Home > The Words(37)

The Words(37)
Author: Ashley Jade

“If you don’t quit bothering me, I’ll have security throw you out.”

Because something tells me this guy won’t take no for an answer.

Huffing, he takes a card out of his wallet, along with a fifty-dollar bill, and slides them across the bar. “Here’s my card. Please, just think about it.”

Not a chance in hell.

Spending my days and nights thinking about Phoenix Walker and worrying about his well-being is long over.



“How is he?” I ask Mrs. Palma as I walk inside the house.

She shuts off the television. “He was a little restless this evening, but we listened to The Beatles and it put him in a better mood.”

I smile, because when in doubt, music always helps. Especially his all-time favorite band.

“Thank you.”

“Stop thanking me, Lennon.” Standing, she gathers her things. “I put some leftovers in the fridge for you. I made salmon, though, so I’m not sure how well it will heat up.”

I follow behind her as she makes her way to the front door. “I’m sure it will be perfect.”

“You’re off tomorrow, right?”


The sound of the doorbell ringing cuts me off.

I’m not sure who’s on the other side of it, but I’m about ready to wring their neck because it’s three-thirty in the morning and my dad is sleeping.

Moving in front of Mrs. Palma, I answer it. “This better be—”

I stop talking when I see that Chandler guy from earlier. “How the hell did you get my address?”

Immediately, Mrs. Palma takes a protective stance. “If you don’t leave this instant, I will get my husband.”

Bracing an arm on the side of the house, Chandler sighs. “One hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”


Then I slam the door in his face.

“Who was that?” Mrs. Palma questions.

“That was the manager of Sharp Objects.”

And a persistent asshole.

Her eyebrows shoot up to the ceiling. “You’re kidding. What in the world did he want?” Her mouth drops open. “Did Phoenix tell the truth?”

I ended up confiding in her about everything shortly after I found out he stole my song and took credit for it.

Unfortunately, she was just as sad and perplexed as I was.

She suggested telling my dad, but he would have wanted to take Phoenix to court.

I didn’t have a leg to stand on, though—because, unlike my dad—I didn’t copyright my music.

I was just a dumb teenager sharing something personal with a guy she thought she could trust.

A guy who pretended to be interested in me so he could plagiarize my art.

And not only did no one else witness me singing him my song. No one else ever heard my song period. Just him.

In the end, my dad would have spent a lot of money on a case we never would have won.

“No.” I rub my forehead, trying to thwart off the headache I can feel coming on. “His manager wants to hire me to be his sober companion on his upcoming tour for eight weeks.”

Her mouth opens and closes like a fish before she speaks. “What? That’s…”

“Weird as hell, right?”

She nods. “Very.”

“Safe to say there’s no way I’m doing it.”

“Right.” She makes a face. “Although…”

“Although what?” I ask when her voice trails off.

She waves a hand. “Nothing. Forget it.”

If only it were that easy.

Because God knows I’ve been doing everything in my power to forget that asshole and what he did to me.









“What are you making for dinner, Mom?”

Keeping my face neutral, I answer my dad’s question. “I was thinking chicken and veggies, but if you don’t want that, I can order out for pizza.”

He smiles. “Pizza sounds good.”

“Pizza it is then.”

Sometimes it’s a struggle not to correct him, but I have to keep reminding myself that this is his reality, and just because it doesn’t match mine doesn’t make what he’s experiencing any less valid.

Which means today…I’m my late grandmother. The other day I was a former teacher. And a couple of weeks ago, I was Joan Jett.

Although I didn’t mind that one so much.

The most important thing is that he’s in good spirits.

Even though I’m silently hoping he’ll remember I’m his daughter again soon. Just for a little while.

But even if he doesn’t…I’ll still find him wherever he is.

Because no matter who I am to him, he will always be my dad and the person I love most in this world.

“I’m tired,” he says. “I think I’m gonna take a nap before Kate gets home.”

Kate was my mom. I remember he once told me they briefly moved in with my grandmother shortly after they were married so they could save up for a down payment on this house, so that must be where his memories are taking him today.

“Okay. I’ll wake you up when the pizza gets here.” Leaning over, I kiss his cheek, feeling grateful he thinks I’m his mother right now because it’s safe to do so. “I love you.”

So much.

“I love you, too.” I start to leave, but he reaches for my hand. “I hope one day when I have kids, I’ll be a great parent like you.”

My heart cracks and a wave of sorrow drives over the jagged pieces like a steamroller. “You’re gonna be the best dad.”

He ponders this for a short moment before speaking. “You think so?”

I squeeze his hand. “I know so.”

I wait until I’m out of the room before I give in to my emotions and let the first tear escape.

Like most kids, I used to take my dad for granted. I thought he was too overprotective at times and didn’t know best, despite him always thinking he did when it came to me.

But God knows I’d give anything to hear him nag or give me advice again.

To hear him tell me he’s proud of the person I am, even though I’m not perfect and I don’t always make the right decisions.

That I’m doing a decent job of navigating this fucked-up thing called life without his guidance.

That it will get better.

That one day it won’t hurt so damn much.

After I’ve collected myself, I walk back downstairs. I find Mrs. Palma in the kitchen, washing the dishes.

“You don’t have to do that,” I tell her.

Lord knows the woman does way too much as it is.

She waves a hand. “It was only a few. Plus, I was bored and needed something to do.” Turning off the faucet, she looks at me. “How is he?”

“He’s good. Me, on the other hand? Not so much.” Frowning, I take a seat at the table. “Today, I was my grandmother, and he said he hoped he’d make a great parent just like her.”

“Oh, sweetie.” She gives my shoulder a squeeze before sitting in the seat across from me. “Take solace in the fact that it means he wanted you and being your father was important to him long before you were here.”

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