Home > Yours (Beautiful Sinner Series #4)(8)

Yours (Beautiful Sinner Series #4)(8)
Author: Elena M. Reyes


SHE’S GLORIOUS IN her indignation.

Beautiful and majestic while placing the file down atop Malcolm’s desk with more force than necessary while glaring at me. So sexy in her anger. There’s something about her that’s gotten under my skin, and the more I see of her sweet lips and dangerous eyes, the more I want.

To taste. To bite. To bend her over and show her how good it could be.

Every instinct within me fights to bring her closer, to not question the why, but I hold my stance with a stoic expression on my face. Her every action draws me in, and the dare in her eyes fuels a fire I’ve never experienced before.

I’m not one to date and have never given a single fuck about settling down.

Not in this life. Not when your next day is never guaranteed and leaving a family behind is irresponsible. So I’ve kept to myself and when the need arose, I found a willing woman who understood the no-questions-asked and no-repeats rule.

Moreover, I’ve seen it before in my family when Alejandro’s father was incarcerated for being an honest man. Women and kids suffer. Most end up repeating the cycle because that’s all they’ll ever know. Because they’ll always be the product of what society deems to be scum.

I’ll make an exception for her, though. That thought has been running through my mind since our little exchange earlier in the day.

“Will that be all, boss?” It leaves her on a sneer directed at me, and I bite back a smirk.

“Yes.” Asher’s eyes are on me, watching my reactions, while I continue to ignore anything but her. “Just make sure we’re not disturbed. You can head out whenever you want.”

“Wish I could, but I’m meeting someone for dinner nearby. It would be a waste of time to drive—”


“None of your concern, Mr. Lucas. Remember that.” The glare is gone, and the sass is back. It’s there in the swing of her hips as she passes by my chair on her way out and then the quick look of triumph when I reach out and stop her, my grip of her wrist firm. “Is there something you need?”

“There is.” I rub my thumb along the veins of her wrist, enjoying the tiny little flutters at the pulse point. The softness that overtakes her features and an almost inaudible sigh that makes me swallow back the demand to submit and clear her calendar. Not yet. Not here. “Do you have regular milk for the coffee? Could you get some for me?”

“I’m not your—”

“Play nice, Mariah.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell our boss to fuck off, but I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “He’s new and valuable.”

“My pleasantries will cost extra.”

“I’ll remember that.” She doesn’t pull her hand away from me during their exchange. Instead, I notice the small step in my direction. The leaning of her hip. “We do have milk, Javier. Is two percent okay?”

“That would be fine.”

“Then I’ll be right back.”

Neither of us moves until a throat clears and our heads turn toward an amused CEO. “Was that for today’s coffee or tomorrow’s?”

“My apologies.” Reluctantly, I release my hold and she nods, giving me a quick smile before exiting. There was no mention of the milk I requested or if she’d be back, but I watch that door, hoping to catch another glimpse of the little demon.

“You know…” Malcolm begins, and I tilt my head so he knows I’m listening “…I thought this would be a mistake and I’d kill you before the week was over.”

“That’s a funny assumption.”

“The dead part?”

“The part where you think I’d go down easily.”

“I don’t underestimate you, Javier. That’s where it becomes dangerous for you.” At those words, I shift my attention to him and arch a brow. “Your heart is black, and I hired you for that quality, but watching my cousin run you around will be the highlight of my days. Just don’t let it interfere with work. You do, and the consequences won’t be agreeable.”


“Good.” He waves a hand in the air. “Now, go get your milk because she’s not coming back.”

“Not necessary.” Picking up my lukewarm cup of coffee, I bring it to my lips and take a large sip. “I take it black and without sugar. That was just to annoy her.”

“She’s not a wilting flower. Her bark is darker than her bite.”

“I’m counting on that.”


The first thing I notice as I exit Malcolm’s office a few hours later is the lack of movement. No one’s here. No noise. Nothing but the sweet lingering scent of her perfume and the temptation it causes.

It pulls me in the direction of her desk where it’s stronger, where I can almost feel Mariah’s fire surround me, and I sit in her chair.

A little creepy? Maybe.

Do I care? Not one bit.

The first thing I take notice of is how organized—uncluttered—her items are. Not so much as a pen is out of place and I remedy that by repaying the little beauty for making me hard all afternoon.

For each time she walked into his office with a file.

For each time she brushed past my arm, extending herself while placing an item down in front of him.

My muñeca could’ve walked around but chose not to. So I’m choosing to do this.

I pull out a pen with my name monogrammed and leave it in her holder. Then, I take hers. All ten of them. A simple switch that will annoy her, and so will the flipping of file placements.

What’s on the left will move to the right and vice versa.

“She’s going to kill you.”

“More than likely.” I’m scribbling a note for her to find before standing from her seat and facing an amused Malcolm. “I’m not afraid.”

“Don’t say I never gave you fair warning. I think I’ve more than done that today.”

“Understood.” Patting my pocket with her pens, I smirk. “Now, have a good evening.”

The elevator’s already waiting when I press the arrow down, and as I step through, my phone rings. It stops at the third ping and then starts again once I press the button for the lobby.

Not many people have this number, so I pull it out and answer without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”

“Mijo!” Mom’s excited voice comes through the line, wind rustling on her side. “How are you? Are you eating okay?”

“I’m good. Can’t complain too much.” The large metal doors close and the metal box begins to descend as I lean back. “I’m pretty settled in now and I’ve made the necessary moves. Have you thought about my proposal?”

“Not interested.”

“Think of it as a mini-vacation.” I want her out of the country for a few months. “Just enough time for you to relax, maybe cook me a meal or two—”

“I know what you’re doing, and it’s unnecessary.” There’s a hint of annoyance in her tone, that motherly don’t-argue-with-me-on-this that almost makes me laugh, but I rein it in. If I go that route, I’ll lose. Ida Lucas is the most stubborn woman I know. “Besides, I’m staying with your aunt Sara for now. Alejandro picked me up yesterday against my will.”

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