you all to meet my favorite niece.”

“I think she means her only niece,” I tease, the sound of proverbial crickets filling in the blank spaces for the five. The next-to-tallest boy continues to stare at me like I’ve grown a second head. The eldest stands solemnly, while the three younger ones display various emotions, from intrigue and suspicion to friendliness. Tough crowd. “My name’s Nova. Nice to meet you all.”

“Like the star?” The youngest girl with big doe eyes framed by a curtain of blonde bangs gazes expectantly.

“That’s right. Just like the star.” Maybe I can win one over tonight. “What’s your name?”

“Halle,” she replies, somehow timid and assertive at the same time.

“Like the movie star Halle Berry?”

Those blue orbs hold a world of wonder within them. “Who’s that?”

“She’s a famous actress who...” A pause fills the air. I’m unsure how much to get into with a girl who doesn’t seem older than seven or eight. “Well, no need to go into that. Anyway, it’s great to meet you, Halle.”

Vera Kay walks behind the two tallest boys, laying a gentle hand on each boy’s outer shoulder. “These two are Clay and Griffin.”

The tallest one gives no more than a nod. Something about his nature tells me that was a big deal, though.

“Griffin’s our quiet one,” she explains further, which makes him drop his gaze a bit.

“Nothing wrong with that.” Although, I’d bet the house I no longer own that he’s a great listener.

He lifts his dark, haunted gaze towards me, the corners of his full mouth twitch ever so slightly as if to say he’s pleased to hear someone acknowledge it.

“H-hi,” the other sputters out, the cutest little freckles dotting his very rosy cheeks. His brown hair carries a tinge of red in it, as the sun reveals with each movement he makes.

“Hi there.”

His cheeks grow rosier as bashfulness takes root. Funny. I had him pegged more as a class clown kind of kid.

“Last but not least,”—she motions towards the two middle children—“These two are Hadley and Henry.”

A backward ball cap graces Hadley’s head, with wisps of blonde hair fluttering everywhere in the slight breeze. The tough-as-nails demeanor she’s sporting is a clear sign that she prefers space, which I freely give to her to make her more comfortable.

The boy Henry stands a step off to the right behind her, his little fist clenching the material near her lower back. His nose boasts a nostril that’s slightly smaller than the other, with a thin scar running from it to the top of his cupid’s bow. If this display is any indication, his big sister does a lot to protect her smaller sibling from the cruel world.

Meeting the children who gave Aunt Vera purpose after Uncle Glen’s death warms my heart all the way through. “Again, it’s great to meet you all finally.”

They exchange funny side glances at my comment. We turn to go into the house, but a small gasp stops us from moving any further. “Is that yours?”

Following her line of sight, I mentally add another name to the list of Tink fans. “It is.”

As Halle stares at the 4x4, a glow radiates from her whole body. “It’s so pretty!” she exclaims, admiring the way the metal flake glistens in the sun. “Can I ride in it with you sometime?”

“Halle!” Clay scolds. “You don’t impose on people like that,” he says, scowling at her, then going all Jekyll and Hyde with me, morphing that frown into a goofy grin. I can’t be sure because the sun was in my line of vision, but I’m pretty convinced he just threw a wink in there as well. There’s the playfulness I picked up on.

Vera Kay stifles a laugh, no doubt deciding which one to call out first, as I turn my attention to Halle. “How about I ask your dad if it’s okay first, and if he says yes, you’re welcome to ride with me next time we’re going to the same place together. Deal?”

She shakes her head excitedly in agreement as Vera Kay checks the time. “Let’s help Nova bring her bags in before we eat.”

I wave off the kind gesture, knowing they’re pressed for time. “It’s okay. You all don’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense,” Vera says, already handing the bags in my backseat to Clay and Griffin. “Family always helps each other.”









Aunt Vera gets to work in the kitchen while the kids run to different corners of the house to get ready. It’s so lovely they feel at home here—just like I always have.

“Think you’re up for starting a new job day after tomorrow?”

Woman is a miracle worker. “Did you hear something from Silverton Elementary?” Excitement fills my soul as relief pours over me at the prospect of being back in the classroom again.

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