Home > Royally Bad (Royally Wrong #1)(7)

Royally Bad (Royally Wrong #1)(7)
Author: Lee Savino

“I’ll see what I can do,” Theo says, and thanks the man again while I grin in satisfaction.

“Theo,” blondie hollers from the Maserati. “Can we go now?”

Theo ignores her, and takes my elbow, directing me to the car. The crazy attraction jumps between us again, making me almost stumble as I navigate the broken pavement to the black Escalade.

To anyone watching, he’s escorting me to the car like a gentleman, moving his hand to my back to steady me. I feel the press of his fingers outlined on my back, burning like a brand. Like it’s radioactive.

He puts his lips close to my ear. “What did I just tell you about posing for the press?”

“I didn’t send him over to you.” I whisper back, ignoring the crazy thumping in my heart. “That was all on Mr. White.” I climb into the car and glance back, hoping to see the Theo who played with those kids. The real Theo, his gaze soft and open.

Instead he looks hard, shuttered.

I gulp and take a chance. “He’s right you know. Mr. White. You did a good thing today. I’m sorry if I ruined it with the media.” And I am sorry. I thought the battle was between us and the press. Not between you and me.

He stares at me so long I almost call his name. Blondie hollers again, and he shakes himself, breaking the spell. Thank God. Any longer and his force field would pull me from the car to jump straight into his arms.

“This isn’t over,” he warns and shuts the door while I shiver at the promise and the threat.



Back at the mansion, I head to my assigned office to check my laptop. There’s an email from Mina with two words. “Mission Completed.” I smile. Mina likes using code words as she executes her hacker genius.

My phone rings. Evans.

“I just got orders from Mr. Kensington. He said he’s going to the Kid’s Olympics tomorrow?”

I grin and thank the heavens above for Mr. White. “I guess so.”

“He also asked for no extra media presence, but he says he’s going to volunteer all day.”

I fumble the phone and almost drop it. When I get it back up to my ear, Mr. Evans has continued, “—before flying out to Sweden.”

“Has he agreed to Sweden?”

“Not yet.”

“He will,” I say, and knock on the wood top of my desk. I’ll get him to agree to meet his grandmother the queen if I have to don a bikini and give Theo a lap dance.

I do not say this out loud to Evans.

“My men have been monitoring the media. Apparently, more sex tapes starring Pepper Spice have come out. She must have made one of every guy she’s ever slept with. It’s all over the celebrity news shows.”

Well done, Mina. “That should deflect the attention from Theo somewhat.”

“That’s what I’m seeing.” Evans clears his throat. “I don’t know how you did it, but keep it up. We might be able to convince the board to give him a second chance, after all.”

Four hours later, I close my laptop. I have Theo scheduled for an interview on Thursday, and released his statement asking for the press to “respect his privacy.” I’ve nudged a few friends to lean on Pepper Spice, who’s looking less and less like a credible source, and more like an opportunistic slut. I don’t like dishing out dirt to clean up a client’s image, but if Pepper is mud-slinging, the least I can do is turn the camera on her.

I’ve just finished dinner when my phone rings again.

“He’s gone,” Evans grunts.

“Again? I thought you took his keys?”

“I did. Must’ve taken the Porsche.”

“The man owns ten cars. When you take his keys, you need to take all of them.” I stalk to the window and push open the shades, as if I expect to see Theo motor down his front drive. “We leave tomorrow at eight. We don’t have time to pull him out of a bar and dry him out. We can’t delay anymore. We’re out of time.”

“I know. We’re trying to track his phone.”

I whirl from the window, rubbing my temples. My headache was gone, but I feel it coming back with a vengeance. “Could he just be at the pool with the rest of his posse?”

“He sent them home. Thought he was headed to his rooms. We’re searching the residence for him now.”

Dammit. “All right. I’ll help.” I pack up my laptop and head to my room. If I’m going to run down my client, I’m going to do it in Nikes, not Louboutins.

I growl to myself as I march down the gilded halls. “Goddamn fucking man better keep his fucking dick in his fuck god pants or I will staple them to his—” I open the door to my bedroom and halt in my tracks.

Across my bedroom, Theo grins at me.

My phone rings. I answer it.

“I think he’s still here,” Evans says, “His cell signal is still in the residence—”

“I found him,” I interrupt. “Call off your search. We’ll see you in the morning.” I hang up before Evans can ask any more questions, and I have to tell him the playboy prince is lying in my bed.






“Miss me?” Theo asks.

“Shoes off the bed,” I order, and march past him into the bathroom. With great care, I make sure not to slam the door. Then I press myself against it.

The sight of Theo, all shirtless six foot something of him—plus the ten inches he’s packing in his pants (and thankfully, he is wearing pants) is enough to make my ovaries explode.

If I survive this night without rubbing myself all over him, I will be very, very surprised.

Must. Channel. Miss. Mavery.

I open the door again, half-hoping he’s gone.

Nope. Still there, reclining on his back, biceps and triceps sleekly outlined against the bedspread as he pillows his head in his hands. He’s kicked off his shoes. Looks like he’s here to stay.

Some part of me is instantly resigned to him being here, our attraction as final and inexorable as gravity. Some part of me wants to jump his bones.

The way he’s stretched out, it’d be so easy.

He transfers his gaze from the ceiling to me, long lashes fanning across his tanned skin.

How can a man be this pretty? And rich. And smart. And famous.

It’s not fucking fair.

“So, Vesper. You gonna ask me why I’m here?”

“No,” I reply, sifting through my suitcase for the baggiest pair of yoga pants I own. Add to them a giant t-shirt proclaiming ‘I love NYC’ and my Sarah Palin/Tina Fey black framed glasses, and I have the perfect cock-blocking outfit. Not as good as a pantsuit, but it’s all I’ve got.

“I know what you’re doing,” I continue, rising with clothes in hand to kick off my heels. “You’re making my life difficult. You’ve been doing it since I set foot on your doorstep.”

“I agreed to do everything you wanted.”

“Which is why I’m not throwing you out on your ass,” I say. “You need a good night’s sleep before tomorrow, and so do I. It may as well be here, where I can keep an eye on you.”

“Is that what we’re going to do?” He raises a brow. “Sleep?”

In answer, I shut the bathroom door. I wash my face and change into my armor. After I set my glasses on my nose, I study my reflection. I have a pretty face. Not as pretty as Theo’s, but my thin build and elfin face get me enough stares on the subway. Add to that my long, thick blonde hair flowing out behind me like a golden flag, and I get more than second looks.

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