Home > Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4)(26)

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4)(26)
Author: Marissa Meyer

“Oh, I fully intend to form an alliance with Luna.” Kai glanced at the cyborg foot again. “I just intend to put a different queen on the throne first.”




The communication link took ages to connect, while Kai stood before the netscreen with his hands clasped behind his back and his heart thudding louder than the Rampion’s engine. He hadn’t bothered to change from the white silk wedding shirt he’d been wearing when he’d been kidnapped, though it was wrinkled and had a tiny hole where Cinder’s tranquilizer dart had punctured it. Still, he thought Levana might appreciate that contacting her was his first priority—above a fresh change of clothes, above even alerting the Earthen media to his return.

He was going to use every tactic he could think of to get on her good side. Anything to make this believable.

Finally, finally, the small globe in the corner stopped turning and the netscreen brightened, revealing Levana in her sheer white veil.

“Could it be my dear young emperor?” she cooed. “I had all but given you up for lost. What has it been, more than a month, I believe? I thought for sure your captors had murdered and dismembered you by now.”

Kai smiled, pretending she’d made an amusing joke. “A few bumps and scratches here and there, but nothing so horrible as all that.”

“I see,” Levana mused, tilting her head. “That bruise on your cheek looks recent.”

“More recent than some of the others, yes,” said Kai. Pretending his time aboard the Rampion had been a trial, barely endured, was the first step in his strategy. “Linh Cinder made it clear from the start that I was a prisoner aboard her ship, not a guest. Between you and me, I think she was still bitter I’d had her arrested at the ball.”

“How savage.”

“I’m considering myself lucky for now. I was finally able to negotiate my freedom. I’ve just returned to New Beijing. Informing you of my return was my highest priority.”

“And to what do we owe this happy occasion? I suspect those negotiations must have been cumbersome.”

“My kidnappers had many demands. A monetary payout, of course, and also that I call off the ongoing search for the fugitives, both Linh Cinder and Carswell Thorne.”

The veil fluttered as Levana adjusted her hands on her lap. “They must have believed their capture was imminent,” she said, her tone unimpressed. “Although I can’t see how that would be, given that you could not apprehend them whilst they were in your own palace.”

Kai’s smile remained poised. “Nevertheless, I agreed to it. However, I made no guarantees for the rest of the Union, nor Luna. I expect these criminals will be found and brought to justice for their crimes, including my own assault and kidnapping.”

“I expect they will,” said Levana, and he knew she was mocking him, but for the first time the knowledge didn’t crawl beneath his skin.

“They had one additional demand.” Behind his back, Kai squeezed his hands together, forcing his nervous energy into them. “They insisted that I refuse to follow through with the alliance terms you and I had agreed upon. They asked that the wedding not be allowed to continue.”

“Ah,” said the queen, with a spiteful laugh, “now we get to the reason that contacting me was such a high priority. I am sure it killed you to agree to such egregious terms.”

“Not really,” he deadpanned.

Levana leaned back, and he could see her shoulders trembling. “And why should these criminals concern themselves with intergalactic politics? Are they not aware that they are already responsible for starting a war between our nations? Do they not believe I will find a way to sit upon the Commonwealth throne regardless of your selfish bargain?”

Kai gulped painfully. “Perhaps their interest has to do with Linh Cinder’s claim that she is the lost Princess Selene.”

A silence crackled between him and the netscreen, still as ice on a pond.

“She seems to think,” Kai continued, “that should we proceed with this wedding and coronation, it will weaken what claim she might have on the Lunar throne.”

“I see.” Levana had reclaimed her composure and her flippant, whimsical tone. “I had wondered if she would fill your head with falsehoods. I imagine you were a captive audience.”

He shrugged. “It’s a pretty small spaceship.”

“You believe these claims of hers to be fact?”

“Honestly?” He steeled himself. “I don’t care one way or the other. I have over five billion people living under my protection, and for the past month, every one of them has gone to bed wondering if this would be the night their home was attacked. If this was the night their windows would be broken, their children pulled from their beds, their neighbors mutilated in the streets, all by your … by these monsters you’ve created. I can’t—” He grimaced. This pain, at least, did not have to be faked. “I can’t let this continue, and Linh Cinder, whether or not she is the lost princess, is not the one in charge of the Lunar military right now. I don’t care about Lunar politics and family dynamics and conspiracy theories. I want this to end. And you’re the one with the power to end it.”

“A heartrending speech, young emperor. But our alliance is over.”

“Is it? You seem convinced that I would bow to the whims of criminals and kidnappers.”

She said nothing.

“You had my word long before I gave it to Linh Cinder. Therefore, I feel my agreement with you takes precedence. Wouldn’t you agree?”

The veil shifted by her hands, like she was fidgeting with something. “I see that your time away has not diminished your impressive skills at diplomacy.”

“I hope not.”

“You’re telling me that you wish to proceed with our previous arrangement?”

“Yes, under the same terms. We both agree to a cease-fire on all Earthen land and space territories, effective immediately. Upon your coronation as empress of the Eastern Commonwealth, all Lunar soldiers will be removed from Earthen soil, and you will allow us to manufacture and distribute your letumosis antidote.”

“And what assurances can you give me that our wedding won’t be subjected to the same mortifying spectacle as the last one? Surely your cyborg and her friends won’t be pleased when they learn you’ve ignored their demands.”

“I’m afraid I haven’t had time to develop a plan. We’ll increase security, of course. Bring in military reinforcements—I know how much you admire them.”

Levana scoffed.

“But Linh Cinder has proven herself to be resourceful. One option would be to hold the ceremony in secret, and not release the proof of the wedding until after the coro—”

“No. I will not leave any question in the minds of the Earthen people that I am your wife, and their empress.”

Kai’s clenched his teeth to keep from gagging at the words. Your wife. Their empress. “I understand. We can consider other locations to host the ceremony, something more remote and secure. A spaceship, perhaps? Or even…”

He hesitated, trying to look appalled at his own unspoken thought.

“Or even what?”

“I was just … I doubt this would appeal to you. It would require a lot of work, and I don’t know if it’s even plausible … but, why not host the wedding on Luna? It would be impossible for Linh Cinder to interfere then.”

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