Home > The Words(33)

The Words(33)
Author: Ashley Jade

“We should make this our pregame song on tour,” Josh continues.

We’ll be starting our month-long South American tour in five weeks, followed by another month-long stint in Australia, and then our US tour this summer.

After that…we’ll be headed to Europe for six weeks.

And then? I’m sleeping for the next fucking decade.

“Fuck no.”

I go to shut the stereo off, but Josh stops me. “Nah. Leave it on.” Bopping his head to the beat, he dumps some powder on the dashboard and snorts it.

“Seriously, dude?”

He just did a few bumps back in the room.

“Relax. I saved you some.”

I’m about to tell him I’m good because I’m feeling nice right now, but my phone rings. When I take it out of my pocket, I see Storm’s name flash across the screen.

I hit the speakerphone button. “Yo.”

“Where the hell are you?”

That only makes Josh and I crack up.

Reaching over, I rub Josh’s head. “Our crazy bassist stole the keys to Chandler’s car, so we’re taking it for a joyride.”

He goes silent…and then.

“What the fuck, Phoenix? You’re shit-faced—”

“I’m fine—” I start to say as the car swerves.

“Party foul,” Josh calls out.

Fuck. I’m more messed up than I thought.

“Damn, bro. That shit got me fucked up.”

“Pull over now,” Storm barks. “And tell me where you are so I can come scoop you two assholes.”

I pull to a stop on the side of the road as another wave buzzes through me. “Not far. Still driving down the coast.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

I take one last drag of my cigarette and chuck it out the window. “Fuck.”

“Man, forget Storm’s bitch ass.” Josh gestures for me to give him the keys. “I can drive us back.”

The warm, euphoric feeling intensifies. “Yeah?”

“Look at me.”

When I do, he points to his face. “It’s all gravy, baby. I got this.” He nudges me with his elbow. “Switch places with me.”


Hopping out of the car, we exchange seats. I shoot Storm a text and tell him not to bother coming because we’ll be back soon.

Pulling a U-turn, Josh presses repeat on the Britney Spears song and turns up the volume.

“You sure you’re not into this shit?”

Bopping his head, he steps on the gas. “Nah, bro. I’m just trying to learn the lyrics so I can fuck with him.” The car accelerates as he moves his shoulders up and down to the beat, causing the mustang to veer sharply to the left. “Hit me—”


And then everything goes black.



White-hot pain shoots through my head and liquid runs down my face. “What the fuck?”

A coppery tang fills my mouth, mingling with the taste of something dusty.

When I open my eyes, I’m surrounded by airbags, broken glass, and branches from the trees we must have hit.


Ignoring the throbbing in my neck and rib cage, I look over at Josh. There’s a lot of blood on his face, but at least we’re both alive.

Josh’s hysterical laughter fills whatever’s still left of the car. “Chandler’s gonna be so pissed.”

Hell yeah, he is.

“I should probably wait a while to give him shit about listening to Britney, huh?”

The dust in my mouth irritates my lungs and I cough…which only makes the piercing pain in my head and rib cage worse. “Let’s get out of here.”

I look around the rubble for my cell so I can tell Storm what happened, but the car is so wrecked I can’t find it.

“Do you have your phone?”

I turn to look at him when I don’t get a response.

His eyes glaze over. “Skylar.”



His eyes roll back.

A flood of panic surges through me.

“Josh?” Reaching over, I shake him. “Come on, bro. Wake up.”

I get no response.

Using what’s left of my strength, I shake him harder…but his body goes still.

No. This isn’t fucking happening. He was fine a minute ago.

“Wake up!”

The intense pain in my head grows. It’s followed by a rush of exhaustion I can’t seem to fight against.


Faintly, I register voices and a tugging sensation.

“Fuck!” someone who sounds a lot like Chandler screams. “Fuck!”

“Stay with me,” someone else says, and I immediately recognize the voice as Storm’s.

When I look up, he’s hunched over me, looking more scared than I’ve ever seen him in my life.

“Josh.” Bile burns my throat. “He’s in bad shape.”

“I know,” he whispers, gripping my hand. “So are you, Phoenix. The ambulance is on the way, though. I just need you to hold on, okay?”

“The people in the other car are dead,” Chandler shouts.

Other car?

I want to ask what he’s talking about, but every drop of strength I have is being sucked out of me.

“Thirsty.” I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. “Tired.”

So fucking tired.

“Stay with me,” Storm screams, only his voice is fading in and out, like he’s yelling into a broken mic. “You’re not dying on me.”

But as I drift off…it’s no longer his voice I hear.

It’s hers.









“Scotch on the rocks with a twist.”

“Coming right up,” I tell the guy in a business suit.

After filling the lowball halfway with some ice, I toss a lemon peel into the glass. Business suit guy eyes me up and down the whole time.

“The owner of this place is an idiot for sticking a beautiful girl like you behind this bar instead of up there.”

Up there would be the stage where Angel is currently twirling around the pole.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do after Dartmouth, but tending bar at Obsidian—a gentleman’s club—definitely wasn’t on my radar.

However, sometimes life throws you major curveballs and the only thing you can do is keep pushing forward.

Sliding the man his drink, I study him. Dark hair, dark eyes, and judging by his appearance, he looks to be in his late forties. While he’s not unattractive, there’s nothing particularly distinctive or alluring about his features.

I give the guy a coy wink because tips. “I’m behind the bar because I want to be.”

Bringing the glass to his lips, he takes a sip as his gaze drops down, taking in my black corset and dark jeans.

Four years ago, a guy like him—hell, any guy for that matter—wouldn’t have spared a girl like me a second glance.

As devastating as hearing my song on the radio was that day, it also ignited a fire inside me.

While I couldn’t change what that pilfering asshole did, I realized there was something I could change.

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