Home > Piece by Piece (The Riggins Brothers #2)(34)

Piece by Piece (The Riggins Brothers #2)(34)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Maybe.” He smiles. “Ready for that shower?”

“Depends. Are you going to help me?”

“Am I breathing? You can bet your sweet ass if you’re in our shower naked, I’m going to be standing next to you.”

“Race ya!” I say as I take off running toward the bedroom. His long legs catch up to me, and in no time, we’re both stripped naked, and standing under the hot spray. Owen roams his hands over every inch of my body and then makes sweet love to me before we fall into an exhausted sleep.

The perfect ending to an already perfect day.



Chapter 19





“I think that wraps it up,” Royce says as we come to the end of our weekly meeting. He scans over his list. “One final item. We need to decide who is going to the gala for the children’s hospital this year.”

My three younger brothers groan, and normally I would be joining them, but not this time. An image of Layla all dressed up as we sway across the dance floor plays like a movie reel in my mind. “Lay and I can go,” I tell Royce.


I shrug. “I think she’d enjoy it. It’s something new for her. Besides, I don’t think it will be that bad with a woman I actually like on my arm.” That causes all four of my brothers to not only laugh but nod in agreement. We all hated finding dates for these things. The media always made them out to be more than what they were, and if you asked a clinger, it would sometimes take months to shake her until she got the message that it really was just a date.

“Taking one for the team, I like it,” Conrad comments.

“This year,” I tell him. “Mom and Dad went last year, and Royce the year before that, so you three better start duking it out or drawing for straws or some shit,” I tell them.

“My prediction is one of them is going to fall ass over heels for a woman, and like you, will have no problem showing her off,” Royce says smugly.

I try like hell to hide my laughter at the expressions on my brothers’ faces. Well, the younger two. Grant just looks… indifferent. Hmm, very interesting. I’m going to have to keep an eye on him. Maybe see if Layla has noticed anything since she’s working closely with all of us.

“Now, get to work.” Royce grins at each of us, and I can’t help but send a silent thank-you to my future sister-in-law. Sawyer has been so good for him. She brought my brother back to life, and we owe her the world for that.

Leaving the conference room, I head to the front of the office to see Layla. I need to break the news to her about the gala that I signed us up for. Then I’m going to call my mom and see if she will take her shopping. One, I don’t want her to pay for anything, and my mother will make sure that happens. Two, I don’t know what she needs for this thing, but my mom will. It’s a win-win for Layla and for me.

As I approach her desk, I hear her soft voice as she answers the phone. “Riggins Enterprises, this is Layla.” There’s a pause. “One moment please.” She looks at me and smiles before buzzing Conrad and letting him know that the call he’s been waiting on is on line three. “Hey, handsome. How was your meeting?”

I love that she’s opening up more and being free with her feelings and affection. “Good. Although, you and I have a date in two weeks.”

“A date?”

“Yep. Every year one of us from the company goes to represent at the Annual Children’s Hospital Gala. We get dressed up, eat some really expensive food, dance a couple of dances, write a big check from the company, and then we can head home.”

“Is it really that boring?” she teases.

“It won’t be with you there.” I lean down and kiss the corner of her mouth. “You’re going to need a new dress.”

“What kind of dress?” she asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

“A fancy one. Don’t worry. Mom will go shopping with you. She’s going to love every minute of it too. You don’t know how many times we heard growing up her saying she loves her boys but wished the good Lord would have blessed her with a girl to do girly things with. That’s why she’s always insisted on a dining table larger than life. She was sure each of us would find the perfect counterpart and bring them home to her. Then she would have five daughters and five sons,” I explain.

“You really think she won’t mind? I could ask Sam or Sawyer.”

“Trust me, she’s going to be hurt if you don’t ask her.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Mom’s number, hitting the speakerphone button so that Layla can hear our conversation.

“Hello, my second oldest,” she answers, her voice as chipper as ever.

“Hey, Ma. I got a question.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Layla and I are the chosen ones for the Children’s Hospital Gala this year. I was wondering if—” I start, but she cuts me off.

“We have to go shopping. Tell Layla to call me when she’s free. There is this cute little dress shop downtown where I usually find most of my dresses.”

I look at Layla and grin. “She heard you. You’re on speaker.”

“Layla, honey, what does your schedule look like? I’m ready when you are,” Mom tells her.

“When is the gala?” she asks.

“Two weeks.”

“I guess we should start sooner rather than later. It might take some time to find something,” Layla suggests.

“I’m paying,” I tell her. “You’re going to this event because of me, and I refuse to go without you.” Again, I leave out the fact that I volunteered us for the job.

“Owen,” she starts, but I hold up my hand to stop her.

“Nope. It’s on me. Mom, make sure you get her anything and everything she needs. I’ll give you my card.”

“Oh, my son, don’t you worry. I have no problem spending your money.” Mom laughs.

That’s the thing. Mom knows what we make and that this shopping adventure the two of them are about to go on is nothing but pennies in my bank account. That’s still hard for Layla to grasp. She’ll get there. One day what’s mine will be hers. Hell, it is now, just not in the eyes of the law. That will all change when her last name is Riggins.

“Layla, how about we go this evening when you get off work? We can grab dinner just the two of us?” Mom offers.

Layla looks to me, eyes wide and full of panic. I step closer and take her hand in mine while still holding my phone with the other. I nod and watch as she swallows hard. “Thank you, Lena. I would really appreciate that.”

“Sweetheart, you’re doing me a favor. I’m getting out of the house with a woman!” Mom says excitedly. “It’s been ages since I’ve gone shopping. I’ll meet you there at the office at five.”

“Thank you,” Layla says as the line goes dead.

“She’s excited. Thank you for humoring her.”

“Me? She’s giving up her time to help me.”

“Layla, she wants to do this. You heard her. She offered before I could even mention it to her. You’re not alone anymore, baby. You have my big, crazy-ass family and me behind you. We’re here for you, and it’s not conditional. We’re not going anywhere.” I lean down and press my lips to hers. Just a soft peck, but the spark I feel anytime I touch her is still there from the heat in my hand that’s holding hers, to the electricity that passes through our kiss.

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