Home > The Siren Saves The Billionaire (Nocturne Falls #13)(39)

The Siren Saves The Billionaire (Nocturne Falls #13)(39)
Author: Kristen Painter

He didn’t want her. He wanted Bowie. Or Undrea.

Sitting felt all right, so he felt around the nightstand for his glasses, put them on, then took hold of the headboard and tried standing. He wobbled for a moment, then that last bit of instability seemed to pass. Maybe fresh air would help. He went to the French doors that led out to the second-floor balcony and opened them.

A gust of cold night air greeted him. He grabbed his robe off the footboard and tugged it on, then slipped outside.

It was cool, but with his robe on, it was bearable. He settled onto one of the two chaise lounges and lay back to watch the stars. The sky was beautiful here in Nocturne Falls.

So crisp and clear and filled with more stars than seemed possible. The night sky in the city reflected too much light to see anything but the very brightest of stars and the moon.

The sky here was like something out of a sci-fi movie. He took a deep breath of clean air. Maybe he should change his diet. Nina would love that.

He frowned. Why did it matter what Nina thought? They weren’t getting back together. That hadn’t changed just because he’d passed out again.

Did she think otherwise? Knowing Nina as he did, she was probably already making plans for their engagement party.

The muscles in his jaw tightened. The woman was relentless, he’d give her that much.

But nothing had changed. If anything, he was more determined to get on with his life.

He squinted in thought. What if Nina was the cause of his stress? He laughed softly. Wouldn’t that be something?

He stared up at the sky, a strange, melancholy feeling coming over him. It was almost a feeling of grief, but there was no reason for that. Things might not be great right now, but they would improve.

They had to. Believing otherwise led down a dark road. And he didn’t like to dwell on what was wrong. He lived too grand a life filled with too many privileges to feel sorry for himself.

He glanced into the bedroom. What he needed was to get back to work. To sink into a project that would totally absorb his thoughts.

The ion membrane called to him. He got up and went back inside.



Undrea led the way with Mattie close behind. They walked through the trees along the property line, deep in the shadows, until they were just below the big windows that looked out toward town.

“Can you see anything?” Undrea asked.

“Not really. Just a few shapes, really. Doesn’t look like anyone’s home. Or at least they’re not downstairs.”

“Where else would they be?” Undrea inched closer, trying to get a better look. “Maybe we should go up the hill and see what’s around back.”

“We’re here. Might as well go all the way around.”

A light came on inside, flooding the first floor with a brightness that made Undrea blink.

“Okay,” Undrea said. “Someone’s home, and I’m guessing it’s Nina.”

Seconds later and Nina walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen.

Mattie straightened a little, lifting up on her toes like she was trying to get a better look. “Doesn’t look like much of a witch to me. Looks like she could use a burger and a day off from the gym.”

Undrea snorted. “Well, she might not look like one, but we know what she’s capable of.”

“He has to be in there somewhere, don’t you think?”

Undrea nodded. “She’s not about to let him out of her sight again. If she can help it.” Then she thought a moment. “I’m pretty sure the master bedroom is upstairs. We should walk around and see if there are any lights on up there.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

They trekked farther up the hillside. They were about a third of the way from the top when Mattie grabbed Undrea’s arm and yanked her down.

“What?” Undrea whispered.

“Nina was coming toward the side window. I thought she was going to look out.”

“You think she can see us in the dark?”

Mattie shrugged. “We don’t know what she’s capable of.”

“Good point.”

They stayed that way for a little bit longer, watching Nina through the windows as best they could. She disappeared again, then came back with a mug in her hand. She stood in front of the sunken living room, the spot where the tank would go, and stared up as she sipped whatever was in that mug.

The look on her face seemed like a mix of triumph and anger. But she also looked tired.

“He’s up there,” Undrea said. “She might have him bound and gagged for all we know.”

“You think she’d go that far? He might still be passed out.”

Undrea shook her head. “Something is telling me she’d do whatever it takes to keep him from leaving her again. If we don’t stop her…”


Undrea exhaled. “I think she’s going to bewitch him into marrying her. And then keep him bewitched to prevent him from leaving. Maybe she’s drugging him with some kind of home brew that numbs him. Makes him think everything is all right.”

Mattie’s eyes narrowed.

Undrea made a face. “You think I’m wrong?”

“No. That’s what bothers me. I think you could absolutely be right. What bothers me is I don’t know exactly what kind of witch we’re up against, so I don’t know how to fight her. And we’re getting into a gray area here. He doesn’t know she’s a witch.”

“I tried to tell him.”

“Do you think he remembers?”

“No idea. Maybe.”

Mattie looked at the house. “It could be worse for him if he does. Especially if he says something to Nina about being a witch. Then she’ll know you told him.”

“You think she’ll come after me?” Undrea hadn’t considered that.

Mattie frowned. “She might. You do still have his cat.”

“A hundred bucks says she tells him Bowie ran away. Or something like that. I don’t think she likes the cat very much. Actually, I don’t think Bowie’s that fond of her, either. Despite that whole witches and cats thing.”

Mattie frowned. “You mean the archetype of the cat as the witch’s familiar?”

“Yes, that.”

“Hmm.” Mattie peered at the house.


“Just thinking. That’s an archetype for a reason.”

“Well, think while we move. I need to know that Ethan’s in that house and that he’s all right.”

“Lead on.”

They got to the back of the house, but there were no lights on upstairs that they could see. And Undrea didn’t know where the master bedroom was. They continued around until they were back at the front of the house. The light was off again, but the television was definitely on. Probably Nina in the sunken living room watching something.

Undrea grunted in frustration. “We still have no proof he’s in there.”

“Maybe he’s still unconscious and sleeping?” Mattie offered.

“Maybe. But I want to know.”

“There’s only one other thing I can think of that will help us.” Mattie stuck her hand down the front of her sweatshirt, then pulled it out again and uncurled her fingers. Blueberry lay on her palm, fast asleep.

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