Home > Darker : The Holidays(5)

Darker : The Holidays(5)
Author: M. S. Parker


I blinked and realized that I’d been staring at him without saying a word for nearly a full minute.

“Just admiring Kaimi and Sitara’s work on a very nice canvas.” I moved to straddle his waist. If it’d been a little warmer, I probably would’ve turned around and had both of us enjoy each other’s mouths first, but while it wasn’t too cold for sex, it wasn’t exactly ‘let’s take our time’ weather either.

I sunk down onto my knees and took his half-hard cock in one hand and my breast in the other. I rolled and pinched my nipple while giving him firm, rough strokes. A flush spread up his stomach to his chest, and despite his claim that he wanted to watch me, his eyes closed.

His face screwed up in an almost pained expression, his breathing coming in short, harsh pants. To an outside observer, it might’ve looked like I was hurting him, but I knew his body as well as I did my own, and I knew just how far I could take him. Plus, we still had safe words, just in case.

When he was thick and hard under all that silky soft skin, I moved up over him, eager to ease the throbbing ache between my legs. Playing with him and my nipple had made me wet, but not quite enough for him to simply slide right inside me, which was exactly what I craved.

His eyes flew open the moment the tip of him touched my entrance, and he grabbed for my hips. His gaze sought mine, and I read the question there. I nodded, and his grip on my hips tightened. Perfectly in sync, he pulled me down and drove his hips up, filling me completely in one pulse-pounding, toe-curling thrust. My mouth opened to scream, but I couldn’t find the air. My hands fell to his stomach as he pounded into me, each stroke as hard as the last, hitting that spot inside me that sent sparks of pain shooting through me to stoke the fire building, spreading up and out from the place where the two of us were joined.

“Touch yourself.” He practically barked the order.

My fingers found my clit easily enough, and I rubbed it with the same roughness I’d used on Bradyn’s dick. The friction sent a shiver through me, pushing me higher and closer to where I wanted to be. I was so close but couldn’t quite get there.

I made a sound of frustration, and then Bradyn was sitting up, changing the angle, and his teeth were on me, biting down on my neglected nipple, worrying at it until the pain was just right. I exploded with a scream that seemed to echo all around us.

I couldn’t be embarrassed, though. Not when he followed me, growling out a declaration of love as he pressed his face between my breasts. I didn’t care if anyone heard us. The only people whose opinion I cared about wouldn’t judge us. They’d simply tell me that however Bradyn and I expressed our love was good and beautiful.

I agreed.









When I first moved onto the ranch, it’d been hard for me to fall asleep because things were too quiet. Then I’d moved to New York City, and it’d been another adjustment. I wasn’t sure if I’d have the same problem when we came back, but I’d slept well.

Maybe it was knowing that we didn’t have anything we had to do or that we’d just worn ourselves out, but no matter the reason, I slept right through from the moment I’d closed my eyes until the mattress shifted as Nyx climbed out of bed.

I didn’t say anything as she walked into the bathroom, but I didn’t go back to sleep either. I figured when she came back to bed, we’d make love and then fall asleep again. We could even sleep in and then have a nice brunch.

Except when she came back out of the bathroom, she didn’t come back to the bed. She went to the dresser and pulled on her clothes. Something about the way she moved made me stay quiet, waiting to see what she’d do next. She looked like she was trying to keep from waking me.

Maybe I was reading too much into things, and she was just trying to be nice and let me sleep while she went up to the main house to have breakfast with Shadae and Brew.

Except I couldn’t quite get that phone call out of my head. The one she’d made when we’d first gotten to the ranch. I didn’t think she’d made any other calls since, and we’d been together most of the time, but it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility.

I hated being suspicious of her, but I couldn’t stop thinking that she’d lied to me about the call, and I didn’t mean that she’d simply been pretending that she hadn’t checked up on work. Something told me she hadn’t been talking to any of her employees.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I got out of bed and grabbed the shirt and pants I’d left by the bed last night. I had to see if my gut instinct was right or if I was seeing things that weren’t there. If it was all in my head, I’d feel like an idiot and probably owe Nyx an apology, but if something was really going on, I needed to know what it was. How else could I help her?

When I stepped out onto the porch, I half-expected her to be just a couple steps away and hear me. She’d laugh and say that her attempts to keep from waking me up had obviously failed. Then we’d go see what Shadae had cooking.

But Nyx wasn’t close enough to the cabin to have heard me come outside. She was halfway up the road to the house, walking too fast for something as casual as breakfast. Suspicion now completely roused, I followed her, intentionally keeping my steps light and my distance enough that, if she did happen to see me, I could pretend to be just heading up to the house for food.

I kept hoping I was wrong. That she’d go into the house and I’d follow, feeling like an idiot. But she didn’t. She went to the box on the porch where Shadae and Brew kept the spare keys for the extra cars. It was a fairly recent acquisition, added when Isaac had finally convinced his parents to limit what was accessible to guests, as well as what they allowed people to come into their house for. They’d given Nyx and me the master code that didn’t change so that we could get to the keys whenever we needed to, but the guests only got their own temporary ones that were canceled once they checked out.

Since I also had the code, I waited until she’d started down the driveway in the Buick before punching it in and taking the keys for the Focus. The entire time I followed her, I waited for her to spot me, to stop and ask me what the hell I was doing. But she didn’t.

She either didn’t notice me or didn’t care as she pulled into the parking lot of a hotel. It wasn’t a fancy one, but it wasn’t a bad one either. It was the sort of place that people usually went to when they didn’t want to be noticed, but also didn’t want bedbugs. Rented by the night and not the hour, but also didn’t offer room service or much in the way of amenities.

She didn’t go into the office. Instead, she pulled into the first free space in the crowded lot and then headed straight for a door with the number ten on it. She clearly knew where she was going.

If I hadn’t known that Kaimi, Sitara, and Rose weren’t arriving until Friday and would be staying at the ranch when they got here, I might’ve thought she’d decided to go see them, but she hadn’t mentioned anything about them coming in early or staying somewhere else. Still, I hoped I’d see one of their familiar faces.

When the door opened, however, it wasn’t a woman on the other side…but it was a familiar face. He was as tall as me but a little broader. Black hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin. I’d met him at Club Privé not long after I’d moved to New York, and neither he nor Nyx had hidden the fact that they’d once been lovers.

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