Home > Touched By The Devil : Bad Boy Traumance(78)

Touched By The Devil : Bad Boy Traumance(78)
Author: Angel Lawson

We’ve talked this over a few times, trying to figure out a way to sneak the cats into the dorms. Georgia is allergic, so my room’s out. Bass has his suite, but he’s worried about getting them up four flights of stairs without one of them freaking out and getting loose. Thankfully, there’s still some time to come up with a plan.

Speaking of plans…

“Oh,” I say, as we walk back toward the main part of campus. “And can you ask Merle if he thinks my car will be ready by this weekend?”

Sebastian shoots me a wary glance. “Why? You need a ride somewhere? I can drive you.”

“I do have an appointment,” I admit, shaking my head at his offer, “but it’s just been a while since I left it with him. Even if he actually wants to work on the car, it has to be a nuisance at this point.”

Sebastian waves this off. “Are you serious? He’s into it, not to mention totally anal about getting everything just right.”

“I don’t want to take advantage of his generosity.”

A flicker of tightness crosses Bass’s face but quickly vanishes. “You’re not taking advantage. Trust me, Merle doesn’t do anything he doesn’t one-hundred-percent want to do. I’ve seen this guy turn down harder cases than you. I’m sure it’ll be finished soon.”

I purse my lips, unconvinced. “If you really think so.”

“I don’t think, Sugar. I know.” He walks me right up to the front steps of Hayden, bouncing on his toes against the cold of the wind. “So, if you’re not coming to the game, maybe we can hang out after?”

I hum in thought. “If I get everything finished in the lab, maybe we can hang out.” It’ll be too late to risk much, but at this point, I’m willing to take anything.

He dips down to kiss me, tongue sweeping between my lips, thumbs pressing into my hips. I link my arms around his neck and slowly lose myself in him until someone loudly clears their throat.

“Gross, get a room.” We pull apart and see Georgia down at the bottom of the steps, smirking at us. “Not our room, mind you. I need to get ready for the game.”

Bass and I say goodbye for real and I head up to the dorm room with Georgia. I sit on the edge of my bed while she sorts through her black and red spirit wear for the game. The sight of it makes my head ache—or maybe it’s just all the tension I’m carrying.

She glances over at my long sigh. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just overwhelmed, I guess.”

“With Bass?”

“No.” I pick at a sticker on my phone case. “I’ve got that showcase in a couple weeks, plus I need to go home for this family thing next week and I’m totally fucking dreading it.”

“Oh, I can relate to that. My cousin is getting married this summer and we have this huge shower coming up. It’s a couple’s shower, which means I should bring a date. My mom is already obsessing over the fact that I don’t have a boyfriend, always going on about how I need to try harder. My cousin is super perfect and she’s marrying a doctor, so I figure it’s going to be one huge ‘dump on Georgia’ party. It’s the last fucking thing I want to do.”

Although that does sound terrible, it doesn’t quite compare to having to see my abusive stepfather to celebrate my father’s death.

“Are you taking Bass home with you?” she asks, while pulling a white tank top over her black bra.

I wince. “Yeah, that’s part of the problem. I haven’t told him about it. I’m not sure how he and my family would get along.”

“Because he’s super rich and they’re,” she gives me an apologetic look, “not?”

“That’s a part of it. It’s just…” I wedge my nail under the sticker edge. “See, my mom’s husband and I don’t really get along.” Understatement of the fucking century. “And you know how Bass can be, so…”

But her expression turns comprehending. “Overprotective? Mouthy and hot-tempered? Voted most likely to cause a massive scene by JD Power and whoever?”

“Yes, those things.” I nod, falling back on my bed. “And truthfully? My stepfather isn’t much better. I can see it going badly. I just don’t want him to think I’m ashamed of him or something. This is definitely a case of them being the problem, not Bass.”

Georgia pulls on a pair of skin-tight, black leggings. “Bass has changed since you got here. Believe it or not, he seems to have calmed down, at least a little. The irritation and anger flare-ups seem to happen less, and I haven’t heard anything about him fighting lately—officially or unofficially. Mostly he just seems really into you. Who knew this whole time he just needed a fine piece of ass to focus all his energy on?” Sending me a grin, she pushes her feet into her shoes. “Just talk to him. Bass knows more about fucked-up families than he may have told you. Now that I think about it, if you want to loan him to me for the shower, I’ll take him.”

I don’t expect the flicker of jealousy to rise in my chest, but it does—hot and furious. “Georgia, I like you a lot, but so help me—”

“Kidding, I was kidding!” she adds quickly, heading toward the door. “Sure you can’t come to the game tonight? I hear it’s going to be pretty epic.”

“I’ll try to swing by after I get some work done.”

“Don’t wait too long,” she says, then steps into the hallway and closes the door. “I’m telling you, there are some things you don’t want to miss at Preston. This game is one of them.”



I try my hardest to focus on my work, sorting through the photos I plan on using in the exhibit. My mind is on other things—home, my mom, my dad, Doug. Carrying Sebastian over to that world, my world, hadn’t really crossed my mind, but with our relationship intensifying, I don’t know how I can keep it from happening forever. My gaze keeps going back to the photo Gwen mentioned at dinner; the one of the cemetery and my father’s grave. I hate the idea of going to celebrate my father while Doug is there. He pretends to be respectful—my dad was a hero, after all—but I know he’s jealous that my mom still honors him every year. He dotes on her all day and I get the brunt of his attitude. That’s what finally makes me realize that I not only want Sebastian to go with me, I think I need him to.

Thinking about all this dries up my creative mood, and I put away the equipment. If Georgia is right, I shouldn’t be down in the lab during a major social event. I lucked out with this scholarship and I should take advantage of every opportunity. I’m part of Preston Prep now, stupid basketball games included.

I lock up the lab and head across campus to the gym. I show my ID to the woman at the entrance and she waves me in. Inside is a clash of color; red and black against the cool silver of the opposing team. From the chatter around school, the Devils are poised to win the entire championship with this game against Sparrowood Academy. Even up in the Briar Cliffs, the rivalry between these two elite schools is well known. I doubt the Academy will go down without a fight.

When I enter the rowdy gym, the clock is counting down to halftime. I search the stands for a familiar face, but it’s all a blur of red and black painted faces and chests, devil iconography, and electrified energy. The players run down the court, shoes squeaking on the sparkling hardwood. A ball flies past my face and I yelp before darting up the nearest bleacher. I take the first empty seat that I find, heart pounding from the close call, and take a deep breath.

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