Home > Defying Eternity (Blossom in Winter #4)(61)

Defying Eternity (Blossom in Winter #4)(61)
Author: Melanie Martins

“Objection, your honor,” Eric shoots up. “That’s beyond the scope.”

“Overruled,” the judge answers again. “Please answer the question.”

Petra seems confused. “Um, I don’t know.”

“Maybe she gave you an indication, no?”

“Objection, your honor, the question is speculative!”

“Sustained,” the judge replies. Then she looks at Ryan and says, “Mr. Steinberg, kindly rephrase the question.”

“Did your mom tell you how many people she had been in touch with on her way to New York?” he asks again.

I smile, seeing Petra getting uncomfortable. She looks at the judge, waiting for her to do something.

“Answer the question, please,” the judge tells her.

Her attention goes back to Ryan, and she says, “She told me she had called Eric and Carice.”

“Eric?” Ryan repeats. Then pointing to where Eric is sitting, he asks, “You mean this Eric?”


Everyone starts whispering louder than before in shock at the revelation that Eric and Tess were friends and it takes a few bangs with her gavel for the judge to keep the gallery under control.

“So as soon as your mom allegedly escaped her abductor, the only people she called to let them know she was going to New York were Eric, here present, and Carice?”

“Speculative, your honor!” Eric is getting so damn annoying! Jeez!

“Your honor, I’d like to enter defense exhibit A.” Ryan takes a document from our table and gives it to the court clerk who passes it to the judge. “According to the latest phone numbers Tess Hagen called, only Eric Bradford, Carice Knowles, and Petra Van Gatt make the list.” He then walks back to where Petra is sitting and proceeds. “Has your mom, to the best of your knowledge, always been firmly against your relationship with Mr. Van Dieren?”

“Um, yes.”

“Was it because she was against your relationship with Mr. Van Dieren that she refused to attend your wedding reception even after you invited her directly?”

“Speculative, your honor,” Eric snaps.

“Witness had already confirmed those facts with the prosecution, your honor,” Ryan steps in. “I’m just asking the same question here.”

The judge looks at both Ryan and Eric and then says, “Objection overruled, you may answer the question.”

My lips curve up, seeing how the judge is on our side today. Looks like being close friends with Tess Hagen isn’t working in Eric’s favor.

Petra doesn’t look very pleased either, but she answers the question, nevertheless. “Yes.”

“Yet, between your husband and yourself, only you knew that your mom was on her way to New York, isn’t that right?”

“Argumentative, your honor!” Eric stands up, outraged.

“Sustained,” the judge says. “Please either rephrase you question, Mr. Steinberg, or ask something else,” the judge sounds pretty annoyed at Ryan’s performance, but I’m loving it.

Ryan ponders for a moment. “Ms. Van Gatt, apart from lying to your husband when he asked you about your mom, what else did you do to protect her?”

“Um, I don’t understand the question,” she says, clearly confused.

“You said you lied to protect her from him, correct?”


“What else did you do to protect your mom from your husband?”

“I…” Petra looks down at her lap, lost for words.

“Did you call the police to go and check on your mom just in case he would find out that she was in New York?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Why not? If you wanted to protect your mom from your husband surely you’d have taken extra prevention.”

“Objection!” Here we go again!

“Overruled,” the judge snaps. “Please answer.”

“I…” Her eyes remain down as she considers his question. After a few more seconds though, she looks back at him, quite destabilized, and says, “I don’t know.”

Amid the emerging whispers, Ryan drops the comment of the century. “And yet, for some strange reason, here you are, with full immunity while my client is suspect number one.”



“What a brilliant performance,” I praise Ryan as we leave the courtroom. “You totally destroyed her.”

“I only did my job,” he says, playing it down.

Regardless of what he says, I’m feeling lightheaded and my mood has totally changed from this morning.

We stand outside the courtroom while Ryan shakes a few hands that come by to congratulate him. Heck, even some reporters are praising him and thanking him for the show he gave us.

“Alex,” I hear someone saying behind me.

“I don’t talk to you,” I snap after turning and finding it’s Petra. “If you have anything to say about the case, you have my attorney's details.” Not wanting to draw attention to ourselves, I start making my way out of the court building, but she seems to be following me closely.

“All I did was be as impartial as I could,” she says, nearly stumbling over her words.

“Good for you,” I answer, wanting nothing more but to stay away from her. Reaching outside, I go down the stairs and try to ignore her as much as I can.

Yet Petra is now beside me and matching my pace. “Why are you being such a dick?”

“Me?” I stop in my tracks at her vulgar question, turning to face her once and for all. “Have you heard your testimony? You humiliated me.” I can’t help but snicker, because I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even realize it. “Eric must be very proud of you.” Shaking my head in disgust at the simple memory of it, I add, “You know what? I’m glad I have a really good attorney because your testimony was really despicable.” Petra gasps in shock at my statement, but the real shocker here was seeing her testifying against me. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I don’t want to look at you any longer.”



Chapter 21



Manhattan, March 19, 2021

Petra Van Gatt



I’m spread out on the couch, my feet propped up on a few pillows from the bedroom to elevate them over my head. My pregnancy is still in the early stages, but since I’m carrying twins, I’m already starting to experience some of the less than stellar side effects, including my feet swelling in the evening. A few minutes ago, Emma had called me to tell me her testimony has been broadcasted everywhere, so unfortunately for me, my morbid curiosity makes me watch the news for the very first time in my life––but I flip through the channels each time a segment on the trial pops up. Their speculations about the trial and our relationship are just too ridiculous and far-fetched to watch any longer. Jeez, those presenters really love sensationalism, it’s unbelievable. The more scandalous and melodramatic the better. It reminds me of the headlines about my own testimony from Monday, making my stomach drop, so I just turn off the TV, and try to forget about the trial once and for all. Following Mariana’s advice, I haven’t been to the courtroom since my testimony. Not only is my presence no longer required, but it’s quite a stressful experience in itself, which can be hurtful for the babies.

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