Home > Christmas Treats(44)

Christmas Treats(44)
Author: Piper Rayne

That is until Clay offers a solution. “Dad, can the coffeehouse be closed long enough for everyone to come to the game?” his brown eyes plead as he whines. “Pleeeeease?!”

With ten expectant stares waiting for a response, twelve if you count Nova’s and Vera Kay’s, I offer the only answer I can. “I think we can spare a few hours.”

A chorus of “yesses” rings out over the two tables, all except Griffin, who offers a rare smile instead. “What do you say, Nova?” I probe, hoping she’s down for a Baker family outing. “Can we take you out to the ballgame?”

She chuckles at my play on words, then looks at the kids, who wait patiently for her to respond. “I’ll be there with bells on.” The kids cheer her answer a lot louder than they did the biscottis, but I count both in the win column.

Who knows? Maybe we’ll go for a triple when I ask her out to dinner after the game on Saturday.









What a game! The kids’ team squeaked out a win over the Wilstead Wombats, thanks in part to some excellent footwork at shortstop, a star pitcher, and a kid with a talent for knocking the stitching loose from a baseball.

These Baker kids are something else.

I’m a bit nervous because of the surprise Vera Kay and I have devised for Scott. Ever since he agreed to participate in the Soiree, we hatched a plan to pull Silverton together behind the coffeehouse. In need of decor to spruce up the shop and get it Soiree-ready, Vera Kay reached out to some local business owners and shopkeepers to see if they’d like some “free” advertising since the Soiree promises to bring some out-of-towners into Silverton.

The only cost to Baked & Brewed? A drink created for and named in each donor’s honor, along with a small plaque acknowledging where you could purchase the displayed items or get custom-made ones. The local nursery even agreed to donate some greenery around the big event, so everything is pretty much set.

I only hope Scott will be excited when we tell him about the plan tonight.

Once the kids finish posing for the group picture with the first-place trophy, they jog over from the field. Well, Clay cartwheels and dances his way over, but still...

“Great job, everyone!” I cheer as I wrap my arms around our three players in a group hug. “I’m so proud of you all!” Clay snuggles into me, Griffin lets me put my arm over his shoulder but doesn’t return the movement, and Hadley rounds out the front.

I glance up and find a pair of gray eyes surveying the scene. Scott looks like a proud papa bear, with all ten cubs intermingling and celebrating the victory of a few. It’s the kind of feel-good movie moment you want to live in forever.

It’s the kind of moment I wouldn’t mind being a part of many times over, especially if it involves this family.

Slowly, we make our way to each other through the crowd of kids whooping and hollering, obviously drunk on adrenaline and copious amounts of sugar consumed from the concession stand. I lean towards Scott’s ear, hoping he’ll be able to hear me over the commotion. “After we get back to the shop, is it okay if we talked?”

He pulls back to look at me, then bends towards my ear. “There’s something I’ve wanted to discuss with you as well.” Straightening his back, he calls out over my head, “Great game, Coach!” as a familiar face makes an appearance.

Grey Kasen walks over to join us, giving Scott a firm handshake. “That last hit by Win Griffey, Jr. right here was a lifesaver,” he teases, clapping a hand on Griffin’s shoulder.

His face is stone set as always, though it’s hard to deny those hints of pride shine through as Griffin basks in his coach’s praise.

“Miss Nova, it’s good to see you again. Still able to find the right address?” His teasing nature beams as we lightheartedly banter.

“Just look for the big metal rooster, right?” I laugh as he snorts. Scott’s gaze bounces between us as if wondering what the connection might be.

“You got it,” Grey winks with a charm that seems to come naturally to him.

Multiple pairs of eyes hone in on us, among them a set belonging to my aunt, who looks like she might be up to no good. “Grey, it’s a shame, you know.”

“What’s that, Miss Vera?” he asks as he gives her a big hug.

Her eyes twitch from Scott to me, then back to Grey. “Well, my Nova here’s been in town for two months and still doesn’t know her way around. Think you’d be able to take her on a guided tour.”

The air gets sucked out of the space we all occupy. I lift my eyes in Scott’s direction, noticing the slight clench in his jaw.

Grey awkwardly chuckles, before acquiescing as the silence goes on. “Always willing to help out a new neighbor.”

But that doesn’t seem to satisfy Vera Kay. “Now that I think about it, Gratzi’s just remodeled not too long ago. Why don’t you two kids go grab a bite after you show her around town?” What is she doing? “Is Saturday good for you?”

“Well, I…” he stammers, completely taken aback by this forwardness of my aunt’s. When I go to shut down this nonsense, he blurts out, “I’m helping a friend Saturday morning and afternoon with something.”

Shew! Crisis averted.

“Great!” she cheers. “Nova gets off work at seven. You can pick her up at Baked & Brewed.”

For the love of Pete... “I don’t want to impose on Grey’s time, Aunt Vera,” I argue, which seems to fall on deaf ears.

“Nonsense! If there’s anyone who can show you a good time, it’s this man right here.” Her wink at Grey catapults her through the crowd with Laurel and LaRue toddling beside her, but not before throwing over her shoulder, “See you next Saturday.”

Scott looks as though he’s equal parts pissed and disappointed, but at what, I can’t decide. The remaining kids volley their eyes between all the adults, probably wondering what just transpired. Hell, I wish I knew.

Clearing his throat, Scott starts to corral the kids, herding them towards the parking lot. “Let’s go and give them a moment alone,” he adds before leading the herd swiftly away.

“I, uh...guess I’ll see you Saturday, then?” he shrugs, with about as much enthusiasm as I have on the matter.

“Yeah, I guess so…”

“It’s a date!” Vera Kay’s voice rings out from somewhere in the crowd.

We say our goodbyes with Grey returning to the dugout and I towards Tink, where Halle is no doubt waiting with bated breath for the car ride home. My mind swirls with what just happened, and I can’t seem to figure out the angle.

Vera Kay never sticks her nose in my business, which leaves me to wonder: if she’s that hell-bent on fixing me up with someone, why can’t it have been the guy I actually want?









This week has been twenty shades of miserable. After Vera Kay’s little stunt at the ballgame last Saturday, Scott’s been a bit of a grouch, although I can’t understand why. He's a big fan according to everything he’s ever said about Grey, even identifying him as a good role model for the kids.

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