Home > The Words(104)

The Words(104)
Author: Ashley Jade

Her mouth drops open in shock. “You don’t like Gwen? Who wouldn’t like Gwen?”

Shit on a stick.


“I don’t,” Phoenix interjects as he breezes through the door connecting our rooms.

I could kiss him for coming to my rescue.

Quinn turns her frustration on her brother. “Why? What did she ever do to you?”

Phoenix crosses his arms. “She’s a snob and a bitch. She’s also fake as fuck.”

Quinn stomps her foot. “She is not.”

“Have a conversation with her when the cameras aren’t around.” His gaze sharpens. “So, do us all a solid and shut the fuck up about her. It’s creepy and annoying.”

“Phoenix,” I hiss when Quinn’s face falls.

I mean, he’s not wrong, but he didn’t have to be so mean about it.

Then again, that’s Phoenix.

Remorse flashes across his face and he tousles her hair. “Come on, weirdo. There’s a Waffle House next door. I’ll buy you breakfast.”

Quinn’s intrigued, but she isn’t quite ready to cave just yet.

She’s waiting for her big brother to sweeten the pot.

“And some of that shit for your face,” Phoenix grunts.

Makeup. He means makeup.

Quinn smiles from ear to ear. “Deal.” She looks at me. “You coming?”

I hold up my phone. “Can’t. I want to call Mrs. Palma before the concert tonight.”

Quinn grabs her purse off the bed. “More for us.”

Phoenix follows her to the door, but the moment she’s out of the room, he turns back.

I barely have time to blink before his lips are on mine, kissing me like I’m the air he needs to breathe.

“What was that for?”

Not that I’m complaining.

“You looked like you wanted to do that when I walked in.” The corner of his mouth tugs up. “You’re welcome.”

My scowl is playful. “Ass.”

He starts to leave, but I pull him back. “Hold on. I need a favor.”

“I’ll give you my dick when I get back. I need some sustenance first.”

I roll my eyes. “Not your dick, jackass. A real favor.”

His brows knit. “What’s up?”

I’m in a tough spot since I can’t disclose much to him either.

“I need you to look after Skylar while I’m gone. She’s going through some stuff and I’m worried about her.”

“If you’re that worried, you should come to Europe with us.”

I break eye contact. “You know I can’t.”

For so many reasons.

“Right,” he bites out.

A knot forms in my chest. “Don’t ruin what little time we have left, okay?”

It will be easier to expunge him from my system if I don’t hate him with every fiber of my being again when we say goodbye.

“I’ll look after Skylar.” His knuckles drift along my cheekbone. “And I’ll bring you back breakfast.”

Instinctively, I lean into his touch. “Thanks.”

“But I want something in return.”

Of course he does. “Let me guess, a blow job?”

“Yeah, but I’ll be getting one of those from you later anyway.” His expression grows serious, and he tips my chin. “Kiss me.”

Rising on my tiptoes, I press my lips to his. In a matter of seconds, his tongue is slicking over mine and we’re breathing heavily, like we can’t get enough of each other.

The knot in my chest grows bigger.

“Phoenix?” Quinn calls out.


We break apart just as the door opens. “Did you forget about me?”

“No,” Phoenix says. “Let’s go.”

Quinn walks out a second time...and Phoenix takes the opportunity to attack my lips again.

“She’s gonna kill you,” I breathe between kisses that make my head spin.

I squeal when he grabs a handful of my ass and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. “Worth it.”

“Seriously?” Quinn yells from the other side of the door.

I can’t help but laugh when she stomps inside and snatches his arm.

“I am starving,” she whines as she leads him out of the room.

Turning his head, Phoenix gives me a vulgar smile. “Me too.”



I cradle my phone between my ear and shoulder. “I didn’t book my flight home yet, but I’ll do it tonight after the concert.”

“All right. No problem,” Mrs. Palma says. “Just let me know your flight details so I can make arrangements to pick you up at the airport.”

“That’s okay. I’ll take an Uber home.”

“Nonsense,” she starts to say before her husband yells something that sounds a whole lot like ‘four’ in the background. “I have to go. Your father and my husband are golfing.”

That’s…surprising. “Golfing? Dad doesn’t golf.”

“I know. But today he was recalling the one and only time he did, and Richard convinced him he should try it again since it’s his favorite pastime. Next thing I know, Richard’s lugging his clubs over here and now they’re golfing in the living room. I’m pretty sure one of them just broke the television.”

Yikes. “Well, if they did, don’t worry.” I’ll be getting six figures in less than a week. “I’ll buy a new one when I get home.”

“Ok, dear. I’ll call you back later. Richard, what is wrong with you? Take your balls outside—”

And that’s the last thing I hear before the line goes dead.

I check the clock on the nightstand. They’ve only been gone a half hour and with Quinn—and Phoenix’s—appetite, I’m sure they’ll be there for a while.

I’m looking around for my shoes so I can meet them when there’s a knock on my door.

I find Skylar on the other side of it…looking absolutely miserable.

My stomach drops. Poor thing must have heard about the upcoming nuptials.

“Come here.” I pull her into a hug. “I’m so sorry. This situation sucks so bad.”

She goes rigid. “Yeah, it does.” She rubs my back. “But you have nothing to be sorry for, Lennon. This isn’t your fault.”

I’m not sure why she’d think it was my fault, but hey, heartbreak can do a number on the brain.

She hugs me tighter. “I’ve already made some calls. I’m hoping they’ll be buried by tomorrow.”

Now, I’m the one who goes rigid. I didn’t think she was being literal when she asked me if I wanted her to kill Phoenix…but apparently, she was.

Anxiety coils through me. I know she’s hurting, but Jesus.

The woman is with child, for crying out loud.

This brings a whole new meaning to the term—hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

And friendship…because now I’m a freaking accessory.

I untangle from her. “Whoa. Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”

Evidently not, because she looks at me like I’m the crazy one. “Are you for real right now?” Anger colors her expression. “This shit is beyond fucked up. It’s absolutely despicable.”

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