Home > Rhone's Rebel(33)

Rhone's Rebel(33)
Author: TL Travis

She hugged me again. “I’ve got this, baby.” She took his phone and went outside to make the calls. The TVs in the waiting area were tuned into the local news channels, all coverage focused on the shooting spree these assholes went on tonight.

When Mom came back in, she wasn’t alone. Chase, David and Seltzer were all with her. My guys. I could always count on them in a time of need. Through thick and thin, these guys were there. As soon as they saw me, they converged as one. A brotherly group hug, letting me know they were here for me. However I needed them to be.

“What the hell happened?” Seltzer asked.

I pointed at the nearest television. “That’s what happened. We were coming out of the Bellagio when those idiots drove by. Shooting at everyone they saw. I couldn’t get—” I needed to be strong, yet strength was the was one thing I was lacking most right now. “I couldn’t get Ely out of the way in time.”

“I called Easton on the drive over,” Chase told me. “He said he had some strings he could pull and would get back to us as soon as he had something concrete. And that included informing hospital security that we were here. There was already a crowd gathering, guess someone in this room posted pictures of you on social media.”

“That man is a god, I swear. I don’t know how he does it but I’m thankful as fuck he does. I’ll never complain about what we’re paying him,” I said. “Can you guys take care of getting the pics pulled off the sites?”

“Easton said he’s already on that too,” Chase added.

I nodded, sinking back inside the pit of doom that was currently my life. In no time, the crowd in the waiting room had more than doubled. A guard escorted my mother over to us, “Gentlemen, I’m the hospital security manager, Joseph Leighton. I think it’s best if we get you into a private room while you wait.”

Security tightened around the waiting area as we made our way through the path they had created, blocking the crowd for us. Shamelessly, people took photos as we passed them. I would never invade another person’s privacy that way. We are humans just like they are and I’m sure they wouldn’t want us snapping shots of them at their worst moments. Who does that kind of shit?

“In here gentlemen, and Mrs. Horne,” Joseph said, opening the door to the staff lounge area for us. “I’ll let the hospital administrator and trauma doctor know where you are. They’ll be in as soon as they have an update.”

“Could you let Jordan Wright and another guy named Leo…” Note to self, find out Leo’s last name. “Know too?”

“Leo Gonzales,” Mom supplied.

“Thanks, could you have someone bring them back when they get here please?” I asked Joseph.

“Will do, sir.”

Not long after Joseph left, two police officers came in. “Rhone Horne?” one of them asked. I gave a slight wave, not having the energy to do much more. “I’m Officer Fuentes and this is my partner Officer De Lisle. May we speak with you in private?”

Glancing around the room, every face present were family to me and Ely. All staring at me with the same worries I had for Ely. “Here is fine, this is our family and anything you say to me I’ll only tell them as soon as you leave. Might as well save us both the trouble by staying put,” I replied.

“Understood,” Officer Fuentes said. “We need to get a statement from you regarding tonight’s incident. Please tell us where you were and what took place.”

Mom moved to my side, taking my hand in hers, giving me strength through our connection. I recounted the events from the time the security guard at the Bellagio asked us to step back inside until Ely was wheeled away by the hospital staff.

“Well need to speak to Mr. Pearcy when he’s alert, and get his statement as well,” Officer De Lisle said.

“Understood. Do you have a card you can leave so we can call you when that happens?” My mom asked him. They both handed us their cards.

“Hey, were those guys caught?” Seltzer asked them.

“We’re not at liberty to share the details of the impending investigation, but they were apprehended a short time ago. I’m sure it will be all over the media soon enough,” Officer Fuentes said.

Details? The love of my life was fighting for his own right now due to these jackasses. Would they even show an ounce of remorse? Did they know what damage they’d caused? How many people they’d injured or killed? Fuck, what if Ely didn’t make it? Looking down at my hands, I wanted to shout that at the cops, scream at the top of my lungs berating them for their evasiveness. But that would benefit no one. Least of all, Ely.

“Could one of you see if they have some scrubs I could change into?” I asked the group after the police left. Ely’s blood covered my suit. My once white shirt was now an angry shade of red. Knowing it was Ely’s blood forced the ill-fated bile to rise.

“Someone grab that trash can!” My mom yelled, pointing to wherever she must’ve seen one. Her hand, gently rubbings circles on my back as she had when I was a child in need of her motherly love.

“Fuck Mom,” I blurted out, puking just as the can was in sight. A nurse came in, carrying some scrubs with Seltzer behind her.

“Oh my,” she said, taking in my appearance. “Mom?” She turned, questioning my mom.

“Yes,” Mom replied, “please call me Katy.”

“Katy, what do you say we get your son…” she paused.

“Rhone,” Mom filled in the blank.

“Let’s escort Rhone to the staff locker room so he can shower and change. I’m Beverly by the way.”

“Thank you, Beverly. I think that’s a good idea,” Mom said to her. “You boys wait here in case Jordan, Leo, or the doctor show up.”

Beverly led us to the men’s locker room, just down the hall, handing me a towel as we entered. “Rhone, we’ll be right outside the door if you need us. There should be shampoo and body wash in there, feel free to use it.” I nodded, having momentarily lost my words.

On autopilot, I stripped then adjusted the water and stood there, letting the warmth seep into my weary bones. My forehead, resting against the tile wall, seemingly holding me up. The blood on my hands, circled the drain as the water washed it away. I couldn’t fight the tears the sight of Ely’s blood drew. I can’t lose him. I’d known him such a short while, but he already meant the world to me. He’d been through so much in his short life. He did not deserve this. He deserved to be loved, to be cherished. I vowed right then and there to be the one to give him everything. To be the one to shower him with the love and affection he believed he wasn’t worthy of. I wanted to be the one he turned to in a time of need, knowing he could always rely on me. The one who made him smile and kissed him with morning breath.

Knock, knock, knock. “Rhone, honey, is everything okay?” my mother asked, peeking inside.

“Yeah Mom, just um, just give me a minute.”

“Okay, love.”

The stains would never come out of my clothes and to be quite honest, I’d never look at them the same again. Wearing this suit again was not an option, even if it was cleaned. I’d forever be haunted by this night if I even tried. As I passed the trash bin, I tossed it in, covering my shoes with the booties Beverly had the foresight to provide with the scrubs. I grabbed my wallet, phone and Ely’s stuff and headed back out.

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