Home > The Words(107)

The Words(107)
Author: Ashley Jade

Fortunately, security dashes inside a moment later. It takes three big guys to pull Phoenix off. When they finally do, I notice his lip is split and bleeding from where George landed his one punch.

Upon realizing this is the Phoenix Walker, the security guards trade unsure looks, like they have no idea how to proceed.

Fortunately, Skylar steps up and handles it like a pro.

She gestures to George, who’s in a ball on the floor. “How much to drop this guy off at the nearest hospital and claim you found him in an alley behind a bar?” She hikes a thumb at Phoenix, who spits blood on the carpet. “And how much to forget whatever this guy did?”

Shrugging, they swap another unsure look.

“I don’t know,” one of them says. “A thousand?”

“Five thousand apiece,” the guy in the middle declares. “And maybe tickets to the show tonight?”

“Consider it done.” She flutters her fingers at George. “After you take care of him.”

“Hold on,” Chandler says when they lift George off the floor. “He’s our bassist. You can’t just dispose of him.”

“Him or us?” Memphis growls, the threat in his baritone crystal clear.

Chandler balks. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Then it’s settled,” Storm says. “Get a fill-in for the show tonight. If you can’t find one, it’s no sweat off our balls. We’ll make it work.”

Digging inside his pocket for his phone, Chandler hems and haws before leaving.

I take the opportunity to do the same since I still have to finish packing.

I’m halfway down the hall when someone grips my arm.


His deep, gruff voice swirls around me like smoke from a wildfire.

“Are you okay?” I whisper, willing myself not to turn around.

Because once I do, my mistake will be staring me in the face and it’s gonna hurt like hell.

Still gripping my arm, he comes around to me instead. “Not if you’re leaving.”

As much as I want my job back—even though there are only six days left—there’s nothing either of us can do.

Chandler’s made up his mind.

“I have to pack.”


“Can’t. I’ve been fired, remember?”

“Stay the next six days anyway.” His voice drops to a husky whisper, and he steps closer, invading my space. “I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.”

Even if I wanted to—which would be insane on my part after all this—I couldn’t afford it. No longer being an employee means no more free room and board.

“Without pay.”

I try to sidestep him, but he won’t let me.

“Then I’ll pay you.” The pad of his thumb glides along my jaw. “Whatever he offered you to come on tour, I got it covered.”

My shoulders tense and my stomach buckles as I process what he’s saying. There’s no way I can accept his proposition.

I was fired for having sexual relations with him, so him offering to pay me for that is all kinds of wrong.

I’d much rather go back to bartending at Obsidian.

“I’m not a prostitute.”

“I didn’t…” He makes a sound of frustration. “I know you’re not.”

“Good. Glad we’re on the same page.”

I try to walk away again, but he won’t let me. He’s like an impenetrable wall I can’t break through.

His determined stare drills into me. “Don’t leave.”

My throat works through a tight swallow. He’s making this ten times harder than it has to be.

“Maybe it happened this way for a reason,” I whisper.

I obviously didn’t learn my lesson the first time around, so perhaps this is fate’s way of making sure I do now.

“Goodbye, Phoenix.”









It’s not goodbye.

Not yet anyway.

I wouldn’t let Lennon cut my time with her short, and I’m sure as fuck not about to let Chandler do it.

But before I can deal with him, I’m gonna need to call in the calvary.

Everyone—minus Chandler and that trifling motherfucker George—are still in the room when I get back.

Skylar glances up at me. “Hey. Now that you have a minute. How do you want me to run with this whole thing? Do you want me to ignore it, or address—”

“I want you to make sure Lennon doesn’t leave.” I look at all of them. “Chandler fired her so she’s in her room packing. I need you guys to go in there and distract her while I get her job back.”

“How the fuck are we supposed to distract her?” Memphis asks.

“I think he means hold her hostage,” Storm notes.

Whatever it takes.

Quinn pops up from the chair. “On it.” Wandering over, she addresses the three of them. “I’ll pretend my appendix burst, and you guys will all freak out about it. Then I’ll beg Lennon to stay with me.”

I’ve gotta hand it to my baby sister because that’s a much better plan…especially since it doesn’t involve Storm cuffing my girl to a bed.

Storm, however, appears skeptical. “You really think that’s gonna work?”

“Trust me. I’m a great actress and improv is a specialty of mine.”

Skylar ushers everyone out. “Let’s go before she’s gone.”

They start to leave, but Quinn halts her steps and pokes Storm’s arm. “I’m gonna need a lift.”

He looks at her like she’s crazy. “For what?”

She rolls her eyes. “Because I’m dying, dummy. Lennon’s never gonna believe it if we don’t make it look real.” She beckons him like she’s a princess and he’s a mere peasant. “Now hurry up and carry me to my room.”

Glaring at me, Storm lifts my sister off the ground. “You fucking owe me.”

“Oh my god. It hurts so bad,” Quinn wails like she’s in actual agony.

“Just make sure she’s still here by the time I’m done.”

With that, I dip out and make my way to Chandler’s room.

He answers after the second knock. “Come in.”

I push past him. “I needed you to open the door, not an invitation to walk through it.”

Sighing, he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Evidently beating the snot out of George wasn’t enough for you to decompress. What’s the issue now, Phoenix?”

“There isn’t one.” I get in his face. “Because you’re gonna give Lennon her job back.”

“I’m most certainly not.” He strolls into the living room of his suite. “I hired her to keep you out of trouble. Not play with your dick.”

And that’s his second mistake of the day.

In less than three seconds, I have him pinned against a wall. “You better watch it.”

He curses under his breath. “And this is exactly why I fired her.”

The hand gripping his collar constricts. “Then you’re not half as smart as you think you are.”

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