Home > Bad Men(34)

Bad Men(34)
Author: Airicka Phoenix

“Hot as fuck,” Davien added.

“So, you don’t think I’m crazy?” I whispered, letting Nero litter kisses along the side of my neck to my jaw line.

“I think you’re fucking insane,” he corrected into my ear in a low growl that sent a shiver down my spine. “I think you’re completely out of your mind for wanting us, for being here, but I…”

He broke off abruptly as if he’d said too much. Instead, I was hoisted up, sheets and all, and marched back to the sofa where I was dropped unceremoniously. The cushions gave me a bounce before he was in front of me, enormous and radiating with a heat that made my tender areas stir. I was debating whether or not I was ready to handle another round when I was freed of the fabric with three sharp tugs. My knees were pulled apart and filled by his wide shoulders.


My weak gasp was splintered by the first sweep of his tongue. My hips jerked at the hot contact that ran from slit to clit. My fingers curled into the cushions under me, nails anchoring me in place. He held my gaze, relentless and without mercy as he traced and retraced my core. When he pushed inside, I swore and grabbed the back of his head with both hands, fingers closing in the satin strands.

“I guess I’ll just finish this on my own,” Davien muttered with an amused snort, already reaching for the binder he’d put aside.

I didn’t ask him to join us. Not because I didn’t want him to but because what Nero and I were sharing in that moment was ours. If Davien joined, I wouldn’t turn him away but I left that for him to decide. Instead, I focused on the man soothing my aches by creating new ones, intense ones that had my toes curling on either sides of his head. He bit my clit and I lost it. I came with a sharp hiss of his name and a hard tug of his head, urging him deeper.

I was still lost in the blissful haze of my release when he moved up my satiated body to claim my lips. I eagerly opened to his coaxing tongue, welcoming our combined flavors. My knees closed high around his ribs and I pulled him snug with the locking of my ankles at his lower back.

“Do you see how fucking addictive you taste and smell?” he murmured against my mouth, his arms snaking under me and lifting higher against the hard bulge pushing back through the worn material of his sweats.

“Show me,” I breathed back, fingers moving down his sides to hook into his bottoms.

He stopped me. “No.”

I blinked, not expecting a rejection. “Why?”

He kissed the corners of my mouth lightly. “You’re sore. I know you are,” he insisted when I opened my mouth. “Give her time to heal.”

I hated that he was right, especially when all I wanted was to feel him slide inside me, but I knew we had plenty of time for that.

He must have sensed my reluctant agreement because he gave me a grin and reached for the sheets bunched up beneath me. He twisted it around me, careful to avoid the wet spot I’d created.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

I nodded and glanced at the windows heavily covered in weighted fabric, making it impossible to tell what time of day it was. “But I should head home. My parents will worry if supper isn’t ready when they get back.”

Nero gently nudged me onto the cushion between him and Davien, squishing me between them. “Let us finish up here and we’ll take you.”

I sat quietly and watched as they resumed their task of counting and filing away money. I didn’t bother asking where it came from or where it was going. It was obvious.

The last of the bundles was counted, twisted together in a roll and dumped into the cash box. Davien marked it in his book while Nero closed the lid and locked it.

“That’s the last of it,” Davien mumbled, shutting the binder and setting it on the table. The cash box was placed on top in a neat stack.

With their task complete, both men faced me.

“What time will your parents be home?” Davien asked, pushing a lock of hair off my cheek.

“A little after one. What time is it?”

Nero pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “Ten to seven.”

“We have a meeting at eight,” Davien muttered, looking past me to Nero. “But if you can hang on, we can grab a bite afterwards.”

The thought of sharing dinner with them sounded like heaven, but one glance at the frown on Nero’s face had that little light flickering.

“Is that okay?”

He continued to eye Davien over me, mouth set in a hard line. He heaved a heavy sigh and nodded.

“It’s fine.”

It didn’t feel fine. The two were glowering at each other the way my parents did when they didn’t want me to know what they were arguing about. In this case, I had an idea.

“Does it go against a rule?” I asked quietly. “We don’t have to. I need to make something for my parents anyway.”

They weren’t listening to me.

“You made your point,” Nero said to Davien. “You’re being careless now.”

“It’s just dinner,” Davien retorted with equal sharpness.

“It’s more than that and you know it.”

I started to step in, to make another excuse and bail on the whole plan when my protest was snatched away by the rattle of the doorknob. We all had just enough time to turn to the front door when it flew open and two enormous men ambled into the cramped foyer.

Davien and Nero were on their feet before I could even register what was happening. Nero had his gun out and aimed. Davien had his fists bunched. Both men were prepared for battle, except the two at the door parted to reveal a third man, one I did recognize.

Alejandro Delgado slipped into the vacated space, hands folded comfortably in the depths of his pockets. Cool, dark eyes registered his surroundings with detached disinterest before settling on the trio across the room. He glanced from face to face, unperturbed by the gun leveled at his chest.

“Nero. Davien,” he greeted lazily. “I’m glad you’re home.” He pocketed a set of keys I assumed he’d used to unlock the door. Why he had keys to someone else’s apartment was a question I tucked away for later.

With some reluctance, Nero lowered his weapon down to his side, but didn’t remove his finger off the trigger.

“Alejandro,” Davien found his voice first. He stepped around the coffee table and moved towards the other man with smooth, confident strides. “We weren’t expecting you.”

Everyone had heard of Alejandro Delgado, Eduardo’s shadow, his ruthless and murderous right-hand man. Only the very unlucky had ever crossed his path. His very presence was the equivalent of death. People murmured prayers of protection when his very name was mentioned. Seeing him up close and in person for the first time in my life, I could see why.

He was beautiful, an angel with the face of Adonis and eyes the very pits of hell. They were bottomless voids, endless, cold, vicious, and sat perfectly beneath a proud brow and dark, silken fringes that fell free in reckless wisps over those watchful eyes. They pivoted from Nero to Davien then drifted between them to settle on me.

My breath caught in my chest. That single glance held all the power and cruelty of the entire world. It crackled with the warning of thin ice splintering under shifting weight. It paralyzed me.

“Where is the boss’s delivery?”

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