Home > The Italian's Final Redemption(28)

The Italian's Final Redemption(28)
Author: Jackie Ashenden

   But she wasn’t just another woman and it wasn’t only sex. He’d known it wouldn’t be the moment she’d told him that she wanted him to be her first. And it certainly hadn’t felt like only sex when he’d touched her, when he’d buried himself inside her.

   There was something in the way she looked at him, the way she touched him, as if he was her white knight, a man who would save her, not lock her in a cell. A man who would protect her, keep her safe. A man she trusted...

   But he could never be those things for her. Not if he didn’t want to compromise his entire life up to this point. Justice had always been his driving force and he didn’t allow himself to be swayed or manipulated. Wouldn’t allow his emotions to be twisted or turned the way his mother had twisted and turned them. Yet somehow Lucy had done both.

   Correction. She hadn’t done it; he’d allowed it to happen. The problem was him, not her. He’d been weak. He should be burning with the holy fire of justice, not the sensual flame of desire.

   Yet that flame wouldn’t go out and now she was here, so close, offering him more of what his body so desperately wanted, and the need inside him wouldn’t be leashed.

   She was a criminal, though. She’d broken the law. She was his prisoner. She was everything he’d been fighting against and he couldn’t allow himself to have her.

   But why not? She wants you. And no one need know. You’ve told her that you won’t be kind and you won’t show mercy, and that you’re still going to hand her over to the law, so she will have no expectations. After all, you’ve already crossed the line once...

   His hands clenched tight, all the reasons for holding back suddenly seeming spurious. Maybe he was turning this into a bigger issue than it needed to be. Yes, he’d thought the night before had been about more than sex, but it didn’t need to continue like that. She wasn’t a virgin any more. And besides, it would only be for another few days and then the time limit he’d imposed would be up. He would give her over to the police and hopefully by then this madness—because it couldn’t be anything other than madness—would have left him.

   The look in her eyes from across the desk now was all challenge, an emerald glow glittering in the depths. A familiar emerald glow. It had burned bright as she’d climaxed beneath him, his name torn from her all husky and raw.

   Show me, she’d said, and so maybe he would. Maybe she needed to see what kind of man he was at heart.

   He unclenched his hands and moved around the side of his desk, approaching her slowly. She didn’t move, watching him come closer, her gaze steady. There was nothing wary or guarded about it now—she was an open book, her desire for him easily readable in her pretty face.

   The urge to take that face between his palms and kiss her, give her more gentleness, was strong, but he resisted it. He’d told her he had no mercy and so he would give her none. And if she wanted to know what that was like, then he would show her.

   ‘On your knees,’ he ordered coldly.

   She blinked, but after a moment’s hesitation she knelt on the silk rug in front of him, her head tilting back as she looked up at him. Pink tinged her cheekbones, her eyes a deep, fascinating green behind the lenses of her glasses.

   His breath caught, the ache in his groin almost overwhelming now. He reached down and took her glasses off, laying them carefully on the desk beside them.

   ‘What do you want me to do?’ she asked breathlessly.

   There was no fear either in her voice or her expression, only a sensual curiosity that made his pulse accelerate. There were so many things he could teach her, that they would both enjoy, and why not? Why not take the entire day? If he was going to do this, he might as well commit himself whole-heartedly.

   ‘I’ll tell you.’ He dropped his hands to the fastenings of his jeans and undid the button, drawing down the zip. Her gaze followed his movements, the pink in her cheeks deepening into red.

   ‘Give me your hand,’ he murmured.

   She did so without hesitation and he took it in his, guiding her fingers to him, showing her how to draw him out of his boxers and jeans, then how to hold him in her fist. Her touch was searing and it was all he could do to make himself go slowly. Because even though he had no mercy, she was still new to this and he still couldn’t bring himself to frighten her.

   ‘Now,’ he went on, his voice husky as the pressure of her fist around him sent pure electricity to every nerve-ending he had. ‘Take me in your mouth.’

   She obeyed, taking him in as if she’d been waiting her whole life to taste him, and the second the heat of her mouth encircled him he had to grit his teeth against the urge to thrust deep.

   Instead, he dropped both hands to her hair and threaded his fingers through it, guiding her mouth on him gently and showing her what to do. Encouraging her with whispered commands to use her teeth and her tongue, when to suck and when to release, teaching her the rhythm he preferred.

   She was eager and didn’t balk at anything he asked of her, the softness of her lips and her inexperienced enthusiasm somehow making it ten thousand times more erotic than what he’d had from other women.

   He watched her face, pleasure sweeping through him, making his heart race and the blood pump hard in his veins. The feeling of that vulnerable mouth on him was exquisite, something he’d never forget, and when she closed her eyes as if he was the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted, and made a soft, husky sound in the back of her throat, he knew he wasn’t going to last.

   His fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head away from him, and as he did so her eyes opened. ‘Oh,’ she breathed. ‘Did I do something wrong?’

   But he was beyond speech.

   He pulled her to her feet lifted her onto the desk and set her on top of it. Then he pulled up the hem of her dress, gathering all the green silk up to her waist, before pushing her thighs apart. He spent a breathless minute finding some protection in his wallet, ripping open the packet and rolling down the latex. Then he pulled her to the edge of the desktop and dipped a hand between her legs.

   Her eyes were very wide, the hazel gone smoky and dark with desire. And as his fingers touched her slick flesh she shuddered, gasping softly.

   She was soft and hot, and very wet, and when he positioned himself, pushing slowly inside her, she welcomed him with a sigh of satisfaction. ‘Yes,’ she murmured. ‘Oh, Vincenzo...yes...’

   And he felt that peace again. That stillness. As if he’d been in a room full of unwelcome noise and someone had shut the door, leaving him with blissful quiet.

   Nothing but heat. Nothing but pleasure. Nothing but peace.

   Her thighs closed around his waist, holding him tight inside her, and then her hands were in his hair, pulling his mouth down on hers, kissing him so sweetly, making him feel as if all of this was new to him too, new and wondrous.

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