Home > Wild Child (Soul Sister #1)(16)

Wild Child (Soul Sister #1)(16)
Author: Audrey Carlan

“No problem. I’ll take the tequila as is.”

“You got it.” He pulled down a clear bottle of Patron Silver along with a tumbler, not a shot glass. Guess we were going whole hog tonight.

He filled the glass about one and a half fingers and passed it my way.

I took the entire thing in one go. “Another,” I requested.

Jonah’s eyes widened.

“You lucky son of a bitch.” Ryan glared at Jonah and shook his head on a chuckle.

“How you figure?” I asked wondering what the male posturing was about. It was not as if Jonah and I were together or anything. Sure, there was some attraction, but he hadn’t said or done anything overt to express his intentions. Other than moving me into his home after a hell-acious night and day. Hmm, maybe I needed to think on that a bit harder.

“If I hadn’t had my little sister’s dance recital to attend last night, I’d have been with Jonah in the car. Usually we pair up, but I couldn’t bail on family and we hadn’t gotten a lead on our guy in a solid week. Could have been me you’d met last night if I’d have gotten the call out.” He grinned salaciously and filled my cup again. This time he gave me a full two fingers, so I sipped it.

Jonah stepped right in front of his friend chest to chest and looked him dead in the face. They were about the same height. Both a couple inches over six feet if I had to guess. “Brother, don’t.”

Ryan held his hands up. “Just pointing out the obvious. No need to get your panties in a wad.” He grinned then looked over at me.

“I’m not sure I understand what’s happening here?” I entered into the fray.

“And she’s sweet too?” Ryan’s eyebrows rose up toward his hairline.

“Something you’re never gonna find out. Now how’s about you head out. You’re dressed for trolling; you better get on that before all the good ones are taken.” Jonah addressed Ryan’s dark gray slacks and burgundy button-up shirt. The sleeves were casually rolled up his forearms and I had to admit, he looked damn good. Would definitely score with the ladies if he were as smooth and forthcoming with them as he’d been with me so far.

I sucked in both my lips and turned my head to survey the living room, trying to give them a speck of privacy.

“And if I want to stay? Get to know our new houseguest a little better?” He continued to taunt Jonah and my cheeks and neck flamed so hot I shrugged off my big sweater and hung it over one of the barstool seatbacks.

Jonah’s mouth tightened into a grimace. “Russell, don’t fuck with me.” Jonah said those words through a clenched jaw and in a timber so low, I could sense there was a double meaning.

“Bro, it’s cool. I’m sorry. I was just messing with you. Teasing. Jesus. Lighten up.” He looked up at me. “Simone, you’ve got your work cut out for you.” He tugged Jonah around and put his arm over both of Jonah’s shoulders. “My boy here is intense. But he’s the best guy in the entire world. If he lets you in. Be cool, yeah?”

“Cool?” I questioned and he nodded. “Uh, sure. I can be cool.” I sipped at my tequila allowing it to burn its way down my throat and into my gut where it warmed my entire body.

“Get outta here.” Jonah shoved Ryan off and finally gifted us both a genuine smile.

“If I hook up, I won’t bring her here. Don’t wait up?” He dumped his empty bottle in the recycle bin in the corner of the kitchen near the small four-seater table.

“Be safe!” I called out last minute, not knowing what else to say.

“Safety first.” He grinned and saluted us both as he grabbed his coat and keys that were hanging over the couch.

Jonah sighed and rubbed at his eyes before grabbing my hand. There was a spark of something the second his palm touched mine. A sizzle of recognition, of familiarity. Of peace and security.

“Come on, I’ll show you where you’re going to sleep.”

I held onto his hand and followed him down the hallway. Without wanting to think about it fully, I was pretty sure I’d follow Agent Jonah Fontaine anywhere he wanted me to go.

Just as long as he held my hand.



Last night, Jonah gave up his massive king-sized, super comfy bed for me. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. Ten-thirty. A little earlier than normal, but I crashed pretty hard the second I cuddled up in his fluffy comforter. The thing was amazing. One of those down-type blankets but didn’t have those pokey feathers most of them have.

Looking around the room, I took in the masculine vibe. He had nothing on the walls except for a cityscape of the Chicago skyline over his bed. The furniture was a dark thick wood and squared off at every edge. The comforter was a pristine white which I found incredibly soothing. He swore he’d just changed the sheets two nights before, and I could still smell the strong fabric softener scent as well as the woodsy notes I’d come to associate with Jonah. Now I knew why that woodsy scent came with the fresh linens. It was his fabric softener. Still, on him it was delicious, and I wanted to burrow straight into it and never come out to the light of day.

Except, I was not the type of person to waste a perfectly good day when there was adventure and fun to be had, life to be lived.

Popping out of bed, I used the facilities, pulled my hair up into a messy bun, and brushed my teeth. My face was clear of makeup and the ribbed navy tank I wore really brought out the gray-blue of my eyes. I had on a pair of drawstring tan lounge pants that fell all the way to my toes.

I shrugged. Welp, if Jonah didn’t like the way I looked first thing in the morning, who cared? I lied to myself in order to let it all go and just move on with my plan.

Making sure to be quiet, I tiptoed into the living room and found Jonah lying with his feet stretched out across the length of the couch, wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and bare feet. He had his eyes on a game on the television with the volume turned all the way off. His dark hair had a sheen to it that suggested he’d already showered.

“You already showered?”

He turned his head and his dark gaze took in my ratty appearance from top to toe.

“Yeah. Do you always sleep this late?”

I opened my eyes wide and looked out the window seeing the sky was nice and blue and the sun was out.

“Uh, this is early for me. I work nights in a bar. I usually get off around two, help clean up until three, and then come home to eat something and then crash until around noon.”

“Noon? Wow. How many jobs do you have?”

“Three. Well, I had three. As I told you last night, I quit the diner I worked at three of the nights I don’t work at Tracks downtown. There I usually work Tuesday or Wednesday through Friday or Saturday depending on the shift.”

“And the third job?”

I smiled and made my way around the back of the couch and sat down on the comfy chair across from him. “I help out one or two days a week at Perfect Petal in Oak Park arranging flowers, cleaning up, doing the odd things that might be needed. The shop owner is Mama Kerri’s best friend and she pays me in cash under the table. I use that as my gas money for the week.”

“And you said something about a credential?”

“Usually after I wake up, I spend an hour or two on my studies online. I’m almost done. One more class and I’ll have my associate’s degree in business administration.”

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