Home > Prince of Stone (Imperia #1)(65)

Prince of Stone (Imperia #1)(65)
Author: Gena Showalter

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BREATHING DEEPLY OF sweetly perfumed air, Percen hobbled across Heather’s bedchamber. His feet sank into the threadbare carpet. Well, one of his feet. The twisted one dragged behind him, the muscles painfully knotted.

He’d overworked his limbs this day and now paid the price. He’d overused his magic, too, all to render his first strike against Jorlan and Katie.

And what had he received for his efforts? Failure.

He should have gone somewhere solitary to lick his wounds and plan his next move, but he’d wanted, needed Heather. She was his only source of peace.

“Percen? What happened? What’s wrong?” She sat at the edge of her bed, a thick blanket draped her shoulders.

He longed to sink to his knees, press his cheek against her stomach and tell her all of his troubles. She would listen. She would understand. Mayhap. If she had not booted him from her life after their argument. Of course, if she did listen and understand, she would only reiterate how badly he needed to forget the past and forgive his brother.

That would happen, oh, never.

“Percen,” she repeated. This time, she opened her arms to him.

Her allure proved too heady. He dropped to his knees before her and cupped her face in his hands. “When this is over, angel, I wish to begin a new life with you.”

“I…yes. I would like that.” Her sensual lips curled in a bright smile. “I would like that a lot.”

Despite his poor physical condition, he returned the smile, happiness stirring for the first time in…ever? “I need only two, maybe three more days, then I will be pleased to offer you my blood oath. We will be together. Forever.”

“Why wait? We can—” She pressed her lips together, the sparkle in her eyes dimmed. “This is about Jorlan. Why can’t you let go of your vendetta? Please, Percen. Put me first. Put us first.”

“Don’t you see? He is a poison in my blood, and vengeance is the only antidote.”

“Vengeance will not heal you. Trust me, I know. I was just a child when my father began…he…he did things. Awful things. I was not the only one he hurt. When his crimes finally came to light and he was hauled to prison, I thought I would feel better. I expected my healing to begin, and when it didn’t, I only felt worse.”

A bomb of fury detonated inside him. “Your father harmed you? He will die screaming!”

“I didn’t tell you so you would take care of him for me. I like that he is suffering in jail. Death would be a kindness. I told you so you would realize you aren’t going to feel better when Jorlan is dead.”

“Jorlan and Katie.” He would feel better, knowing his dream had come to fruition at long last. “She escaped my scheme once, but she will not do so again.”

Air hissed between Heather’s teeth. “What did you do to Katie? You said nothing about hurting her!”

“She is Jorlan’s chosen partner. Therefore, she must share his fate. ’Tis the only way.”

“No.” She shook her head so forcefully, locks of hair slapped her cheeks. “No!”

But… “You hate her as much as I do.”

“I did. Once. But I don’t want her harmed. She’s been good to me and my mom.”

“Good or no, she is Jorlan’s lover and that makes her my enemy. Yours, as well.”

Tremors rocked her against him. From cold? Or disappointment? Was he losing her already? The one woman in all the worlds who’d found him attractive.

“You were right when you said I don’t know you,” she told him with a soft tone. “I don’t know how you can make me feel so warm inside, yet speak so casually of cold-blooded murder.” Tears wet her lashes. “How can you be so cruel?”

His fury resurfaced. “Are doctors cruel for removing poison from their patients? Nay. They are heroes. Because of Jorlan, I am nothing but hate.”

“That’s a lie, Percen, and somewhere deep down you know it.” She looked past him, past the window. “You don’t know this, but you saved my life. You gave me a reason to keep going. Leave with me now, and I swear I will do everything in my power to save yours.”

Percen wanted so desperately to believe they could live happily ever after and shed the horrors of the past. Until the hatred brutally slayed the hope.

The door swung open, Heather’s mother rushing inside. “Heather,” she said between panting breaths, “you’ll never believe—”

She spotted Percen. He waved his hand, unleashing a wave of magic, and teleported himself back to Katie’s abode to finish what he’d started.

* * *

HEATHER WATCHED, HELPLESS, as Percen vanished and her mother dropped in a dead faint to the floor.

She dove to the floor to gather her mother into her arms. “Mother. Mom.” She patted the sleeping woman’s cheeks. “Please wake up.”

Percen materialized a few feet away, startling a gasp from her. “Fine! If it will distress you, I will not kill Katie. But I will use her.”

Not good enough. “If you do this—”

“Aye. I will do this.” With another wave of his hand, he disappeared.

“—we are done,” she finished, dejected.

* * *

JORLAN SLEPT FOR an entire day. He had yet to stir, yet he had only a day or two until the curse took effect. The poor guy hadn’t even moaned. Or moved. Such stillness frightened Katie to the bone.

He was the sleeping dead.

What if this was the reemergence of the curse?

Horror sliced at her calm. No, no, no. This wasn’t part of the curse. This was…something else.

She’d stayed right by his side, leaving only to use the bathroom or eat. To keep him hydrated, she worked streams of water down his throat multiple times a day. She’d even given him sponge baths and somehow managed to change his clothes.

What she hadn’t done? Lug him to a bed. Or called her brothers to lug him to a bed. He remained on the hardwood floor of the Victorian. Well, on a pallet of blankets she’d shoved underneath his body.

Gah! She needed some sort of affirmation that he was alive and well. If she didn’t get one soon, she would call 9-1-1. But what would the paramedics say to her? Your alien is ailing? No telling how Jorlan was fashioned inside. His heart might be in his ass. Who knew?

Maybe she should call her brother Brian first. He worked in the medical field. He’d fly in and examine Jorlan. He’d also demand answers she couldn’t give him. But he wouldn’t turn the alien over to the government, as other doctors would do.

Katie rubbed her temples. One more hour. She’d give Jorlan one more hour before calling in reinforcements.

She ran her palms over his chest, picking up previously missed details. The man had a wealth of scars, evidence of the difficult life he’d led. No telling how many battles and wars he’d fought. And yet, despite his many hardships, always he’d been so tender with her. So gentle.

The clamor of her heart echoed in the quiet of the room as she toyed with a lock of his hair. The midnight strands tickling her skin.

She wasn’t exactly sure what had happened before she’d woken up on the floor. Oh, she knew she’d fallen through a hole in the wood, then woken up with Jorlan cradling her head in his lap, his eyes dark with fear. Now there was a gaping hole in the living room ceiling.

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