Home > The Touch of a Villain (The Boys of Clermont Bay #1)(23)

The Touch of a Villain (The Boys of Clermont Bay #1)(23)
Author: Holly Renee

Get away from these men who thought their money somehow made them untouchable. Get away from it all.

“Josie.” I stopped as soon as my name fell from his lips. Every bit of resolve I just felt disappearing at the sound of his voice. I didn’t dare look back at him because I wasn’t sure what I would do. I wasn’t sure if I could handle looking in those fucking eyes for another second without forgetting who I was.

His footsteps echoed through the empty hall, and I knew he was making his way back to me. I should have left. My feet should have moved, and I should have left him standing there wanting more.

But I couldn’t.

Walking away from Beck Clermont was impossible. He was the bad guy, I knew that, but no part of me seemed to care.

Because I stood there in anticipation of what he would do next, of what he might say.

He pushed some hair from my shoulder, exposing my neck fully to him. “I love that you were willing to beg me.”

Shame shot through every part of me at his words, but he didn’t care. Beck would never care, and I had been an idiot to want any part of him.

He moved past me, not sparing another glance my way, and he disappeared as if he was nothing more than my imagination.

But I wouldn’t give him that advantage again. I would never see Beck for anything other than exactly what he was. He was the villain, ruthless, cruel, and I was nothing more than a game to entertain himself with.

I refused to be taken captive in his game again.



Chapter Ten






“Who pissed you off tonight?”

I stared up at Olly and took another drag from the joint. I almost never smoked, but I needed it tonight. I needed something to take the edge off before I went fucking crazy.

Before I went back to the country club and fucked the shit out of Josie Vos.

I had thought of nothing else since I walked out that door.

I had been there to do the exact opposite. I didn’t have the power to fire her, not yet at least, but I couldn’t imagine how my father could just waltz around there with a Vos shoved right under his nose.

I understood that he was a businessman, but this didn’t feel like business. It felt like he was laying down and letting Joseph Vos fuck him in any way he wanted.

I wasn’t my father. I refused to let Joseph Vos or his fucking son get away with anything else, and I wanted to take out every bit of my anger on her pretty unmarred skin.

She had been so pliable in my hands tonight. I knew she had wanted me as badly as I wanted her.

Her body admitted it as easily as her mouth had.

Every stroke of my fingers had her body begging for more. I felt powerful with her under my touch. It fueled me and fucked with my head.

The need to use her barely outweighed my need to taste her.

But it had to. I couldn’t lose sight of who she was. No matter how enticing she was, she was a Vos, and nothing else mattered.

“Beck.” I looked at Olly and tried to remember what he had asked me. Had he asked me something?


He pulled the joint from my hand and took a long drag before releasing the smoke. “This must be some good shit, huh?”

I nodded and chuckled. I was barely even feeling the weed. I was still too fucked up on her.

“The girls are here.” He nodded to the door, and I watched as Cami and her posse of rich, entitled girls pushed through the party like they owned the damn place.

She looked the same as she always had, and if it had been only a few days earlier, I would have even said she looked beautiful. But that word tasted wrong when it came to her.

Cami wasn’t beautiful.

In looks, God, yes. She was smoking hot, and she knew it. But that was half the problem, Cami’s ego was the only thing that could compete with her insecurities, and she used both to keep her rank in our world. She used both to put people in their place.

And to make sure they stayed there.

But very few of them actually knew her. Not really. Not like I did.

But she did let me see her. Every part of her.

I was one of the only ones who knew about her fucked-up affair and how she let Mr. Weston use her whenever he wanted.

It had all become a part of this fucked-up game she seemed to be playing. She let him use her while she used everyone else.

But she hadn’t used Frankie.

Cami stepped in front of me, her smile wide and her eyes a little wild. I was sure that she had been drinking or smoking. She rarely went a day without it, and I wasn’t one to judge her for it.

If there was anyone who demanded excellence for Cami more than she did for herself, it was her parents, and that demand took its toll on her.

So did the fact that the man she loved went back home to his wife every night.

You couldn’t tell unless you knew where to look. Unless you watched as the spark in her eyes slowly faded.

“Beckham.” She leaned down, putting a hand on each of my knees. I should have been affected by her touch; I used to be. But somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to feel anything for it now.

Not after Josie.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” She moved her finger back and forth over my knee, but I didn’t move an inch. I just stared into her eyes and waited for her next move. Cami always had her next move planned out in her head.

“I just saw you the other day.” I motioned to Olly, and he passed the joint back as he spoke to one of Cami’s girls. I drew the joint to my lips, and Cami tracked the movement. She licked her lips and my dick jerked. Regardless of where my head was, he hadn’t forgotten her or that mouth of hers.

It knew me better than most of the people at this fucking party.

And it always came back to me when she needed me. She came back whenever he pushed her away.

“It feels like a lifetime ago.” She leaned forward and her lips pressed against mine with no preamble. She didn’t wait for permission or even a flicker of want from me, she didn’t need it.

She had never needed it before.

I opened my mouth, letting the smoke gently flow from me, and she breathed it in like she was dying for it.

That was the thing about Cami. She was always dying for something.

Power, admiration, drugs, love. They all amounted to about the same to her.

“I’m really not in the mood, Cami.” I pushed her away from me, and there was a slight moment where I saw the doubt in her eyes, the edge of panic.

I almost never pushed her away. No one did. If Cami wanted it, she got it.

It was as simple as that.

But I wasn’t in the mood for her tonight. I wasn’t in the mood for any of these people.

“You know our senior year is about to start.” She said it so quietly and sweetly that I knew others probably thought she was whispering something dirty in my ear.

All Cami ever whispered was dirt. Dirt on her enemies and her friends, and dirt that helped her keep her secrets safe.

I looked up at her, and I wondered if I looked as bored as I felt. “I’m aware, Cami.”

She smiled at someone who walked past us, but I didn’t glance their way. I cared even less about them than I did her.

“Then don’t forget our arrangement.”

She stared into my eyes, and I wondered what she was going to do when she left this party. I wondered if she would fuck him as soon as no one was wondering where she was. “I haven’t forgotten.”

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