Home > Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9)(7)

Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9)(7)
Author: Laylah Roberts

“This is kind of déjà vu, huh?”

She was just staring up at him, her cheeks flushed, her lips parted.

“Only this time there’s no containers in your arms, blocking your view so how did you nearly walk into that lamp post?” he demanded.

Ease up, man. You don’t need to go all Daddy on her.

“Oh. . . umm. . .oh . . .”

“Marisol? Are you okay?” He reached out and placed his hand over her forehead. She didn’t feel warm. In fact, she was kind of cold. Another breeze worked its way up the street and she shivered.

“Where’s your coat, Mari? Gloves? Hat?”

“Umm, the sun was out so I didn’t think I needed any.”

“The sun might be out but there’s a cold breeze. Where are you from?”

“Originally? Texas. But we move around a lot. I’ve been living in California most recently.”

“That explains it.” He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her, noticing the book in her hand. “Were you reading while you were walking? Is that why you nearly hit that poor lamp post?”

“Yes.” Red filled her cheeks as she closed the book and placed it in her oversized handbag. “You should take your coat back, you’ll get cold.”

“I’m acclimatized to it. Besides, I’m a lot bigger than you. Reading while walking isn’t a very safe thing to do. What if you’d stepped off the sidewalk and in front of a car? Or if you hadn’t seen that lamp post and hit your head?”

“I often read and walk at the same time. I hardly ever get hurt.”

He didn’t like the sound of that ‘hardly ever’ part.

“I don’t want you doing that anymore, okay? You could get seriously hurt.”

She gave him a surprised look but nodded.

“Are you on your lunch break? Considering how late you worked last night, I thought you might have had the day off.” She looked tired. Pale.

He didn’t like it. At all.

“Unfortunately someone called in sick and I had to cover for them. I have to be back in an hour.”

“I was on my way to the diner. Come have lunch with me.”

“Oh, umm . . .” She looked away.

Jesus, you idiot. She obviously doesn’t want to have lunch with you.

“Or not,” he said coolly, the rejection cutting even as he tried not to let it get to him. “It’s fine. Take the jacket, I’ll come grab it from the spa on my way home.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” she whispered so quietly he almost didn’t hear her. “I just don’t have any money on me.” Her gaze was low, her shoulders slumped, her embarrassment clear.

Fuck. He needed his ass kicked.

Rejection was a trigger for him. But he didn’t need to act like an ass and make her feel ashamed or embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, Mari. I jumped to the conclusion that you didn’t want to have lunch with me. Which, even if you didn’t, I don’t need to react like an ass. Would you like to eat with me? I’m paying.”

“I couldn’t ask you to—”

“You didn’t ask, though, did you? And just so you know, I’d pay even if you did have some cash on you. My view is if a man asks a woman out to eat, then he pays.”

“Really?” She gave him a surprised look.

“I’ve got some old-fashioned manners. And views. My nana would whip my ass if I did otherwise.”

“Does she live here?”

“No, she died a few years ago now.”

“I’m so sorry.”

He could see the sincerity in her eyes. “So, lunch?” He held out his elbow to her.

“If you’re sure,” she said, but she was sliding her hand into the crook of his elbow as she said it.

“I’m definitely sure,” he said firmly as he led her towards the diner.

“Another old-fashioned gesture?” she asked, pointing to his where her hand rested on his arm.

He grinned down at her. “Nah, this is just to make sure you don’t run into any more lamp posts.”

Her mouth dropped open then to his delight she burst into laughter. “I only walk into things when I’m distracted.”

“Why, ma’am, are you saying that I’m not a distraction? I’ll have to work on my game. I’ll have you know that my ass is an excellent distraction.”

Humor twinkled in her eyes. “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t looked.”

“We’ll have to remedy that.”

He slid his arm free, immediately missing her touch. Then he strode down the footpath in front of her, putting some strut into his stride. It was worth it, to hear her laugh again. She had a sweet laugh.

He winked at a couple of older ladies strolling past. They smiled back. He turned and held his arms out as Marisol moved towards him. “How did I do?”

“Well, I didn’t walk into any lamp posts, however you’re right. Your ass is most definitely a distraction.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” he said huskily, taking her hand back in his elbow when she reached him. “So tell me, how much experience do you have with weddings?”


She gaped up at him as they reached the diner. True to his word, he showed some more of those manners by reaching out and opening the door for her.

Marisol didn’t have much experience with men. This was the first time she’d gone out for a meal with a man who wasn’t one of her aunt’s conquests. And even those meals were rare. Although she remembered Harry taking them often. Her aunt would complain, because instead of an upscale restaurant, they’d go to a family restaurant.

And he would always open the door too.

Was Linc like Harry? A decent man? She hoped he was what he seemed to be. Funny, kind, generous. But too often someone hid their true colors. She’d have to be careful.

It’s not like you’re going to get involved with him, even if that is something he wants.

“Marisol? Did I shock you into silence?” he asked as he led them towards a booth at the back.

People called out to him and he waved with a smile. Obviously, he was well liked around here, which eased something inside her. She couldn’t imagine people treating Saber or Tiger like this.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Sometimes I get caught up in what’s going on in my head.”

He raised his eyebrows as he waited for her to slide into the booth. To her shock, rather than sitting across from her he moved in beside her.

“Anything wrong?”

She carefully adjusted her sleeves, making certain to cover the bandage on her wrist. She’d figured it was the easiest way to cover the bruise. If anyone asked, she’d just tell them she’d burned it. Easier to explain than the bruise that wrapped around her wrist.

“No, of course not. What were you saying about weddings?”

Was he trying to ask her if she was married?

“Ahh, well, see I still have to get Clint and Charlie a wedding gift.”

“Isn’t their wedding tomorrow?” She gaped at him.


She couldn’t stop the startled laughter from escaping.

“Do you usually leave things to the last minute?”

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