Home > Rhone's Rebel(38)

Rhone's Rebel(38)
Author: TL Travis

“Guys,” I said, hugging Seltzer, David then Chase. “Thank you, seriously.” I was tearing up, here I thought I had that emotional shit tucked away and here it was knocking at the door again. Hopefully I’d have better control after a good night’s sleep.

“It’s all good man, you’d do the same if it was the other way around,” Seltzer said, keeping me from making a fool of myself. He always had a way of grounding me. I supposed that went along with being friends as long as we have been.

“Dude, I have to ask,” Chase said. “How’d you know Ely was the one? I mean I can see it in your face, and in your actions, but still I wonder.”

“Shit.” I took a seat on the barstool beside him. “It’s hard to explain but the first time I met him, well as you know I pissed him off.” they laughed. Mom stood nearby in the kitchen stirring something but listening in. Sikes and Snipes were sitting at the table behind us. “That fire he had. It was like he nailed my heart with it. The way he shot back, defending his own honor. Those beautiful blue eyes, so sensitive yet determined. Then the first time I saw his vulnerability surface, I knew right then and there I’d do anything to protect him because he’d already worked his magic on me. When we’re apart, I miss him so damn much. When something great happens, he’s the first person I want to tell. He’s in my every waking thought. Ely’s my world.” I looked up, locking eyes with my mom. “He’s the one.” She nodded. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. I knew she’d be the one person in the world who would understand all of that having felt the same way about my dad.

“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard,” Jordan cooed. I turned to face him, Ely was standing right beside him. Had he heard everything I said?

Slowly he walked toward me, with each step the intensity in his eyes deepened. Sitting, I was the perfect height, eye to eye with Ely.

“I love you, Rhone,” he confessed in front of everyone. Not that they hadn’t heard us say it in the hospital. But this time felt different, it felt real. It wasn’t Ely saying it just after I did. He said it of his own free will with no prodding. When his lips met mine, it was like we’d sealed the deal. The reality of it set in and we both felt it and knew that this was right, what was happening between us. The slight nod he gave me as we parted said more than words could have.

“And the cherry on the Rockstar sundae is we now have a chef to travel with us on road trips,” Chase said. “Our own little chef.”

“You’re lucky Ratatouille is one of my Disney favorites, Chase,” Ely half-ass protested, calling Chase out for his use of Linguini’s nickname for Remy from the movie.

Jordan moved to the other side of the island, he and mom finished whatever it was he had made for us to eat. It smelled fantastic. “What are you guys talking about?” Jordan asked.

Oh shit, I forgot he was still Ely’s boss. “Nothing really,” Ely said. “Easton told their insurance company I worked for Masterson so I could be covered on their policy.”

“Ely,” Jordan said. “I’m not foolish enough to think you’re gonna keep working for me after you graduate. And after the speech that man of yours just gave it will be hell on both of you while he’s on the road with you back here. You’d be a fool not to take the job if Easton officially offers it to you.” Wow, I didn’t know if I was more surprised by Jordan’s declaration or the exchanged glances of longing, albeit brief, that I’d just witnessed between him and David. Why did I feel like I was missing something here?

“Well, nothings official,” Ely said. “Honestly, I was in and out of the conversations going on around me, so I don’t really know any of the details.” Jordan yawned. “Do you have my meds, Rhone?”

“Yeah babe, you okay?” I moved so he could take my seat and grabbed the bag they’d sent home with us from the hospital. The on-site pharmacy filled the prescriptions before we left which was nice. I didn’t have to leave Ely to go back out and get them.

“Just a little sore from walking,” Ely touched his side and winced. Jordan served Ely first so he could take his meds while I got him a glass of water.

I guided him over to the table, taking a seat in the chair beside Ely, handing him his pills just as Jordan sat a plate down for me. “Thank you. This smells great.”

“I know this one’s love for all things cheese,” Jordan said, pointing the spoon he had at Ely. “So I thought a chicken alfredo was the right way to go for dinner tonight. There’s salad and garlic bread too.” David got up to help him pass out the plates. I snagged a couple pieces of bread, setting one on Ely’s plate before sending the basket on down the line. Chase passed around the salad bowl as we filled our plates to the brim, stuffing our guts like it was our last meal. If Jordan’s food was this good, I couldn’t wait to taste Ely’s creations.

Conversation was minimal as our belts reached the breaking point. By the time we finished eating, Ely was damn near passed out face first into his empty plate.

“Hey guys, I’m gonna get Ely to bed. Could you help Jordan clean up?”

“On it,” David was the first to say, I shook my head. Definitely needed to dig more into that at a later time.

Leo and Jordan had hung up Ely’s outfits and put everything else away in the dresser. I smiled, seeing his things there. They had brought lounge pants, a t-shirt and clogs for him to slip into for the ride home. He was comfortable enough in that so once he took off his shoes, I tucked him into bed.

“I’m never gonna let you go, Ely.”

“I still don’t understand why you chose me,” He groggily replied.

“Ely, I need you as much as you need me.”

“You n-need me?” he stuttered.

“Yes, my love. I need you like I need the air to breathe. Like I need the music flowing through my veins, giving me life. I love you, Ely,” I told him.

Ely was softly snoring in no time. When I returned to the kitchen to help out, it was empty. No bodies. No dishes. “Where’d everyone go?” I asked Mom who was setting the coffee pot for the morning. “Mom you really should invest in a Keurig.”

“I have my system and you have yours,” she replied, as she did each time I brought it up. “They all went home. The guards said they would be taking turns checking on everything. Said they’ve seen far too many cars drive slowly past the house for their liking.”

“Mom, I think you and I need to sit down soon and figure some things out. With ETF taking off, things are changing for both of us whether we like it or not. I’m not too comfortable moving out and leaving you here by yourself.” That discomfort was intensifying with each passing day. The growing anxiety it created was reaching the breaking point.

“This is our home, Rhone. Your dad and I bought this house together, to raise you in,” she protested.

“And you did Mom, now it’s my turn to take care of you. It’s time to let another young couple have it to raise their family in,” I said, hoping she’d at least think about it. I get it, it’s like her last piece of Dad is in this house. “You’ll always have me, Mom.”

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