Home > Rhone's Rebel(45)

Rhone's Rebel(45)
Author: TL Travis

“Easton,” I whispered, calling him over. “We’ve been at this for two hours. I need to get Ely home,” I said, bobbing my head in his direction.

“Good call,” Easton walked over to Sikes, letting him know it was time to call it a night. The guys from Social Sinners surprised us when they took the seats after us. The fans still waiting in line were in for a treat. We finished signing for those in front of all three band tables, waved to the rest and headed out to the waiting car. Ely was fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow when we got home.

The show the next night went off much the same, only this time the fans lining up afterward doubled in size. Seems Social’s kind gesture flooded the social media outlets so everyone in town expected to see them here. They weren’t ones to let the fans down and true to form they stayed until everyone received an autograph. Good thing they were there since the first band— what’s really sad was I can’t remember their name— got into it with each other and disbanded right then and there leaving a vacant table.

For the first time in damn, I don’t know how long, Mom was having Christmas dinner at her place. Most family gatherings happened at Uncle Tony’s, but I think with Ely in the picture Mom felt a nostalgic need to start doing her own thing. I knew they would hit it off, Mom and Ely. The way she went all mama bear on him had my heart doing crazy things. She was as protective of him as I was.

Ely told Mom he would bring the pies when we went over to help her decorate her tree. Not sure if he wasn’t a fan of the whole Costco thing or what but either way Mom was happy to hear it. He and I spent Christmas eve day, and well into the night in the kitchen baking them. He’d made his own playlist on my iPod which was currently playing Christmas tunes in the background as he flitted around the kitchen in his Grinch lounge pants and matching shirt. The Christmas tree was lit with lots of packages beneath it in view of the front window. I loved pulling up in the driveway, seeing the colorful lights on display. Ely had insisted we set it on a timer so it came on just after sunset each night and shut off at midnight. Although today, he wanted it on while we baked. This baking scene was new territory for me so I opted to be the clean-up crew. It felt safer for the pies that way.

I was in basketball shorts and a tank top, free balling it while watching my gorgeous boyfriend dance around the kitchen. This left me with no way to hide the boner I was sporting. Since that time in the tub, Ely had taken to ‘practicing’ on me as often as he could. I do have to say he’s excelled at the fine art of blowjobs. Now with his hips sensually swaying, that tight little ass bobbing away, the added visual of his lips wrapped around my cock had me hard as a fucking rock.

“Ely,” I said, rubbing my front against his back. “I can’t take much more of this torture. Sexy baking is not for those lacking self-control.” I nibbled his neck, reaching around the front of his pants.

“No jerking off the chef when he’s cooking,” Seltzer announced, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. “I don’t want anyone’s jizz in my food.”

Ely gasped, I shook my head. “You’re not getting any of these pies, they’re going to my mom’s house so ha,” I said, like a defiant two-year-old. Seltzer was headed to his parents for Christmas dinner so he wouldn’t be enjoying them with us.

“Do you really want your mom to eat them then?” Seltzer countered.

“Okay children,” Ely said. “there’s no need to be catty. Besides, I made Seltzer his own pie.”

“Ha-ha-ha, in your face!” Seltzer told me. His laughter echoed through the house as he ran back upstairs. The Bastard.

“You made him a pie?” I whined, back to grinding against Ely.

“He asked if I would and he paid for the ingredients,” Ely said, cutting perfectly aligned slits in the top of the pie crusts. “There, now they’re ready to bake.” He slid them in the pre-heated oven, set the timer then turned in my arms. “Do you want to open one present each tonight?”

“Hell yeah I do,” I grabbed his hand, practically dragged him over to the tree. “Let’s each pick out one for the other to open, okay?”


We picked through the packages, each looking for just the right one. As soon as they were in hand, we jumped on the couch like two kids on Christmas morning and exchanged them.

“One,” I began the count.

“Two,” Ely followed.

“Three!” we both shouted, ripping into the wrapping like it was on fire.

“Oh my God.” Ely laughed, holding up the Ratatouille pajamas I got for him. Remy, the rat was even wearing his little chef hat. “I love these, thank you.” He leaned over, kissing me.

“Ely, this is seriously cool,” I said, checking out the custom iPad case he had made for me with our band logo on it. “Thanks babe.” I ran upstairs, in search of my naked iPad then ran back down, sliding it into its new protective covering. Why I didn’t do it while I was up there, I couldn’t tell you.

Ely and I fell asleep to the sounds of the Christmas music he insisted keep playing. I didn’t mind, it made him happy and that was what mattered most to me. I woke the next morning to a giddy little blond-haired sprite bouncing excitedly on the bed beside me.

“Merry Christmas, Rhone. Wake up!” I continued pretending like I was sleeping, even throwing in a couple loud snores for effect. “Rhone, come on,” Ely begged, shaking me.

“Huh, what? What’s up?” I asked, acting like I didn’t know what was going on.

“You know what. It’s Christmas!” he announced, waving his arms frantically through the air as though it was about to go away forever.

“Merry Christmas, baby,” I said, pinning him beneath me. The sound of his laughter rang out as I tickled his neck with the scruff on my overgrown face. His giggles were something I’d one day record, to play whenever we were apart. Hell, that would make for a killer ringtone along with him saying I love you to me. Two things that brought me more joy than any amount of money could buy.

“Uncle,” he scream-giggled. “Uncle!”

“You win.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “Let me piss and we can head downstairs.”

He sat up on his knees, placing his hands on his hips. “That kind of talk isn’t very Christmassy.”

“I’ll give you Christmassy,” I hollered back from inside the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up and when I came back out to throw him over my shoulder and haul him downstairs, Ely was nowhere in sight.

The Christmas music wafted up as the smell of coffee filled the open space. Ely was currently belting out the lyrics to “Here Comes Santa Claus” as I snuck up behind him. He was prepping some sort of pastry for breakfast. Having a boyfriend who was a chef would definitely warrant adding a home gym. Otherwise they’d be rolling me in behind my kit on a dolly each time I needed to play.

“Mmm, what’s for breakfast?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Chocolate croissants,” Ely said.

“If you’re ever dumb enough to dump him, I’m staking my claim,” Seltzer announced.

“Never gonna let him go,” I replied, wanting Seltzer to hear but my words were meant for Ely’s ears. Ely turned his head, kissing me.

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