Home > Christmas Treats(88)

Christmas Treats(88)
Author: Piper Rayne

The rest of the morning is spent in bed, making love, watching holiday movies between kisses and eating cookies when our stomachs begin making noises. A perfect lazy day.






A Snowball’s Chance






I’m nervous. Incredibly nervous.

As we pull up to my Babcia’s house, my leg begins bouncing. This is it. It’s really happening. I can see Brendan’s truck parked on the side of street.

Luke’s hand comes down on my leg, stopping the movement. Turning to him, I bite my lip.

“Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I know. I’m just…”

“I get it, babe.”

“Are you not nervous?”

“Not even a little.” I grimace, hating that I’m being such a coward. “I love you, Belinda, and if they can’t see that I would do anything for you, then that’s on them. I’m here, by your side, for the long haul.”

I lean over the center console and kiss him. His words have touched a part of me that I didn’t realize I had been letting fester. He told me last night that he’s back in the city for good, but it isn’t until this moment that I truly understand he’s also with me for good too. Together we’re better, stronger.

Taking a deep breath, I smile. “Everything’s going to be fine,” I repeat.

“Stay there. I’ll come around and get you.” He’s out of the car before I can make a comment. I watch as he rounds the hood and wades into the snow pile to the side of the car until he reaches my door. Carefully, I swing my legs over the edge and step out, taking his offered hand. Our gazes stay connected as I step into him. The slam of the door barely reaches my ears, I’m so focused on Luke’s lips.

Need takes over. We’d made love only an hour ago, but it feels like days. My craving for him seems to never be satisfied. He must be thinking the same thing because a second later I’m pressed up against the car and his mouth is devouring mine. My gloved hands claw at him, needing to bring him closer but we’re hindered by our winter coats.

I get lost in our kiss, not feeling the cold or caring that we’re making out on my Babcia’s driveway. My lips try to follow Luke’s when he suddenly breaks our kiss. My lust-heavy lids don’t open fully until he curses. That’s when I hear it.

My eyes flick over Luke’s shoulder. There, in the living room bay window is my entire family. Hitting the glass and cheering with wide smiles. My Babcia looks close to tears as she shakes both hands above her head. Brendan is off to the side of the family. Before I can get a read on his mood, he disappears from view only to appear again when he yanks the front door open.

“You fucking moron. What did I tell you?” Brendan yells as he storms down the front porch steps.

“Brendan. Wait.” I try to calm him but he’s not paying attention to me.

“I told you to stay the fuck away from my sister. You’ll only break her heart.”

“I’d never do that.”

Both men are ignoring me. Luke is walking toward my brother, his hands up as if to stop him from advancing closer.

“Oh yeah, then what was the last year, asshole?”

“Don’t give me that bullshit. You were the one who told me I needed to be better for her. That’s why I left.”

The next thing to happen surprises the Christmas spirit right out of me. Never in a million years did I ever imagine my grown-ass older brother throwing a snowball right in my boyfriend’s face. Bull’s-eye.

I stop breathing. Luke stops walking. And I swear Brendan has a look of “what the fuck” on his face before he reaches for more snow. I take my gaze off Luke for one second to see my parents and Babcia gather on the porch, zipping their jackets up as they watch what has to be the most ridiculous man-fight of all time

And like Santa in a chimney, it goes down.

Snowballs begin flying through the air almost as fast as the insults.

I cry out when a snowball hits the car door inches away from my shoulder. I jump to the side. I need to take cover. There is no way I’m going to be able to break up this testosterone fight with logic. I need to let them work this out, North Pole caveman style.

As carefully as I can, I make my way around the battle zone. My mother extends a hand and pulls me into her side when I reach the front porch steps.

“Shouldn’t you be trying to stop them?” I ask her as I squeeze in close. “This is madness.”

“Hush, child. Luke’s fighting for your honor,” my Babcia speaks up from the side. The smile on her face is borderline crazy; her eyes are lit up like a Christmas tree.

“They’re acting like animals,” I cry when Brendan picks up a huge chunk of frozen snow and hurls it across the yard. It hits Luke’s leg, causing him to stagger to the side but not fall. “Someone is going to get hurt.”

No one moves. What is wrong with my family?

“Let them work it out,” my mom whispers into my ear. “I’m guessing your relationship with Luke has”—she pauses to give me a knowing look—“changed. And your brother has always been overprotective.”

She’s making sense, but I still think what’s happening in the front yard is insane. I have to grip my mother’s sleeve when the snowball fight stops and fists start being thrown instead. Luke has my brother facedown in the snow, yelling at him.

Somehow, Brendan twists his body and reverses the arm hold, pushing Luke down into the snow. The men roll around, disappearing from our sight when they hit a large snow pile. We can hear their howls of shock when snow from a nearby tree falls on them.

While I don’t condone fighting, I secretly love how Luke is outmatching my brother. Every now and then I can hear a piece of their grunted conversation and it warms my heart the amount of love in his voice—even while fighting.

“Alright, boys. That’s enough for now. You’re going to get run over by a car.” My father’s stern voice cuts through the yard.

My eyes flick back and forth between my father and the men still throwing snow at each other. They have broken apart, but they haven’t stopped hurling insults or flicking powdery snow. Slowly, my mom detaches herself from me and helps Babcia inside while I wait for Luke. He’s scowling as he makes his way toward me on the porch, ignoring my brother. So he doesn’t see the shove coming. Brendan stomps up to his side and with both hands, pushes Luke. He goes flying into the snow-covered bushes. It’s a petty schoolyard move.

“That is it,” I exclaim as I stomp down the stairs. “This is over. You”—I point to my brother—“are done sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. That man is your best friend. I don’t care what you think of the two of us together. It only matters how I feel. And I love him. So get over yourself.”

There’s a snort of laughter. I don’t blink as I slowly turn my head. The smug look on Luke’s face falls away. “And you,” I say to him, feeling powerful as his eyes round in trepidation. “You said you would talk to my brother and tell him about us. But instead you decide to fight with him.”


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