Home > Fake It 'Til You Break It(43)

Fake It 'Til You Break It(43)
Author: Meagan Brandy

Literally, though.

She fights a grin, looking away, but I quickly pull her eyes back to mine.

We’re in class, people are all around, so every touch counts.

“You haven’t given me much,” I whisper, running my fingertip down her jawline. “Tell me.”

She licks her lips, her focus deepening before a light chuckle leaves her. “You’re really good at this,” she murmurs.

Now it’s me who laughs and I let my hand fall. “I’m just sayin’, I think I deserve it.”

“Oh, boo hoo,” she teases, shaking her head, but then she must think for a long moment because she gives in. “Sophomore year and don’t make fun. Not everyone is the same and needs it the way other people do.”

I heard nothing after sophomore year.

Two years ago.

She hasn’t fucked in two years.

“When did you lose your virginity?”

She tilts her head, giving me a bratty glare that says it all.

That was her first time.

“One person?”

She nods.

“Multiple times?”

“Oh my god, Nico. Stop.” She looks around.

There are eyes moving around the room, but nobody is sidled up beside us listening. Mr. Brando isn’t even in here; he left Josie in charge and walked out.

I tug her chair closer, laughing when she scowls as it scrapes loudly across the floor and more people glance our way.

She smacks my arms, but I grab her hand, and she rolls her eyes yanking it back.

We get back to working on our assignment, a few quiet minutes passing, and then she clears her throat, admitting in a whisper, “Twice.”

We turn toward each other, and a light blush creeps up her neck.

I know what she assumes I’m thinking, how she’s inexperienced, possibly incapable of pleasing a guy, or at the very least would have a lot to learn.

She’s wrong, so wrong.

She’s an empty playbook.

“It’s gonna hurt when you fuck again.”

The head of her pencil finds its way between her teeth. “What makes you say that?”

“Two times, two years ago, and likely with another first timer who doubtfully made you come, and probably didn’t thoroughly stretch you out, too afraid to hurt you. You’re basically a virgin.”

I expect her to blush harder, pull away and shut this down.

She doesn’t.

She leans in, tilting her head up to mine, her long, dark blonde hair falling over her shoulders, and smirks.

My eyes narrow.

“Oh, Nico,” she sing-songs, eyes gleaming. “You think you’re so sly, don’t you?”

“What are you talkin’ about, Pixie?”

“This sudden conversation, the real reason behind it. The extra, obviously noticeable, pep in my step today.” She doesn’t let me speak, but straightens her back, and slides off her seat. She comes to stand behind me, drapes her arms around my shoulders and places her lush lips covered in a shiny gloss today at my ear. “You think I’m not as human as you are? You asked when I last had sex. Let me ask you, when was the last time you came?” she whispers. “Could it have been maybe last night... like me?”

When my chest rumbles, her husky laugh fans across my cheek.

She decides to kill me even more with her next purred words.

“Yes, Nico. I was pent up. Yes, fake boyfriend, I had a sudden need to take care of myself last night for the first time in months. And yes, baby, it was all. Your. Fault.” She embellishes every word. “Now, your jeans are getting a little tight, so stay in that seat of yours... or show the class what little, born again virgin me does to big, bold, overworked you.”

She pats me on the shoulder and walks to the front of the room. She doesn’t ask Josie’s permission, but snags the bathroom pass from the wall and disappears out the door.

Fuck me if my starved stare doesn’t track her ass every step until she’s gone, but as my eyes slide back, it’s Alex’s they catch.

He keeps his face neutral while I can’t, and an instant glower takes over. Slowly, he pushes to stand.

The little bitch grabs the male pass and off he fucking goes.

In my peripheral, I catch Josie’s head snapping my way as I shoot to my feet, but as quick as I’m standing, the bitter and cold reality freezes me in place.

The asshole chasing her tail is the one she claims to want riding it.

She might want him on a normal day, but no matter the reason, last night she wanted me.

The thought knocks my ass back to the cheap wooden stool, but the next is the only thing keeping it planted.

I can work with that.


Holy shit! I just admitted to masturbating to the thought of my fake boyfriend to my fake boyfriend.

I drop my head against the bathroom mirror, shaking it a moment as a light laugh escapes.

I wash my hands and then give myself a minute to stand there and think, but it takes no kind of convincing.

Plain and simple?

I like Nico.

I’m attracted to Nico, and who the hell wouldn’t be?

He’s tall with strong shoulders and muscular arms, a small tattoo under his forearm adding a little mystery, not that it’s needed. His dark, dangerous eyes are enough to pull anyone in, and with sexy, perfectly messy hair to match, full lips and bright smile, he’s more than easy on the eyes and enticing to the body.

Only, he’s so much more than what you get at first glance.

I’m slowly starting to learn who he really is, and Nico Sykes is beyond what I knew him to be.

A few weeks ago, he was nothing but the guy to the left who loved to stare, glare, and then glanced away. The seemingly too cool for school guy who disappeared whenever I was near. Or at least, that’s how it felt.

Now, though, I know better than to assume who’s behind the mask he gives so many of us.

Nico is witty and daring. He’s athletic and determined, and the most surprising to me, as judgmental as it might make me seem, compassionate.

He’s supposed to be a stranger to me, yet he showed up as if he knew I hated the feeling I was left with every time my mother walks out the door, leaving me behind like I’m no longer important enough for her to care for.

Every day I discover something new about the guy, none of which I don’t like. That’s the scariest part.

Yes, he’s moody, but I can handle it, and honestly, I think he enjoys when I challenge his snappy attitude. Sometimes he shuts down completely and without warning, but so far, he’s always come out of his funk. It’s sort of part of his appeal, not knowing what you’re going to get, but being okay with it either way.

He’s exciting and unpredictable and temporarily mine.

What the hell am I supposed to do with all this?

And how the hell did things shift so quickly?

Nico didn’t agree to the idea of more, he agreed to pretend.

This is a problem because I no longer want to fake date Nico.

I sort of want to keep him.

Would he ever be open to the idea of keeping me?

As if the universe couldn’t allow me to wonder a little longer, I exit the bathroom to find Alex standing right outside, waiting.

I stutter step, offering a tight smile, and go to walk on by, but he reaches out to stop me.

“Hey, running off so fast?” He chuckles.

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