Home > The Billionaire's Cinderella Housekeeper(17)

The Billionaire's Cinderella Housekeeper(17)
Author: Miranda Lee

   He could have been away from home now, he thought irritably, having his sexual needs met.

   But he wasn’t. He was here. And his needs were staring him in the face. No doubt his arousal was mainly because of that damned dream, but also partly because he’d be seeing the object of his desires this morning. There was no avoiding Ruby. No escape. Today was going to be hell, starting with breakfast.

   Oh, well. No use putting off the inevitable. He had to face his nemesis sooner or later. But first he determined to do something about the dreadful state he was in.

   Gritting his teeth, Sebastian hauled himself onto his feet and headed for the bathroom.


   It was five past nine before Sebastian made an appearance in the kitchen, Ruby’s spirits lifting at the sight of him.

   ‘There you are,’ she said. ‘I was beginning to think you weren’t ever going to come home.’

   He said nothing to this, instead picking up the newspaper, which was delivered every Saturday and which she’d placed on the breakfast bar.

   A silence descended as he attempted to remove the plastic cover, giving Ruby the opportunity to observe him stealthily. He looked tired but still handsome, casually dressed in fawn chinos and a white T-shirt. His dark hair was still wet from the shower and his face unshaven, which was unusual for Sebastian. His grooming was usually perfect. Yet the stubble suited his masculine face. And added to his sex appeal.


   ‘What do you want for breakfast?’ she asked after he succeeded in freeing the paper of its stubborn confines.

   ‘A tall glass of orange juice to begin with,’ he answered, finally looking up at her. ‘Then a couple of poached eggs on toast followed by lots of coffee. I’ll eat outside,’ he finished up.

   ‘Right,’ she said through gritted teeth. For whilst Ruby was getting used to his on-off brusqueness, it still offended her. Why couldn’t he just be nice?

   Lord knew why he put her libido in such a twist. She didn’t really like him all that much, but it seemed lust was not necessarily connected with liking.

   He didn’t go outside straight away. Instead, he just stood there on the other side of the breakfast bar, frowning at her old jeans and the very large apron that covered her from neck to knee.

   ‘Yes, I know,’ she said with a defensive shrug of her shoulders. ‘I look a fright in this apron. But I’ve been cooking pastry, which can be messy. Don’t worry, I’ll look decent by the time your mother comes.’

   ‘I’m sure you’ll be perfect,’ he bit out, spinning on his heel and stomping outside.

   It was at moments like this that Ruby didn’t just dislike him. She hated him. But then he spoiled everything by smiling at her when she brought the juice outside.

   ‘Sorry for being grumpy,’ he said. ‘It’s been a tough week.’

   ‘That’s all right,’ she said, and smiled back at him before she could stop herself.

   Their eyes met over the rim of the glass and her heart turned over. Dear God. As much as she wanted to keep hating him, she just couldn’t. He wasn’t a hateful man. Not even remotely.

   ‘So did you watch Battle at the Bar last night?’ he asked after he took a huge swallow of juice.

   ‘I did.’

   ‘What did you think of it?’

   ‘It’s an exceptional show,’ she said truthfully, glad to have something to distract her from her escalating feelings for this man. ‘I doubt there’s anything else like it on TV at the moment. It hooks you in within five minutes and keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole hour and a half. The story last night was riveting and Zack was just brilliant. If ever I get into trouble with the law, I’d want someone like him in my corner.’

   ‘He is good, isn’t he?’

   ‘Better than good.’

   ‘Why do you think that is? I sometimes try to work out what appeals to people about him so much. Is it just his looks, or his acting? Or both?’

   Ruby considered her answer for a few moments, aware that Sebastian was watching her. Watching and waiting. ‘I think it’s the passion of the character he plays,’ she said at last. ‘Caesar cares about his clients and he shows it. Of course,’ Ruby added, ‘it does help to have a strong plot, not to mention all that sex.’

   ‘True. Sex sells,’ Sebastian said, then drained the rest of his juice. ‘Thank you for that very intelligent critique, Ruby. Could I have the eggs now?’ he asked as he picked up the newspaper and started reading.

   She had been dismissed.

   Ruby wanted to scream. Or hit him. Or both.

   Instead, she turned and started to walk back inside, holding her temper with great difficulty.

   ‘What about the coffee?’ he called after her.

   Ruby stopped, then turned back round to find him folding the paper up and putting it down. ‘You said you wanted it after your eggs,’ she pointed out tartly.

   ‘Did I? Well, I’ve changed my mind. I’d like it now.’

   ‘Coming right up,’ she said through gritted teeth.

   It was a good ten minutes after that she brought him the coffee before she returned with his eggs, her mood still dark.

   ‘Ah,’ he said, looking down at the eggs. ‘This looks so good. Thank you, Ruby.’

   Ruby stifled a sigh. He’d done it again. How did he disarm her when she was mad at him?

   ‘So, did Gloria drop by yesterday with the presents for Mum?’ he asked before he started eating.

   ‘Yes. I put them on the dining table, ready for her.’

   ‘Good. I have to go out after breakfast so I won’t need any lunch. I have a meeting with the writers of Zack’s show, then I’m taking them out to lunch as a thank you for all the extra hours they put in this week.’

   ‘They fixed the problems, then?’

   ‘Yes. They got it right in the end, which is just as well. Nothing worse than a season ending on a bad note. You have to end on a high.’

   ‘I would imagine so,’ she said thoughtfully. ‘You...er...you won’t be late home, Sebastian, will you? Your mother will be upset if you’re late picking her up.’ She didn’t add that she’d be upset if tonight didn’t go well, after all the work she’d done.

   ‘No, Miss Worrywart,’ he said as he picked up his knife and fork. ‘I’ll be back in plenty of time to get ready for tonight’s ordeal.’

   ‘It doesn’t have to be an ordeal,’ she chided him.

   The corner of his mouth lifted in a wry smile. ‘That’s a matter of opinion.’

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