Home > Office Grump : An Enemies to Lovers Romance(102)

Office Grump : An Enemies to Lovers Romance(102)
Author: Nicole Snow

“I’ll have someone pick it up tonight. I’ve been without you too long. You’re not getting out of my sight.”

God, I love the sound of that.

He asks me to stay that night. When I tell him I can, but I’m not falling into bed with him again just yet, he doesn’t even care.

Mag tells me he just wants me to be there when he wakes up.

The most important thing he could say.

True to our word, we don’t make love.

But the ecstasy of being in his arms after so long apart beats the stuffing out of every sweet dream I could possibly have.






A Merger (Magnus)



Sabrina sits in the passenger seat with her shoes on the dashboard.

Part of me wants to tell her to have some respect for the ride, my custom Tesla Model X. She’s a beauty, after all, but if living without this woman the last few weeks has taught me anything, it’s that she can do whatever the hell she wants as long as she’s mine.

For her, I’ll accept a billion scuff marks.

“Mom’s agent wants me to market her whole backlist,” she says with a sigh, flipping her gorgeous hair over her shoulder. “I didn’t have the heart to tell her Mom’s only a bestseller because my former bosshole slash boyfriend bought a million copies of her book.”

I grin, loving how it makes her blush.

I’ll love that look on her face until my dying day.

“No big deal. Publishers do it all the time, buying their own books to ram new hits down the market’s throat. Careful that you don’t take on too many starving artists now that your mom’s singing your praises. It’s not a good move for a startup. You should focus on national brands.” I pull into a parking place at the marina on Lake Michigan.

“Oh, I’m not opposed to national brands, but those campaigns are heavy lifting, and...well, I’m a one-woman show. We’re still a few weeks off from serious hiring. Besides, bigger brands put me in direct competition with the design services HeronComm already offers. There’s no sense in us chasing after the same clients.”

I process her words.

“We make more money per client off the startup. HeronComm is a hungry, expensive machine with lots of mouths to feed and even more bonuses to pay. I profit when the company does, but we’re joint owners of Bristol-Heron. Equals. We’re the only ones profiting when that company makes bank. As for being a one woman show, I gave you the funds. You can hire whoever you need when you’re ready.”

Did I mention how goddamn adorable it is that she’s still doubting herself?

I reach over, squeezing her hand, my faith in her abilities never stronger.

“Look at me, sweetheart. You’ve got this,” I say.

She bites her lip. “Mag, I’m not like you. I don’t think I can just waltz in and be Miss Big-Shot CEO. I don’t want to be hiring, firing, and managing people constantly.”

I laugh. “I don’t fire that many people. They usually just quit because they can’t handle—”

“I’m aware,” she says, cutting in with a smile.

“I’m going to stay involved with our company as an advisor. I own half of it too and you’re in good hands.” I cup her face with my hand. “Well, forty-nine percent, technically, but I don’t care if it’s zero. I just want you happy. It’s your baby to do what you want with. Forge an empire bigger than mine, or keep HeronComm as your only client. I don’t care. And if you want to work for starving artists, then forget what I said and do it. We’ll take a loss and a tax deduction.”

She puts her hand over mine, brings my fingers to her lips, and kisses each knuckle.

“I love you, Mag.”

It’s too tempting to pull her into my lap and take her right here in the car like we’re high school kids making time before curfew ends. Only, today’s far too important for that.

“Love you too,” I whisper back. “We should get on the boat. It’s embarking soon.”

I go to the trunk to grab our supplies and she meets me behind the car. I take out a pack and a shoe box. “This is for you.”

She pulls the top off the box.

“Um...Thank you?” Her lips are puckered like she’s sucking on a sour lemon wedge. “Maybe I’ll just leave them in the car.” She starts for the passenger door.

I grab her arm. “They’re deck shoes.”

“Deck shoes?”

“Anchor shoes.” I tell her.

“Anchor shoes?”

God. This woman might just slay me yet.

“So you don’t slip on the ship and bruise your cute ass. This yacht is the only place I love as much as the office, and if you fall overboard, I’ll only find solace behind my desk.”

She puts a hand on her hip. “Is that so?”

I sigh.

Her face turns rosy. She skips toward me, closing the space between us as she tumbles into my arms.

“I love how you worry about everything,” she whispers, kissing my chin and then up my jaw.

I sling the pack over my shoulder to slip an arm around her, press her close, and let my lips find hers. I don’t have to urge her mouth open.

With a buttery moan, her tongue caresses mine, her teeth teasing my bottom lip.

I pull my face away from hers, leaving an arm around her, and slow my breathing until I can talk. “Somebody’s got to look out for us both, Brina, or you’ll be the death of me.”

“Hey, at least you’ll die happy.”

“No denying that,” I growl, sliding a hand to her ass and cupping what’s mine.

“Also, I love you, but these shoes are hideous. I thought yachts were all glitz and glamour.”

“Bah. I watched you almost slide down a mountain in those stupid flip flops once. You would have if I hadn’t been there to catch you.”

“And I wouldn’t have been on that mountain if it wasn’t for you!” she fires back, veering her face away before I can kiss her again.

“Wear the damn shoes, and we’ll order you a custom pair before we go boating again. Deal? It’s just us on the yacht today and a tiny crew. I don’t waste time staring at your feet. I promise you that when you’ve got plenty of other assets demanding my attention.”

She flashes me a devilish wink.

Hands tangled, we finally make it to the boat and set sail toward the sunshine over Lake Michigan. Before I know it, I’m lounging on a chaise with Brina in my arms, kissing her hair.

“Welcome to perfection,” I mutter.

“The boat? It’s pretty cool.”

“I’m glad you agree.” I run my fingers through her hair. “But I meant the calm waves and the girl in my arms.”

She kisses my shoulders, burying her face against me.

“I love you, but you already know it.”

The fact that I’ll never get tired of saying those words makes me hold her tighter still.

“Are you okay? You seemed kinda tense earlier and a little more—umm—urgent than usual.”

“Urgent?” I snort out a laugh.

She chews on her lip. “You’ve told me you love me more today than any other day I can remember.”

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