Home > Christmas Treats(50)

Christmas Treats(50)
Author: Piper Rayne

“I don’t know how you just made that happen,” Scott says in a hushed tone as we work, “But I owe you.”

“Worried about prying little eyes?”

He blows out a puff of air. “And the therapy costs.”

“I’m sure Halle hasn’t been scarred that badly,” I conclude with a wink.

“Not for her—for me. I can’t explain womanly changes and adult toys.” We share a quiet laugh, as to not raise suspicion. A warm hand settles over mine before I can reach for the teapot Scott just filled. “How can I ever repay you?” His gray eyes sparkle with gratitude.

“You don’t owe me anything.”

He stares at our connected hands, his brow furrowed slightly. “What about dinner tomorrow night? I could probably get Vera and Harper to tag team babysit and watch things. Or put Griffin and Clay in a boxing ring to entertain them until Hadley moves in and wipes the floor with both of ‘em.”

I chuckle, loving the way his hand feels against mine. “It’s a date.”









One Month Later



As we sit near the judges’ table, anxiously awaiting the results, I take in the major transformations this past month has brought to the shop—and us as well.

Swags of greenery and white lights bring in the outdoors, while metal signs from our local iron maiden at Heavy Metal and wooden creations from Kasen Construction add a bit of whimsy. Christmas-themed artwork from students at The Great Create pepper into the mix, along with white and green wares on display from local artisans. It’s a collection of all the extraordinary talents the amazing people who make up Silverton possess, many of whom are currently packed into the shop, waiting for a verdict with us.

Nova holds my hand, casting assuring glances at me every so often while we watch the judges deliberate. Our shop is the last on the Soiree Taste Tour, meaning they will announce the winner today.

Our entry? A cranberry-pistachio biscotti dipped in white chocolate with a touch of orange liqueur added in for an extra pop of flavor. The kids fell in love with it when we did the final taste test, so Nova insisted we use it, even though her Christmas version of Naughty Il-lemonati didn’t get chosen. She’s such a good sport, always willing to do what will help Team Baker—a team I hope she’ll want to join one day in the future.

Speaking of coaches...

I catch a glimpse of Grey Kasen across the way, standing with his family and a wonderful young lady who runs The Great Create, someone my Harper thinks the world of. When I took Nova out for the first time last month, I finally admitted how much I like her. She thankfully returned my affections and even told me about her “non-date” with Grey. Once I realized he wasn’t even in the running, things have returned to normal between us.

He throws me a wave, which I return. He truly is a good guy, and I hope things work out for them.

A portly man in a Santa suit retrieves the judges' envelope and greets the crowd with some jolly banter. After some ho-ho-hos for the kids, he opens the envelope. “And the winner of this year’s Christmas Spirit Soiree is…”







One Year Later



“God, Nova.” Grunts and impassioned sighs fill the kitchen as Scott takes me against the kitchen door. With the kids already at Vera Kay’s for a movie night, we stayed back to work on a new recipe for this year’s upcoming Soiree. So much for that…

I cling to him, my long skirt bunched up between us, partially obscuring what’s going on beneath. His buckle jingles with each hard thrust, the snap of his hips driving me higher. “Don’t stop, Scott,” I plead, nearing the finish line.

So close...

He pinches my nipple through my blouse, pushing me over the edge, making my muscles clamp down on him. Ever since I’ve entered my second trimester, they’ve been insanely sensitive, so it doesn’t take much to bring me to bliss. A moment later, a guttural roar erupts from his throat as he finishes inside me, filling me with his love.

That’s right. Our little family of twelve will soon be a well-rounded thirteen—perfect, no matter which way you count it.

As we come down from our high, I stroke his hair, the glint of my wedding band dancing in the rays of the recessed lighting. Finding out we brought back a little souvenir from our honeymoon was a major surprise, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

The squeak of hinges pulls us from our stupor, and a white-haired blur runs past the kitchen door, not sparing us a glance. “Don’t mind me.”

Scott pales as do I. Harper was supposed to double-check the bathrooms before she left. With her head in the clouds as they so often are these days, it looks as though she missed one.

Millie grabs her things and bolts out of the coffeehouse, muttering, “Better than anything I’ve ever written before…” As she escapes, she nearly knocks over the small display we had made for last year’s Soiree win. We came in a close second, but the first-place trophy will be ours this year.

Stunned, we both stare at each other, unsure of what to say. I’m unsure who bursts out laughing first, though soon, we’re both consumed with loud laughter and giggles.

As we try to catch our breath, Scott lowers me to the ground. “How much do you want to bet that ends up in her next book?”

“Oh, I’d say that’s get written tonight.”

We clean up quickly in the now unoccupied bathrooms and find our way back to the kitchen, the sign for tomorrow already prepared. “Wonder if this will be our next bestseller?” I ponder, loving how it also serves as our announcement to the community that we’re expecting.

Baker’s Dozen Brew

Served with a Baker’s Dozen biscotti

Tastes like: teamwork, second chances,

a bun in the oven, and happily ever after



“Hopefully,” he answers, wrapping his arms around me. “But I already know it’s my favorite.”



Also by Kali Brixton



The Vows series


* * *


To Have (Book 1)


* * *


To Hold (Vows #2)*

From This Day Forward (Vows #3)*

'Til Death Do Us Part (Vows #4)*

* Coming in 2021




Summer Sizzle


* * *





About Kali Brixton



Kali Brixton is the alter ego of a mild-mannered English teacher who adores the written word and a good ol'-fashioned love story (or song). Cinderella will forever be her bread, butter, and jelly, and glitter runs in her veins.


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She believes in the healing power of hugs, humor, and HEAs. All things sparkly, cheesy, and Wizard of Oz-zy are guaranteed attention-grabbers.


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Although rooted deep within the Appalachian Mountains, she has a heart full of wanderlust. Kali dreams of one day becoming a full-time author and traveling to faraway lands. Until then, she will continue to teach high school students the indisputable importance of Poe and puns.

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