Home > Gifts for the Season(91)

Gifts for the Season(91)
Author: R.J. Scott

“Frisco doesn’t keep his opinions to himself. Trust me.…If he doesn’t like something, he’ll tell you. Loudly and often.”

“I know.” Morose, I gazed into my cup. “And yet I still worry. I don’t think he’s unhappy but…I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Let me ask you some questions now.” Presley set his cup on the table. “But first I’m going to close up for a while.”

“No, I don’t want you to have to do that.”

“For Frisco and you, I’d do anything.” He flipped the sign on the front door from OPEN to CLOSED and returned to sit by me. “Now. Has he given any indication he misses that life?”

“N-no. But he’s been so wrapped up in making Bello a success and also helping Mike with Mangia. That’s why I’m worried.”

“Have you asked him about it?”

Ashamed, I shook my head. “I’m probably overreacting but guess I’m afraid of the answer, so I ignore it. That’s the way I’ve always handled relationships.”

“That’s not smart.”

I gave him a sad smile. “Love makes people dumb. And do dumb things.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Press muttered. “But getting back to you and Frisco. Does he seem restless? Is he snappish with you?”

“No, just the opposite. On his evenings away from the restaurant, he’s more than happy to stay home and cook together. Like I said, we rarely go out, even if I suggest it.”

“So what’s the issue? I’m not seeing it.”

Miserable, I stared at my hands. “It’s me. I know it is. I’m afraid. I’ve never really been in love before. Not like this. And now it’s with a man who—”

“Is so fucking crazy about you he calls me at least once a week to ask me if he’s doing and saying the right thing. Because he doesn’t want to screw things up.”

“Really?” Shocked, my mouth hung open, and my heart pounded. “I-I had no idea.”

“Really,” Press repeated with a sweet smile. “I don’t even tease him about it because I know how important you are to him.”

I saw the flash of gold on Presley’s hand. “When you two talk, has he ever mentioned anything to you about getting married?”

Presley grimaced. “No, I’m sorry. But then again, I’ve never thought of him as the marrying kind, so I wouldn’t even think to bring it up to him.”

“And it’s what I’ve really wanted. I know it’s pretty heteronormative, but I’m that type of guy—the one who wants to celebrate anniversaries and do all those sappy things.”

“Have you asked him? God only knows the man has surprised me more than I ever thought possible this past year.

Over the past few months, I’d gone back and forth over the question. “I don’t know if he still thinks marriage isn’t for him. After all, he had such a horrible upbringing—all he knows is the worst, but I think he’s seen the best when we hang out with my family. So no, I haven’t asked him. Yet. And if I do and he says no, I’ll be all right with it. It’s just a different mindset I’ll need to get used to. Because I’m not going anywhere. I love him now, I’ll love him tomorrow, and I’ll always love him. That’s not going to change, whether we get married or not.”

Looking relieved, Presley put a hand on my shoulder. “It’s only been around a year for you two—not that long. Let Frisco get used to being in a healthy, normal relationship with someone who loves him back. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Frisco was only into the party scene because he had nothing worth waiting for him at home. He didn’t even have a home—just a place to sleep and change clothes.”

“You honestly don’t think so?” Unashamed, I grasped for any bit of comfort. I couldn’t help it. I’d been left in every other relationship, but they didn’t matter anymore. Losing Frisco would be akin to losing part of myself.

“I know so. You’re the best thing to ever happen to him. I still remember the first time he met you—he couldn’t stop thinking about you and broke his rule of ‘one and done’ over and over. You’re the only man he’s trusted enough to share the demons of his past with—something he didn’t even confide in me—and you not only stayed, you fought for him. Plus, I see how you two are together. Being with you has brought out the romantic, playful, loving side to him I knew lay beneath the surface, just waiting for the right person.”

“He’s done some incredibly loving things for me, and it should make me more confident.” Feeling better, I gave Press a hug. “Thank you. I’m going to get out of your hair and let you earn some money. Hopefully when I get home, Frisco won’t still want to murder me.”

Presley chuckled. “Well that I can’t guarantee, because leaving him with a child…I can’t imagine. It’s got to be a first for him—one he never saw coming.”

“It’s certainly been a year of firsts for me…”

And then it all clicked.

I knew what I was going to do for his Christmas present, if I could work out the logistics.

“Thanks for everything. I gotta run.”

A bit bewildered, Presley hugged me. “Okay. Have a great holiday, and how about if we get together for New Year’s Eve?”

“Perfect. We’ll call you.” Anxious to firm up my plans, I ran out of the store and pulled my phone out to call an Uber. Once in the car, I texted my brother. His response was immediate.

Dude. I love it. Whatever you need.

Smiling to myself, I hoped it would all turn out as I wished.



Chapter Three



“Uncle Frisco?”

“Yes?” I let Tina go to town on kneading the dough while keeping a careful eye on her. Even I, someone with zero interest in children, could admit she was cute as she worked hard, her tongue poked out in her little cheek as she stuck her hands into the dough.

“Do you love Uncle Torre?”

Surprised at the question, I couldn’t control my smile. “Yes. I do. Very much.”

“Like my mommy and daddy love each other?”

Where was this child heading with these questions?

“I guess so.”

“Are you gonna get married?”

Over my rapidly beating heart, I picked up the small rolling pin and set it on the island, then shaped the lump of dough.

“Let’s make a nice round ball; we have to let it rest, then decide what kind of pasta you want to make.”

“Linguine. Are you?” Those big brown eyes found mine. She sure was a true Rossi. Once they got hold of something, they didn’t let go.

“We haven’t talked about it.”

How could I explain it to a child when I didn’t understand it myself? The last thing I’d ever thought about or planned was permanency in a relationship. Or even a relationship at all. I’d known love wasn’t in the cards for me.

Until Torre.

And knowing how much family meant to him, I’d been thinking about the future more and more. Torre knew he didn’t have to worry about me leaving—Christ knows, I got the better end of this deal, and I hoped I’d made him aware exactly how much I wanted him. Needed him.

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