Home > Take Me Home Tonight(67)

Take Me Home Tonight(67)
Author: Morgan Matson

All she got was a text message from Ryan Camper, telling her they were over.

Then her phone died.

And while she was pretty sure she was headed the right way, she figured it wouldn’t hurt to check. She steered the car into a parking spot, killed the engine, and looked at the kids sleeping in the backseat.

“Are we home?” Daryl asked as he stretched.

Parker looked around, at the neon signs. She shook her head at her brother.

“Not yet,” Teri said. “Quick food and bathroom break. Let’s go.” As she ushered the kids inside, Teri couldn’t help thinking that if this was what it was always like to babysit, it was no wonder Kat had wanted to retire.

The Borderline was a big space, a bar at one end, booths and tables, and an area with a pool table and pinball machines. It was crowded, and loud. It was Friday night, after all.

Teri took the girls into the bathroom after Daryl promised he wouldn’t wander off. And after they were done and everyone’s hands were washed, she felt like she could finally breathe a little.

Teri saw that Parker’s overall straps had gotten crossed in front. She knelt down to help, straightening them. As she did, she brushed against a bulge in the front of Parker’s overall pocket. “What’s that?” The toddler’s eyes went wide and she clamped her hands over it.

“Hand it over,” Chris commanded with big-sister authority. Parker sighed, unsnapped the pocket, and handed a small black velvet bag to Teri.

“What is this?” It was heavier than she expected. She pulled it open and blinked in the sudden glare. She was looking at a bag of diamonds that sparkled back at her. “Where… did you get these?” Teri asked, feeling faint.

“Whoa,” Chris said, leaning down to look as well.

Parker folded her arms and stuck her lip out. So she was a magpie after all. “Did you take this from Gilroy’s jacket?” Teri asked. Her mouth felt dry.

Parker nodded, with a what’re you gonna do? shrug.

“You have to stop that,” Chris said. “Seriously. I’ll tell Mom and Dad.”

“Well, we’ll see,” Teri said quickly. The list of the things the Stones didn’t need to know about was large, and ever-expanding, and now included things like their toddler stealing several million in diamonds.

The bathroom door swung open and an older woman walked to the mirror, frowning at her bangs. Teri dropped the bag of diamonds into her purse. “Sorry,” Teri said to the woman, deciding to use this opportunity to get some information. “Can you tell me… where we are?”

“The Borderline.” The woman didn’t glance away from her own reflection.

“Right. But—the border of what, exactly? Connecticut?”

The woman looked away from the mirror, then threw back her head and laughed—which was not the reaction Teri had been hoping for. “This is Clayton, New York, honey. On the border of Canada.”

“Why are we in Canada?” Chris asked.

“We’re not. We’re just… next to Canada.” Teri was reeling. How had this happened?

“And what about the…” Chris nodded at the bag of diamonds, then mouthed bag of diamonds. “Isn’t Gilroy going to come looking for them?”

“I don’t think he could have followed us,” Teri said, with more confidence than she felt. “Let’s find your brother and get some directions.”

Daryl was standing by the pool table, looking fascinated. “Can I play, Teri?” he asked as they approached. “It’s a C-note buy in with an escalator, double if you run the table.”

“I don’t know what that means.” Teri tried to steer him away.

“Want a translation?”

Teri turned around, frowning at whoever just spoke—but her frown disappeared when she saw him. The boy standing across from her looked around her age. He was tall, with broad shoulders and bright aquamarine eyes. He had a nervous smile, and sandy hair underneath a green baseball cap that read ALBERTA’S GOODS. “Oh,” Teri said, smiling. “That’s okay.”

“Want to stake me?” Daryl asked. “I’ll give you a cut.”

The guy laughed. “Thanks,” he said. “But I’m working, so I probably shouldn’t.”

“Working as what?” Chris asked.

“I work for my dad’s company, delivering supplies. I’m Dustin, by the way. Dustin Alberta.”

Teri tried not to swoon at the wonderfulness of this name—streets ahead of Ryan. Daryl introduced himself and his sisters. Dustin shook Parker’s offered hand gravely, like he was meeting the mayor. “I’m Teri,” Teri said, holding her free hand out. “The babysitter.”

“Nice to meet you,” Dustin said, shaking her hand. The second they touched, her pulse started racing. “Aren’t you guys kind of up past your bedtime?”

“It’s a long story,” Teri said.

“I think it just got longer,” Chris said, her voice low, her eyes worried. Teri looked—and saw that Gilroy was standing by the door, scanning the room.

Teri turned away, trying to think what to do. “Okay, we need to find a back entrance or something.”

“Everything okay?” Dustin asked, taking a step closer.

“We have to go,” Teri said. Her heart was beating double-time. She knew how dangerous Gilroy was. He had a gun, after all. And was willing to lie to children about being a federal employee. “Chris, can you go to the window and see if you can see our car? Slowly.”

Chris nodded, walked to the window, and then returned, looking scared. “There was a guy sitting on the hood. Dressed in black.”

“He’s with Gilroy,” Teri said. It was like the walls were closing in. “How are we supposed to get out now?”

“Leave it to me.” Dustin’s voice was so assured that Teri felt she could trust him. “Come on,” he said, as he headed across the room. “I know a back way.”

They followed Dustin, Teri keeping a firm grip on Parker, her eyes on the ground. They were nearly to the door when the yell rang out.

“Not so fast, rugrats!” Gilroy yelled. He was hurrying over to them, his face twisted into an ugly expression.

Teri grabbed Daryl and took a shaky breath. She locked eyes with all the kids. “Run.”





The cab’s meter was steadily ticking up—and so was my anger.

After my brief cry in the elevator, I was done with sadness. As the ride down to the Village continued, I could feel myself stewing, my resentment building up. Fine was the refrain echoing in my mind.

My dad cancelled my birthday dinner with only a few hours’ notice? Fine.

He lied to me about it and went to dinner with Joy instead? Fine.

But that didn’t mean I had to take it like I always did. There was a reservation, and a credit card at a restaurant waiting for me. So fine. I was going to go and use it and buy the most expensive dinner I possibly could and charge it to his card, and if my dad had a problem with it, he’d actually have to talk to me. He’d actually have to ask me what was going on, see how I was feeling.…

I bit my lip hard, because tears were waiting in the wings, in hair and makeup, listening for their cue, ready to jump on at a moment’s notice. I took a deep breath and forced them back to the greenroom. I was in control. I was okay. And I didn’t have to take this anymore.

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