Home > Rock Star, Unbroken (Tragic Duet #2)(3)

Rock Star, Unbroken (Tragic Duet #2)(3)
Author: S.M. Shade

Is this how it ends?

I was so afraid of being a father, of losing Axton to become Dad. So fucking selfish. I didn’t want a kid. Is this how I pay for that?

Dad’s words echo in my head. “Two just wasn’t enough.”

His laughter seems to come from all around me and my mind is invaded by the image of his face. “One gone and one dead.”

His cackle grows louder, and I clamp my hands over my ears like that may help. “One gone and one dead. Everyone you love.”

“Ax!” Dani exclaims, grabbing my hands and pulling them away. “We’re here. Are you okay?”

No, I’m losing it. The fear and stress, the lack of sleep, days of nothing but terror and shock is catching up with me. I have to pull it together.

“I’m okay. Let’s go.”

It didn’t take the paparazzi long to get here and we have to make our way through a crush of fans and media to get inside the emergency department. Fortunately, the hospital is well prepared. We barely step through the door when they have security escort us, along with a nurse who quickly updates me on Hatch.

“We had to give him a sedative for the CT scan, so he’ll probably be groggy and fussy.”

Stopping short, I feel hope pour into me. “He’s alive?” I choke out.

Kind eyes look into mine and she nods. “Yes, Mr. Todd. He’s awake, alert, and not showing any signs of trauma or injury other than a few scratches. A CT scan was performed to check for any cervical spine or head injuries, though it doesn’t appear he hit his head. Routine tests after a car accident.”

I nearly crush Dani in a hug and it feels like I can breathe again. Alive. My boy is still alive. Finally, I turn back to the nurse and we continue down the hall. “Do you have the results of the scan?”

She swipes her badge on a door, which then opens automatically. “The doctor should be in any time to talk about the results with you.” She waves her hand. “We have this area of the hospital locked down to assure your privacy.”

“Thank you,” Dani says, practically running to keep up with our pace.

Finally, the nurse opens a door and leads us into a room with an empty crib in the center. “Where—” I don’t get to finish my question.

A nurse enters holding Hatch. He rests his head on her shoulder and opens glassy eyes to look at me. “This little guy was having no part of that gurney,” she chuckles.

Her words barely register. All I can see is Hatch as he lifts his head and suddenly screeches, “Dadada.”

It’s everything I can do not to crush him in my arms when she hands him over. I hold him as tightly as I dare. He starts bawling, and I know my response probably scared him, but I can’t help it.

All the terror and hopelessness of the last two days is shattered against this moment when I hold my son in my arms. “I’m so sorry. Daddy’s sorry. It’s okay now,” I promise him, tears running down my face.

The way he clings to me breaks my heart all over again. He must’ve been so scared. Taken by strangers. Who knows how they treated him, if they fed him or took care of him at all. Then the chaos of a car crash, an ambulance, all these strangers passing him around without one familiar face. Without the person who is always supposed to be there for him.

Dani is a sobbing mess, and I notice the nurse who carried him in is leaking at the eyes as well.

I manage to pull myself together when the doctor enters the room. “Mr. Todd, I’m doctor Singh,” she says, extending her hand. Hatch sits on my hip, his head on my shoulder as I shake her hand.

“Is he okay? Are the test results back?”

A reassuring grin appears on her face. “The scans show no injuries. He has a few scratches, as you can see, but other than that, we’ve found no other injuries or anything of concern from the crash.”

She reaches out and squeezes his hand, smiling at him. “It’s amazing how resilient little ones can be. They bend instead of break.”

“Was he examined for…abuse?” Dani asks, her voice hushed. My stomach twists in apprehension. If they fucking touched him, I’ll end them.

“I did a full examination as soon as he was brought in. There’s no obvious signs he was abused. He’s not dehydrated, but he was brought in with just a soiled diaper that had been on him far too long which has resulted in a mild diaper rash. You can treat it with an over the counter ointment as you usually would. Other than that, he just needs some food and rest.”

“He doesn’t need to stay overnight?” Dani asks.

“I think he’s fine to go home. You should follow up with his pediatrician. And don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or bring him back to the hospital if something seems wrong.”

After the doctor leaves, Dani and I spend the next few minutes sitting on the small sofa, with Hatch asleep on my lap. So much has happened, and my emotions are on a constant cycle. I’m grateful he’s here with me, safe. I’m exhausted from everything the last two days have put us through. I’m furious about Naomi and whatever part she must’ve played. And I’m terrified that something like this could happen again.

“I’m going to call Milo and have him find us somewhere to stay for a few weeks, at least. Until the uproar dies down. I can’t take him back home through a crowd of fans and reporters. We’ll play the shell game all night if we have to, to make sure we aren’t followed.”

“Okay,” Dani agrees.

A moment later, there’s a tap on the door, and Jude walks in. “Elliot and Brysen are on their way.”

“Text them not to come. We’re getting ready to leave.”

Jude gazes down at Hatch. “He’s okay, then?”

“Yeah,” Dani replies, her voice watery. “He’s okay.”

Hatch doesn’t stir when I shift him from my lap to Dani’s. I leave the three of them and step out into the hallway to call Milo. I just want to get Hatch out of here.

I’m met by Agent Roberts and for the first time since I saw the crash, I think about something other than Hatch.


“Are they dead? The ones who took him?” I demand. I hope they are. I hope they suffered.

“No, the two suspects were taken to a different hospital under guard. As soon as they’re medically cleared, they’ll be arrested.” Agent Roberts lays a hand on my shoulder. “It’s over. They aren’t going to get away with it. You have your boy back safe and sound. Focus on him and your family.”

Agent Roberts and Hems have been with me every step of the way and gratitude fills me. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

Agent Roberts nods and smiles at me. I notice the dark circles that ring his eyes, the exhaustion on his face as well. “These are the cases that make my job worth it. It doesn’t usually end like this.”

Another cop waves to him from the end of the hall. “Take care of yourself,” he adds, and walks away.

Gathering my scattered emotions, I remember what I came out here for, and make a call to Milo.

I’ll say this for Milo, in an emergency, he can pull those strings fast and hard. Within two hours, everything is arranged. Jude has accompanied Dani—along with a ton of security—back to my house. They’re only going to be there long enough to pack what Hatch will need, plus mine and Dani’s stuff as well.

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