Home > Trapped Wishes_ A Genie and Her Goon(8)

Trapped Wishes_ A Genie and Her Goon(8)
Author: B. Love

I chuckled as I fixed her a plate. “Hell nah. That wasn’t no human shit. That was some other realm shit.” Sliding the plate in front of her I asked, “Is this okay? Anything on here you don’t eat?”

Genie shrugged. “I’m sure I eat it all. It’s been so long… but this is perfect. Thank you, Nai– Hareem.”

I was glad she caught herself, because I didn’t want her calling me that in public. Outside of my family, no one else knew that I was of the Nairobi bloodline. After fixing my own plate and pouring us both some orange juice, I sat down next to her at the island. We ate in silence, mainly because there was so much on my mind.

Lovie was on my heart, too. I was missing my baby like crazy. We still hadn’t found the witness. A nigga had court in the morning, and I wanted those bullshit charges to be dropped immediately. And then there was Genie. She came out of nowhere, and now, I felt like I had to protect her even though she wanted to serve me. Plus, I couldn’t deny how much I was feeling her. No matter how I tried to fight it… I felt something deep for her.

In the pit of me.

In the pit of me… that belonged to her.

It went beyond attraction and attachment. I was falling for this girl… hard as fuck, too.

The quicker I did these bullshit ass wishes so she could gone about her business the better. I couldn’t risk falling for her or anyone else.

“I think that was exactly what I needed to regain my full strength,” Genie shared, hopping down from her seat with a wide smile. “What would you like your first wish to be?”

Releasing an exhale, I wiped my mouth and thought over her question. Didn’t take me long to say, “I want enough money to make sure my bloodline will always be straight financially. Make me a billionaire. But not the flashy kind. Let the money come to me in secret. And don’t let it change me. Just let it be there for my family, I don’t even have to touch it.”

Her smile was warm. Eyes bright and watery. “Very noble first wish. Your wish is my command.”

Genie rubbed her hands together, then she lifted the left one to her mouth. Palm open, she blew in my direction, and pink and purple smoke headed in my direction. It went up my nose, causing me to shiver as a chill went through my spine.


She sat back down and took a sip of her orange juice.

“Just like that?”

Genie smiled and nodded. “Just like that.”

“How do I know it’s real?”

“Check your email.”

I grabbed my phone and checked my email. There were several emails popping up one after another with confirmations of deposits into several offshore accounts, stocks and bonds, real estate investments through a company named after Lovie, and businesses that she’d apparently made me a silent investor of. She slid a black folder in my direction that wasn’t there before and told me all of the information was inside of it as well along with instructions on how to access safety deposit boxes at banks all over Essence.

“Also, there’s that.” She pointed behind me, and the entire back wall of the kitchen was stacked with money. “There’s a million there. Unmarked money. You can use it how you want with no worries.” As I looked back at her she asked with a smirk, “Do you believe now?”

Speechless, all I could do was nod my head. I was a whole billionaire thanks to her, but I had absolutely no desire to spend any of the money. Meaning what I said, this was basically for security. I could rest a little easier now knowing that my baby and her babies and their babies would always be straight. And I was going to get Lovie into business investing as soon as I could so she could flip this shit and make even more.

Standing, I walked over to the money and began to flip through the stacks one by one. “I ain’t got nowhere to put this shit.”

“I’ve already taken care of that. The beautiful black bookshelf in your living room has a fireproof safe behind it. When you’re ready for me to, I can store it for you there.”

Genie had literally thought of everything. All that came out of my mouth was, “Thanks. I’m sorry. I don’t even know what to say.” Chuckling softly, I walked back over to her and pulled her into my arms. She melted against me, releasing a satisfied sigh.

“You’re more than welcome, Hareem.”

Pulling myself away from her, I stared into her silver eyes. I wanted to kiss her. Bad as hell. But I couldn’t. We’d agreed that what happened last night wouldn’t happen again. Yes, it was the best sex I’d ever had, but it went beyond that. What we experienced… I’d never felt with any other woman before. And I knew if we got physical right now… it would only increase. It would be spiritual. Couldn’t risk that – no matter how much I wanted her.

Clutching her stomach, Genie doubled over. Instinctively, I grabbed her arms. “You good?”

“Eh. Do you… need anything else right now?”

“No. What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, but I really, really need to go back into my lamp.”

“What? Wh–” Before I could even ask why, she was running out of the kitchen holding her ass. As I laughed, she yelled for me to shut up.

“You try eating human food after two hundred years and see what happens!”

That only made me laugh harder. Her silly ass could have easily used one of my bathrooms, but I guess she wasn’t comfortable enough to do something like that yet. With a shake of my head, I began to clear off the island as I waited for her to handle her business.


Even the thought of her shitting in a lamp was cute to me.

Type of crazy ass shit was that?



When I came back out of my lamp, Hareem was stretched out on the couch asleep. There was no way in hell I was going to poop in his home. We were not that close yet. Probably would never be. He was one wish in, and now that he realized this was serious, I was sure the next two would come soon.

As I placed the blanket over him, I couldn’t help but take in how beautiful he was. There was no denying how much I liked him or the love that was blooming within me for him. But I also knew that there would never be anything real between us.

Releasing a sigh, I looked around the living room. I didn’t want to go back into my lamp just yet, so I figured I would go to my room and watch some TV. Before heading that way, I took the time to really take in Hareem’s décor. It was simple, dark, and masculine, but the pictures on the wall added a dose of love that softened the place up. There was a picture of him and a pregnant lady kissing, and right underneath it, was a picture of him holding a little girl.

I couldn’t help but assume that was the mother of his child. A part of me wanted to know where she was, but I couldn’t pull myself to ask. I walked over to the collage of pictures on the wall. The longer I stared at the picture of him and the woman kissing, the more possessive of him I felt. Before we had sex last night, I didn’t bother asking if he was attached to anyone. I just assumed he wasn’t, but I shouldn’t have done that.

Just because he didn’t want to be in love didn’t mean he wasn’t in a relationship.

“She was beautiful, huh?”

Jumping at the sound of his voice, I turned and faced him as I chuckled nervously.

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