Home > Fallen Son (A Fallen Men Christmas Story)(2)

Fallen Son (A Fallen Men Christmas Story)(2)
Author: Giana Darling

The tears fell then, dropping like crystals with soft plinks to the leather seat beneath us. Leanin’ forward, I captured one with my tongue and took her sorrow into my body so that I might understand it better and kill it quicker. My entire hand palmed the side of her face, and when I spoke, it was in a whisper that came right up from the heart of me like spring water bursting through the crust’a the earth. “Lou, baby, they’re gonna be you, and God knows just as well as I do that there ain’t anythin’ stronger on this earth than you.”

“Fuck.” The curse exploded on a soft breath as her tears kept streamin’ and her lip kept tremblin’. Only, her hands came up, one to frame mine on her cheek and the other to mimic my pose with it pressed to my face and her voice was iron when she declared, “Tell myself every day it’s just not possible for one person to love another as much as I love you, and then there you go, every fucking day, proving me wrong, because I just fall deeper.”

“Good,” I rumbled, filled with the male satisfaction of possession and successfully soothing a lover of ’er fear. “’Cause I’m drownin’ in it every single fuckin’ day. Would hate to be in that alone.”

“Never,” she swore fiercely, my little warrior comin’ back. “And these babies never will be either. We’ll fight for them, no matter what.”

“That’s my girl,” I told her. “I got you, and we got them, yeah?”

“Yeah,” she breathed on a smile before rewarding me with a tear salted kiss.

Her mouth was hot and lush as I parted her lips with my tongue and swept inside to plunder all that sweet heat for myself. She moaned around my thrusting tongue and pushed her tits against my chest.

A man only had so much strength, and when her small hand scraped over the denim covering my inner thigh before wrappin’ tight around my growin’ dick, I caved into temptation and took my girl in the back seat of an old Mustang sixteen feet from my club brethren.

Don’t worry, I covered ’er mouth when I made ’er come.




Despite my cozy plans for havin’ a sex-filled weekend up at the barely finished new cabin I’d built outside’a Whistler with my young wife while we hunted for the perfect tree, the whole thing became a family event.

Harleigh Rose was even up from Vancouver. In the recent months, she hadn’t visited as often, claimin’ studies were fierce in the nursing school and she couldn’t afford the time. There was somethin’ off in that, but whenever I saw my girl, she was pure smiles and sass, just as she’d always been. My thorny rose happy at home with her people.

I watched ’er as she laughed with Lou, both wrapped up in thick duffel coats, one black and the other bubble gum pink, the opposite colour in toques over their abundance’a hair. They were matchin’ and laughin’ ’bout it like old friends. I shook my head, thinkin’ about my brat givin’ Lou and me hell when we first got together ’cause now they were thick as fuckin’ thieves.

Wouldn’t tell a soul, and probably didn’t need to because it was obvious as hell on my face, but my girls gettin’ along made my chest tight with the pressure’a all the love I harboured for ’em. I rubbed at it as my son came barrellin’ outta the house with his girl on his back, Cressida’s giggle punctuatin’ the muffled silence that comes with snowfall as she rode his back, hair streamin’ behind her like a pennant.

“Put me down, you heathen,” she demanded through her laughter, but King only swung her from his back to his front, hands under her ass, to silence her with a thorough kiss.

I looked away, but not ’fore I smiled at the sight. My boy’d always been a romantic soul, a bit lost to the poetry of his mind as a boy, lookin’ for the weight of somethin’ mighty to hold ’im still and steady ’nough to thrive. He’d found that in Cressida Irons, and like his dad, he wasn’t one to ever take such a treasure for granted.

Glad for my boy, but even gladder that the renovation of their cabin on the water at Back Bay Road was fuckin’ finished ’cause no father, no matter how fuckin’ chill, liked to hear his son fuckin’ his woman under his own roof.

A slender arm around my middle and the scent of cherries filled my nose as Lou pressed herself into my side. I dipped down to smell her silky hair and squeezed her tight.

“How’re my babies this mornin’?”

She snorted. “Your babies are fine. Your woman, on the other hand…It’ll be a miracle if I make it up the Sea to Sky Highway without losing my breakfast.”

I made a noise in my throat, hatin’ how sick she was with the pregnancy and hatin’ even more that I couldn’t shoulder that for ’er. Made do with sliding a hand down her back and nuzzlin’ into the hair over her ear before whisperin’, “Think my girl deserves a treat for carryin’ my babies so good.”

“Mmm, I think so too,” she agreed, eyes flashing as her little tongue swiped against my lips and then her teeth nibbled over my stubble roughened chin. “What kinda treat are we talkin’ about?”

“’S been a while…” I said as I dipped a thumb inside the opening of her coat and swiped the rough pad between her collarbones, “since I gave ya a pearl necklace.”

“Zeus!” she said laughingly, pushin’ at me and then pullin’ me back in the next instant. “That’s a treat for you.”

I shrugged a heavy shoulder. “Yeah, but what pleases me pleases you, so I’d say it’s a win-win.”

She rolled her eyes, but the streaks of high colour on her cheekbones belied just how much the idea turned her crank. My wife liked to be marked with my cum.

“Is there enough room for me?” Lila asked, appearing at the gate with Nova close behind. She was bundled up in a yellow, purple, and blue duffel coat that made her look like a supermodel from the eighties. I wondered if she knew she was a good-lookin’ thing now when she’d been teased so mercilessly as a kid for bein’ boyish and plump.

Nova stepped up to help ’er step over a patch’a black ice, and a blush lit up her slanted cheeks like a highlighter pen. The girl had been in love with ’im since she was twelve, and Nova had no fuckin’ clue ’cause he was good with strangers, especially the female variety, but he was a dumbass when it came to those he loved.

So I figured she didn’t know how fuckin’ lovely she was ’cause the only person she needed to hear it from wouldn’t ever be the one to tell ’er.

I crossed the walk to take Lila under my arm and curl ’er into my chest so I could plant a kiss on that pretty head. “Always got room for the flower child.”

She tipped her face up into mine and fuckin’ beamed like a flower used to too little sunlight. “Thanks, Zeus.”

H.R. bound up to wrap her friend in a tight hug, and I stepped back to shoot Nova a look even as we clasped hands and embraced.

“What?” he questioned as we pulled apart.

“Nothin’.” I shook my head. “You’re just dumb as dirt sometimes.”

“Doesn’t seem to bother women much,” he countered with his pretty boy grin.

I snorted and turned my back on him, snagging Cressida from out under my son’s arm so they’d stop fuckin’ kissing for two seconds.

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