Home > Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6)(9)

Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6)(9)
Author: Charlene Hartnady

“My father is Ares.” Maddox puts his fork down and wipes his mouth with a paper napkin.

I reach for the syrup, even though I don’t need anymore. I have to find something to do because I’m sitting across from Rage’s half-brother.

Fuck me!

I guess I can see the resemblance now that I know. It was the green eyes that put me off. That, and Maddox’s darker skin. Rage is pale with eyes like coal.

“The god of war,” Jarrod mutters. “You’re an easy-going guy for someone so closely related to Ares.”

“Don’t be fooled, he has one hell of a temper,” Raven says. “Having said that, I’ve only seen you lose it once.” She looks down at her half-eaten food and pushes away her plate.

West pushes his clean plate away, as well, taking a big gulp of his drink. “As much as I’m enjoying this riveting conversation—”

Jarrod’s phone rings. “It’s Forge,” he says, looking down at the screen. He gets up as he answers.

“Fuck!” Maddox runs a hand over his face. “I doubt it’s good news. Must be something major if he’s already found the problem.”

I frown, watching as Jarrod heads out of the diner. “We’ll have to wait and see.” I push my plate away as well. I’m not feeling hungry anymore.

Avery arrives with a plate full of omelet and a fresh coffee pot. “Where did he go?” she asks.

“He’s coming right back,” I say, touching the table so she knows where to put his plate. I move right out of her way.

Avery proceeds to fill up everyone’s coffee mugs. “Another soda?” she asks West, who nods.

She takes as many plates as she can balance and leaves.

Jarrod is back half a minute later. He smiles. “Good news! Your car isn’t as bad as we thought.”

“Really?” Maddox and Zale say in unison.

“It’s a quick fix and won’t cost much.” He shrugs.

“Fucking finally,” West says. “Something that’s actually going our way.”

“Well,” Jarrod widens his eyes, “there’s more. He doesn’t have the part he needs for the repair in stock. Your vehicle is an older model.” He winces.

Maddox pushes out a breath through his nose. “Older model is being too kind. How long before he can get the part?”

“A couple of days.”

“Fuck!” West growls. He puts up a hand. “Sorry for the French.” He’s looking to side.

I turn and see Avery. She’s holding onto a glass of soda like there’s no tomorrow, looking like she’s just seen a ghost. She pulls in a breath and nods. “No problem! I have two older brothers. I’m used to swearing. It’s just that you guys are…you’re huge. I don’t want to know how much you work out,” she says as she rushes over and deposits West’s soda in front of him.

“We’ll get the check,” I tell her.

She nods, grabbing the rest of the plates, and then she rushes off.

“Look,” Jarod turns my way for a moment, “why not stay with us while you wait for your car? I have two spare bedrooms, and Stephan lives in a huge-ass house all by himself.”

I feel both pride and embarrassment. My house is huge. It’s ridiculous! It took me so long to figure out what I wanted to do with my life that when I finally did, and started making big money right off the bat, I went a little OTT.

“Why would you help us?” West’s eyes narrow on Jarrod.

All of them are looking at us. Their eyes are clouded with uncertainty…with distrust. Even Raven. I guess I can’t blame her. I can’t blame any of them. They don’t know us at all. “Some say that Janus fathered Zeus,” I say, looking at Zale. “That would make us related. Cousins.”

He frowns. “Half-cousins.”

Raven shakes her head. “That’s not the general consensus. It’s doubtful that you’re related.”

“The gods are an incestuous bunch of sex-hungry assholes,” Jarrod says. “Chances are good there’s some crossover.”

“I agree,” I say. “Even if we aren’t related, we’re the same.”

Maddox nods once, and Barrett grunts in agreement.

“Why do you know so much about Janus?” I ask Raven. It’s not really a pertinent question, but I want to know.

Her cheeks turn red.

“For a while, Raven was convinced that she was a dragon demigod, too,” Maddox says.

West smiles. “I remember those days.” He looks at her with what I can only describe as affection. He pushes out a laugh. “You were pissed off when you got your scales.”

“Hugely pissed off.” Maddox chuckles.

Raven blushes, and I’m fucked if she doesn’t look even more beautiful.

“Let me guess,” Jarrod says, “you could shift in seconds?”

She nods. “Yep, I can shift in a split second. I am, without a doubt, a full-blooded dragon shifter. Maddox and I look very much like my mother.” She shrugs.

“That’s not entirely true.” I stick my foot in it. I shouldn’t know anything about it, since I haven’t seen their mother. Only, I do know something about it because I know Rage. I can see plenty of similarities. “I mean, you’re tall, and you’re petite.” I gesture to Raven. “You have the same eyes but different facial structures.” I’m saying too much, so I force myself to shut the hell up. “You’re welcome to crash with us while your car is being fixed.”

“It’s not like we have a choice,” West mutters.

“What he’s trying to say is, thank you, that would be much appreciated.” Maddox smiles.

“A huge help,” Raven adds.

“It would be nice to stay in a house instead of a shitty motel,” Zale says.

“Then it’s settled.” Jarrod nods.

Avery arrives with the check, which I take from her. “Pay on your way out,” she says with a smile.

“Thank you,” I tell her.

“If this arrangement is going to work, Raven and I are staying with you.” West points at Jarrod.

“Excuse me,” Raven stands, her chair scraping, “you don’t get to decide where I sleep, what I do…or how I do it.”

Definitely water under this bridge!

West seems to deflate in front of us. “Don’t say that, Raven. I’ve told you a hundred times how sorry I am. What do you want me to do to prove it to you? Just say it. Anything! You can’t keep punishing me for one mistake. It was an oversight.”

“An oversight. Are you kidding me?” She shakes her head.

“A mistake! I wish you would get over it. Forgive me so that we can move on. It’s been six months since—” His jaw tightens.

“I have forgiven you, West. And I desperately want to move on.” She looks at me. “I’ll stay with you, Stephan. West can bunk with Jarrod. I would prefer it if we were in separate—”

“That’s bullshit,” West speaks under his breath. He stands as well. All of us do as the tension mounts. “Who’s going to look after you, Raven?” He glares at me, his eyes blazing. “We don’t know these guys. Not really! I’ll be fucked if I’m letting you out of my sight.”

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