Home > Oh My Gods(30)

Oh My Gods(30)
Author: Alexandra Sheppard

“I know. Thanks, Marco.”

The weird thing was, unlike when Noor said it earlier that day, I really believed it with Marco. Like, I could actually tell him every crazy thing about my family. He’d simply nod, and ask how I was coping.

He wouldn’t ask me what it was like to have beautiful, talented, immortal gods as siblings. He wouldn’t care about their powers. He’d want to know how they affected me.

“It’s good to know I can talk to you,” I added. “Literally all everyone wants to talk about is Apollo right now.”

“So everyone wants to talk about your half-brother. How does that feel?”

“Lonely. I feel lonely.” It was the first time I’d said the words out loud. My cheeks felt hot. It felt good to get it off my chest, but also strangely embarrassing.

The line was quiet for what felt like eternity, but was probably only a few seconds. “Helen,” he murmured. “That must suck. Right?”

I snapped back to reality. I couldn’t stand the thought of Marco feeling sorry for me. “I’m just being dramatic,” I said. “It’s too loud to be lonely in this house, especially with everyone arguing all the time.”

Marco laughed, thank goodness. “I think our families have plenty in common, Helen.”

After we said goodnight and ended the call, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d said. Marco must think I’m pathetic.

What teenager ever gets lonely? I’m surrounded by friends and family, for goodness’ sake. And I mean literally surrounded. With Apollo here, we had a full house.

I checked my phone and saw dozens of messages from the gang in our group chat. It wasn’t anything important, just memes and GIFs and gossip. They wouldn’t mind if I caught up with them the next day. And after opening up to Marco, I wasn’t in the mood for jokes.

I felt like I couldn’t actually talk to any of them about the stuff that weighed on my mind. The stuff that kept me awake at night. I couldn’t talk to Marco, either. Not really. But being able to say the words “I feel lonely” to him? That felt like a big deal.

It seemed like he truly cared about me. Not my chaotic, talented, beautiful family. But me.

And the best thing about that whole conversation? He didn’t press for answers when I mentioned the family emergency. Why couldn’t everyone in my life be as sweet and understanding as Marco?

The one thing he hadn’t mentioned was a second date. What if he misinterpreted me running to catch the bus? Did he think I was trying to worm my way out of a kiss? I really hoped that wasn’t the case, seeing as I fancied him so much it affected my breathing.

My phone vibrated on my bed. I had a new message.

M: Date number two is overdue. Free soon? x

How could so few words cause my entire body to melt down? I hugged my phone to my chest and squealed.




Dear Mum,

Things have taken a turn for the worse. We had a written warning from the Council thanks to Eros, Aphrodite and Apollo misusing their powers. If they cross the line again, they will all be called back for a trial at Mount Olympus. And if they’re found guilty? I can kiss goodbye my life on earth.

To make matters even more complicated, one of the leading Council members hates our entire family. According to Eros, Cranus will be looking for any opportunity to banish us all to Mount Olympus. I’m not sure what happened for him to hate our family, but I’m not about to ask. I have a feeling that it’s better to not know.

In any case, a trial won’t happen. Dad took the major precaution of putting them under house arrest for thirty days with everyone banned from contacting the outside world (except for me, thank the gods … or not, as the case may be). By that time, Aphrodite’s devotees will have moved on to the next big thing. And everyone will have forgotten about Apollo, too.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned recently, it’s to be careful what you wish for. For weeks I hated that Dad was always out and the house seemed quiet and empty. Now, the house is full to the brim and I can’t get a moment of peace. If it isn’t Apollo writing new songs at all hours, it’s random crashes coming from Aphrodite’s attic. I guess she’s still angry about losing her internet privileges.

The only one who is quiet is Eros. He’s taken his punishment quite badly. It’s like he’s taken on a vow of silence or something. Apollo seems more bothered about losing his new fans (#PrayForDJSunny trended on Twitter for about thirty seconds). And Aphrodite? I haven’t seen her since our family meeting at the weekend. Knowing her bad moods, I’d like to keep it that way.

Dad’s always home straight after work too. I guess he and Lisa broke up, and I do actually feel terrible for him. Sure, I didn’t like that he always talked about her and whatever crap documentary they were watching. But she made him happy. Now he lives in his office, hardly making a sound. I haven’t even seen him in his shed. If Dad has lost his interest in rusty antiques, I know things must be bad.

But at least everything in my life isn’t terrible. I had a date, Mum! I think he might even be my boyfriend. Like, I think we’re seeing each other exclusively. If I’m being honest, having Marco to distract me is the one thing getting me through this madness.

Since Apollo made his TV debut, I can’t help but wonder if my friends care more about that than me. But Marco knew about Apollo being a celebrity and didn’t care. He just wants to know how I’m feeling.

Mum, I think you’d love him. He’s clever, kind, charming and sophisticated. And so beautiful, like a cartoon prince or spring sunshine. He has the type of face that people write music about. He’s so perfect-looking it almost makes me mad. Like, what gives him the right to be so delicious?

He’s a little older than me (don’t freak out) but I think that’s a good thing. He doesn’t play annoying games like so many of the boys my age. I don’t think he’s the type to ditch me for someone bigger than an A-cup. There’s something that feels solid and secure about Marco.

I’m not sure what it is. But I do know that I’m into him. Like, really into him.

And honestly? Amidst all of this madness, he’s exactly what I need.

Love for ever,

Helen xxx




“Hels, you haven’t forgotten about the sleepover tonight, have you?” Daphne asked as we rushed out of our last lesson of the week. She did text me the night before, but I was on the phone to Marco and forgot to reply.

“Yeah, I’m there!” I said. It sounded FAR better than staying at home. Eros still wasn’t talking to anyone, Aphrodite’s foul mood put me on edge, and Apollo’s speakers thumped non-stop. I leapt at the chance to have a break from my family.

I went to my locker and checked my phone for new messages (well, a message from Marco).

M: Hey :) Free for coffee this afternoon? X

I was about to text him back and say I wasn’t free. But why couldn’t I fit in coffee and the sleepover? I was going to spend all night with my friends, after all. I could spare a bit of time for Marco.

H: Deffo! Do you know Sprinkles? See you there in an hour x

I met the girls by the school gates and told them I’d forgotten my overnight clothes. I said I’d go home, get changed and see them at Daphne’s in a couple of hours.

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