Home > How to Turn a Frog into a Prince(30)

How to Turn a Frog into a Prince(30)
Author: Bree Wolf

“Nothing.” Nathanial shrugged. “Our friendship is not based on your approval, dear Brother.” He glanced at Becca. “As I recall, you did not ask for mine, either.”

Instead of being offended, Becca laughed. “Oh, does that mean that you—?”

“It does not!” Nathanial replied like a shot fired from a pistol. Indeed, the amused spark in his sister-in-law’s gaze was rather unsettling. He could only hope she was not one to meddle in other people’s affairs. His friendship with Charlaine was the first good thing to come his way since Abigail broke off their engagement, and the thought of losing it…

…of losing her…

“Friends, then,” Zach said, a diplomatic tone in his voice. “And, no, I do not disapprove for she quite obviously does you good.” A warm smile came to his features. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you at ease like this. I assume that is her doing.”

Unable not to, Nathanial nodded. “You assume right.” And he barely managed to suppress the smile that fought to the surface.


Charlaine cast Emma a warm smile as the young woman once more reminded Daphne and Susan to show proper manners in front of the assembled guests.

The wedding breakfast had passed in a pleasing manner with happy smiles and joyous laughter, well-wishes and congratulations offered left and right. Pierce and Caroline looked happier than Charlaine had ever seen them, and whenever Daphne was not conspiring with Susan to steal another sugary treat, she often stared dreamily at Caroline in her beautiful wedding gown, a longing expression in her soft, brown eyes.

Indeed, they were a family in the making.

Charlaine could not be happier.

“Are you all right?”

Turning, she met Nathanial’s blue eyes, slightly narrowed as he looked at her with concern marking his features. “I’m fine,” Charlaine replied, surprised by the slight catch in her voice.

Nathanial’s gaze narrowed further. “You’re not,” he stated as his eyes swept her face. Then he stepped closer and she could feel his warm hand touch her elbow before he steered her off to the side, away from the loud commotion of the wedding party. “What is it?”

Charlaine swallowed. “I promised myself I would not think about them. Not today.” Tears gathered in her eyes and she turned away, trying her best to rid herself of them.

Stepping around her, Nathanial once more appeared in her line of sight…or rather the tips of his shoes did for Charlaine could not bring herself to lift her head and look at him. She would not ruin Pierce’s wedding! She would not!

Her hands wiped at her eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

“Is it your family?” Nathanial asked rather unexpectedly that Charlaine could not prevent her head from snapping up.

His lips thinned at seeing her tear-stained cheeks. “What happened?”

Charlaine shook her head. “I’ll not speak of them for I refuse to be reduced to a puddle of tears today of all days.” She inhaled a deep breath. “I’ll be fine.”

The look on Nathanial’s face spoke of disbelief, but he nodded. “Will you dance with me then?”

Staring at him, Charlaine heard a chuckle burst from her lips. “Do you mean it?” Perhaps she had misheard him. “You must admit you’ve always been rather reluctant to dance with me. Is it because you don’t like to dance or because you don’t like to dance with me?” Her brows rose teasingly, and she felt her heart grow lighter.

Nathanial looked away, but she could see the corners of his mouth arch up into a smile. “I’ve not been very fond of dancing since…” His voice trailed off and his gaze met hers.

Charlaine nodded. “Abigail was her name, wasn’t it?”


A deep sigh left Charlaine’s lips. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want you to sacrifice yourself in order to cheer me up. Don’t misunderstand me; it is extremely kind of you to offer, but I couldn’t in good conscience accept your generosity, knowing—”

“I don’t mind,” Nathanial interrupted her, and the look in his eyes told her that he was as surprised by this admission as she was. “I mean, dancing with you is…different.” A disbelieving grin came to his lips. “Everything with you is different.”

Charlaine feigned a frown. “Am I to take this as a compliment, good sir?”

His gaze sobered. “Definitely.”



Chapter Twenty-Two



A Lady Without Shoes

After glancing at the assembled guests, Charlaine slipped her arm through his and urged him out onto the terrace and then farther down into the gardens. Nathanial frowned as they disappeared around a tall-growing hedge and the voices from the house slowly grew dimmer. A small pond sat nearby, its waters undisturbed and peaceful as dragonflies hovered above its shiny surface.

“Where are we going?” he asked, wondering what she was up to. After all, with Charlaine, one never knew. “We can barely hear the music from here. I thought you wanted to dance.”

Charlaine sighed. “I simply…wanted to get away for a moment.” She turned to look at him, and her brown eyes shone like amber in the soft light of the afternoon. “Do you sometimes feel like that?”

Holding her gaze, Nathanial nodded. “More often than you think.”

“Do you feel like that right now?” Something vulnerable rested in her eyes as she spoke, and his heart warmed at the possibility that she genuinely cared for him.

Reaching for her hand, he shook his head. “I never do when I’m with you.” One corner of his mouth quirked upward. “Not even when you step on my toes.”

Her face brightened, and laughter, free and unrestrained, spilled from her lips. “I do believe that is the highest compliment any woman has ever received. You honor me, good sir.”

Nathanial smiled at her. Indeed, smiling came a lot easier to him these days. His brother had been right. Charlaine was good for him. “Shall we?”

Nodding, she stepped forward, her other hand coming to rest on his upper arm. “If you’re willing to risk it, who am I to object?”

Nathanial was about to move when he suddenly paused.

“Is something wrong?” Charlaine asked, her eyes looking up into his.

For a moment, Nathanial hesitated, too unaccustomed was the notion that had unexpectedly entered his mind. He inhaled a deep breath and then said, “Take off your shoes.”

Charlaine’s eyes grew round and her jaw dropped open.

“Don’t stare at me like that,” Nathanial rebuked her. “Simply take off your shoes. We both know you want to, and it’ll spare my toes the torture they had to endure these past few weeks.”

Shaking her head, Charlaine laughed. “You surprise me.” She stepped back, one hand still on his arm, and bent down to pull off her shoes. “I love it.”

The dainty slippers fell to the ground, and Nathanial pulled her back into his arms, strangely proud of himself. Why that was, was beyond him for he had done nothing but grant her a simple request. Still, for him, it had been a challenge, and the look in her eyes told him that she knew it as well.

And then they danced.

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