Home > Prince of Stone (Imperia #1)(32)

Prince of Stone (Imperia #1)(32)
Author: Gena Showalter

“’Tis enough!” Narrowed gaze locked on Nick, Jorlan advanced.

* * *

I WILL RIP Nick’s tongue out!

A wild mix of emotion pummeled Jorlan. Disappointment. Fury. Even fear. Katie and her brother spoke so blithely of her marriage to another man, and Jorlan did not like it!

He did not believe her capable of making love with one man while being promised to another, yet the knowledge made no difference to his fury.

He would allow no other man to touch her. She belonged to him, and he belonged to her. He would not share!

Jorlan had almost reached Katie’s brother, his intent to pulverize shining brightly in his eyes.

To his surprise, Nick grinned and held up his hands in a sign of surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ve changed my mind about the other guy. You’re perfect for our Kit Kat. Honest. My buddy pales in comparison.”

Jorlan stilled. Nick’s retraction mollified him somewhat, yet it wasn’t the reason he’d stopped. A startling revelation stabbed him. He did not simply lust for Katie, and he did not need her simply because she had the power to save him. No. He…cared for her. He cared deeply for her.

They’d shared painful moments from their pasts. They’d kissed and touched. He’d watched her writhe with pleasure and break apart as she came. Now he was under her spell.

The knowledge blistered him, but all he could do was curse his own stupidity. Why had he allowed himself to care about this woman? Had he learned nothing from Maylyn?

At least he hadn’t been foolish enough to fall in love with Katie—yet. From now on, he needed to be more careful. He could still fight to win her heart, but he had to also guard his own. Unless…

Before, he’d considered taking her home to Imperia with him. He’d discarded the idea but for the life of him he could not remember what his reasons had been.

What if he did it? What if he wed her and took her to his homeland? He wouldn’t break her heart when he left, so he wouldn’t have to live with a lifetime of guilt. He could make love to her again and again, could watch her reach her peak again and again. When they tired of each other—everyone always tired of each other at some point—he could return her to Earth.

You will willingly part with your wife?

Of course! He could not imagine being this possessive for the rest of eternity.

Jorlan grinned, his good humor restored.

Katie gave him a strange look.

Nick settled in a stool on the other side of the speckled counter. “You do anything besides modeling, Jordie? Like security work? Or military intelligence? I swear you’ve got the same guarded look in your eyes that Gray and Erik have.”

“You do not get to call him Jordie,” Katie said, and he grinned again.

She is as possessive of me as I am of her.

“Who is this Erik?” he demanded, his fury bursting forth anew.

Katie slapped him on the shoulder. “Your jealous fits are cute and all, but Erik is my brother.”

Another one? “Just how many brothers do you have?”

“Five in total. Four are scattered across Texas, and one lives in New Orleans.”

“Well?” Nick interjected, obviously not liking that his question had been ignored. “How did you guys meet?”

He looked to Katie. So far, she’d kept her answers vague, always misleading Nick away from the truth.

She nibbled on her bottom lip before saying, “I needed a handyman, and he fit the bill. He agreed to be my temporary employee.”

“You’re paying him to work for you?” Her brother tsked under his tongue. “What else are you paying for?”

Katie slapped her brother’s shoulder this time. Unlike Jorlan, who had given no reaction, Nick winced.


“Say another word along those lines,” she snarled, “and I will personally kick your ass into next week.”

Jorlan grinned, glad such threats were not reserved for him alone.

“You owe me another quarter.” Nick’s brown eyes glistened mischievously. “I have a feeling I’m going to leave here a rich man.”

Katie punched him in the same spot she’d slapped him. “You’re not getting any money from me. You earned your curse.”

Enjoying their easy banter and amusing byplay, Jorlan settled against the wall, getting comfortable. Although, a twinge of regret and homesickness did wash through him. Regret because he’d never thought to tease his half-sister in such a way.

Corrine was his father’s first and only child with the first queen, the woman he’d wed before Jorlan’s mother, Alana. When the first queen died and Alana had moved in, Corrine had been only two. Nannies had raised her, Alana wanting nothing to do with her. As she’d grown older, Jorlan and Percen had followed their mother’s lead, a great shame to him now.

Corrine had grown to be skittish of everyone, especially men.

If Jorlan could go back, he would shower her with affection and teasing.

“Jorlan?” Katie asked.

Both siblings were regarding him expectantly. He must have missed some of the conversation. “I am staying in Katie’s house,” he said, hoping that answered whatever question had been placed before him.

Katie’s jaw dropped.

Nick lost his grin. “That’s good to know. But for the third time, are you up for pool later? After work, of course. We certainly wouldn’t want to piss off the dragon lady.”

Why could these people not speak plainly? Jorlan recognized all of the words Nick had used, but not their meaning when strung together. Up for pool? Dragon lady? However, he knew enough to deuce an invitation had been issued. “I thank you for the offer, yet I must decline. What time I have left on your world will be spent with Katie.”

Nick’s gaze sharpened. “You’re going back to wherever you’re from?”

“Aye.” He gave a single nod. “Soon.”

“How soon?” Nick pressed.

“Twelve—no, thirteen days.” If Katie breaks my curse.

Katie turned away, hiding her features from him.

“I see.” For some reason, the topic had roused Nick’s temper. “Well, the invitation is open all night if you change your mind and want to meet the other brothers. Katie has my number. Call if you want a ride.”

Call? By shouting? Jorlan nodded.

“Well, my work here is done.” Nick hopped from the counter and kissed Katie on the cheek. “Don’t forget the family luncheon next Saturday. And bring your date. Dad’ll love him. Love to hate him, that is.” With that, he tossed a wink over his shoulder and disappeared out the door.

“Wait! Please!” Katie called. Then she told Jorlan, “Stay here. Pretty please with a cherry on top. I’d like to talk to my brother alone for a moment.” Without waiting for his reply, she raced away, leaving Jorlan alone.

The truly sad thing? He already missed her.

I’m in trouble.

* * *

“NICK!” THE SUN glared at Katie as she exited the front door to chase after her brother.

He stood in the driveway, at the driver side door of his dark blue sedan, with a key remote in hand, sunglasses in place.

With his light-colored hair and deeply tanned skin, he looked every inch a modern sun god.

Hand shielding her eyes, she jumped off the porch. A warm breeze gusted past, spitting grains of dirt on every inch of exposed skin. “I have a question for you,” she told him.

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