Home > How to Steal Your Best Friend's Fiancé(17)

How to Steal Your Best Friend's Fiancé(17)
Author: London Casey

I certainly was an asshole for what just happened.

But I also wasn’t wrong.

I hadn’t seen Miranda lift a finger for our wedding in months. All she wanted to do was work. That I could go along with. And now she wanted to go to Boston for a conference. A conference that was going to do nothing for her career.

I punched the door and turned toward my desk.

There was nothing quite like the feeling that when you left work and went home, you’d be walking right in on the middle of an argument.

Then again, that’s what the entire engagement had been for us.



I walked to the bedroom and got changed without saying a word.

Miranda was in the kitchen with a drink and her laptop.

When I exited the bedroom and walked toward the kitchen, I saw the glow of the screen on her face.

We’ve changed. We’re different. You’re going one way. I’m going another. Is this going to work?

“I just want to know one thing,” she said.


She looked at me. “Are you going with me or not?”

“To Boston?”

“No. To fucking Jupiter.”

I swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, Miranda. I can’t go to Boston right now. I’d probably lose my job if I tried. We’re in the middle of this patent lawsuit and-”

“That’s fine,” she said. She slammed her laptop shut. “I’m leaving. The day after tomorrow morning.”

“Two days away?” I asked.

“Day and a half. I have to fly out at eight.”

“If that’s what you need to do…”

“It is,” she said. “It’s important to me. And, no, it doesn’t advance me. At least not right away. But you know what? My boss decided to send me. That means something to me. And him. I’m sorry that doesn’t fit in with your narrative.”

“I don’t have a narrative, Miranda. I’m sorry I forgot about it. You brought it up a while ago. And I know you didn’t want to talk about it because you didn’t want to jinx yourself. I shouldn’t have forgotten.”

“That’s it?” she asked.


“You sure? You look like you have something else you want to say.”


“Just say it, Liam,” she said.

“We’re both busy. That’s all.”

“Here I thought everything was in the open with us. What I was trying to do. And you’re just always against it.”

“I’m not against anything.”

“Yes, you are. You’re filling out quizzes… lost in the past…”

“It’s called being a part of our wedding,” I said. “You should try it.”

I put my head back after the words spilled out.

Miranda let out a ha sound and walked by me.

“Nice thing to say,” she said.

“What else am I supposed to say?” I asked.

“You know what, Liam? Nothing. It’s all taken care of.”

“What is?” I asked.

I turned my head and watched as Miranda stopped at the couch and looked back at me.

“I knew you weren’t going to go with me. I knew you were going to forget. I get it. You’re busy too. Your work is important to you. Just like mine is to me. So don’t worry about it.”

“I don’t want to argue with you. I liked seeing you celebrating today. You looked happy. I miss that.”

“Well, you can miss me more when I’m in Boston,” she said. “I’m going to get some sleep. I have a busy morning. And believe me, I have everything under control.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

Miranda smirked at me. “You’ll see soon enough, Liam… goodnight.”



Chapter Ten






“Miranda wants me to stop over at her apartment,” I said out loud as I read the text message.

“That can’t be good,” Ember said.

“Why not? She’s my friend.”

“Do you go over there often?” Ember asked.


“Sometimes? That’s not confident sounding.”

“No, it’s not that. We usually have plans in advance. This is kind of…”

“Spur of the moment,” Ember said. “Damn.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” I said.

“What’s nothing?” Lucy asked as she walked into the back of the bakery and took off her apron.

“The bitch wants to see Emily in person,” Ember said.

“Hey,” I said. “Come on. Don’t say that.”

“Sorry,” Ember said. “Miranda wants Emily to come over.”

“When?” Lucy asked.

“I guess now,” I said. “She probably wants a glass of wine and to vent.”

“I’d rather listen to someone put nails through a paper shredder,” Lucy said.

“Would that even make noise?” I asked. “Wouldn’t the nails get stuck and the shredder would just turn off?”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “Fine. Whatever the most annoying sound in the world is, I’d rather hear that than hear Miranda’s voice.”

“You two need to see Miranda the way I do,” I said. “Not the business side of her.”

“You mean, the side that constantly screws you over?” Ember asked.

“We know about the money she wants,” Lucy said.

“Your point?” I asked.

“That’s insane,” Ember said. “This place is barely making it as it is.”

I waved my hands. “If I go to her house, it’s personal. We know how to separate the lines between business and personal.”

“And I’m sure whatever she wants will benefit her,” Lucy said. “Even if it is just to vent. She texts and you’ll show up.”

“That’s what a friend does,” I said.

“If you texted her, would she show up to let you vent?” Ember asked.

“Of course she would,” I said.

“When was the last time she showed up to your apartment?” Lucy asked.

I looked left, then right. “You know what? You two suck right now. Don’t go cornering me over Miranda. If I needed her, she would be there. Have I asked her for anything? No. I like to keep to myself. That’s my personality. Plus, she’s the one with the busy job and she’s planning a wedding. She needs someone to vent to.”

Lucy shrugged her shoulders. “Okay. I’m leaving. Sorry I said anything.”

“Hey,” Ember said. “We’re your friends.”

I laughed. “I know. A pain in the ass and honest.”

“And we don’t steal your money,” Lucy said.

“That’s not fair to say either,” I said.

“If you say so,” Lucy said.

I hurried to the office and gathered up my stuff.

Then I made my quick pitstop to hand out some of the baked goods that didn’t sell.

Once that was done, I used my phone to get a ride to Miranda’s apartment.

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