Home > Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone(35)

Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone(35)
Author: Nana Malone


Heart hammering, Selena swallowed hard. What the hell was wrong with her? As she approached her office, she turned to Nancy. “Get me Nick’s file, please. I like to know who’s on my staff.” Especially when he looks like that.

The whole meeting, she’d struggled to concentrate on what she was saying. She could practically feel him watching her. She wasn’t used to someone paying such close attention to her. Especially not someone like him. She knew the type. Good looking. Cocky as hell. Used to getting by on their looks. Guys like that expected women to fawn all over them. Isn’t that what you're doing? No. She was merely noticing his attractiveness. Hell, she wasn’t dead. Besides, she knew better. If he was going to distract her, maybe it would be a good idea to transfer him.

His file landed on her desk moments later. She read his college grades with raised eyebrows. Damn. The man had brains to go with that face. And he was her age, twenty-six. With grades like that, why had it taken him so long to get through his master’s? What was the catch? Usually that spelled trouble somewhere.

She leaned forward to buzz Nancy. “Nance, can you get Nick in here, please?”

Moments later, Nick’s lean frame appeared in her doorway. He carried himself with all the quiet confidence of a jaguar in the wild. His jeans hung low on his hips and his button-down was cut slim to frame his chest and abs. He looked like one of the bloody models they used for their campaigns. This guy could easily sell one of their perfume lines. Hell, she’d line right up to buy it.

She saw a flash of tattooed skin under his shirt cuff and wondered how far up his body the ink went. His designer stubble framed his jaw perfectly. His piercing green eyes met hers.

“You wanted to see me?”

Yeah, stop ogling your employee. Problem was, given his hint of a smirk, she was pretty sure he’d noticed her openly staring. She cleared her throat. Get it together. “Yes, take a seat.”

When they were face to face, Selena’s stomach fluttered. What the hell was that? Why was she nervous? She was the one in charge.

“So, I’ve had a look at your CV. All very impressive.” She paused, trying to keep her expression neutral. “You’re clearly bright. What’s happening with the whole mature student thing? Why wait so long to complete your master’s?” She often took flack for being too blunt, but then she didn't have time to waste. She was in charge of this place. Besides, no one would ever have accused her father of bluntness.

Nick's eyes narrowed imperceptibly, then he shifted in his seat. “Family issues to take care of, but that’s all behind me,” he responded, meeting her gaze directly. “I’m only months away from completing now and I’m focused on my future. I have to say, I’ve always admired your father and his companies. I’ve looked forward to working for a place he built for a long time.”

She nodded. “I’m sure you’ll go far. But you could do better than interning, right?”

The corner of his lip turned upwards with a rueful smile. His eyes glinted like emeralds as he sat silently for a moment. Then he said, “Maybe I want a career in cosmetics. For all you know, I want to start my own men’s make-up line. I could make guy-liner huge.”

Despite herself, Selena laughed. “Fair enough. I get the distinct impression you would make it a best seller.”

“About Paris,” Nick added. “I know I’m the new one, but I would really like to bid to be part of that team. I’m fluent in French and it would be great for my dissertation. Add to that, I work hard. It’s my number one goal to make sure you're satisfied.”

Oh shit. She didn’t doubt that. He’d likely satisfy in a slew of inventive ways. Heat bloomed low in her belly. Was it her or had his voice dropped an octave? Yes, it’s you. You're lonely and horny and clearly needed the assist of a psychiatrist. She shifted in her seat and dragged her attention back to what he was saying. All the while, her lady parts kept thinking about just what he might do to…satisfy her.

“And I should be ramped up by then. Whatever it takes, Miss Day. I’m no quitter. I’ll do what’s needed and go above and beyond.”

In bed. She shook her head. She had to stop. She forced herself to take a deep calming breath. He was self-assured and she liked that. “I’ll take some time to get the team together,” she said, not giving anything away. “I probably do need an admin with me though. I’ll let you know. I’m sure you’ll prove yourself before then.”

Nick nodded. “Without a doubt. I appreciate the consideration,” he said, and rose from his seat, reaching out a hand to shake hers. She stood up and took his firm grip.

A flush of heat pulsed through her veins at his touch. Not appropriate. So, not appropriate. She planted her feet as she watched him leave the room, catching his eye momentarily as he smiled and leaned to pull the door shut.

The moment he was out of view she sagged and released a long exhale. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath. He was going to be a problem. Or rather, her reaction to him was. It had just been too long. That was it. Liar. She could do this. She wasn’t going to be reduced to a mooning schoolgirl by some bloke.

Selena slouched down in her seat and stared out the window at the city below. Maybe she could get a different assistant. She knew given the employee benefits, the position would be filled in no time. But could she really replace him just because she found him attractive. Hell forget attractive. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. That wouldn’t be fair.

He was smart. That was a plus. He was unbelievably good-looking, which on one hand was an advantage. In the end, clients were human. And they were all in the business of beauty. Shades of Chic would be remembered as the good-looking ones.

But was he too good-looking? Would he be a distraction? And what the hell happened with that tummy flip? And those eyes. Oh God, those eyes, and his broad shoulders in that shirt. Maybe it was finally time to get on a dating site like her friends had suggested. Shagging her new intern on her desk was probably frowned upon. And the kicker was they were the exact same age. If she was like him and in grad school, he’d be exactly the kind of guy her friends would dare her to go talk to. But you're not in grad school. She ran the ship and she didn't get to have fantasies.

The deep hunger knotted in her belly and she tried to ignore it. Yes, she was lonely, but her father made her his successor because she was tough. He knew she could handle it. And she wouldn’t let his billion-dollar legacy down.

Thinking about Nick was a bad idea. She just couldn’t afford any distractions. She made up her mind—she’d have to replace him. Then it dawned on her there were no other assistant options right now. He’d been brought in to replace her executive assistant, Genie, who was off on maternity leave. She couldn’t replace him.

Damn. She might just have to take him, but she’d keep her distance. Nancy could come along as her buffer. Yeah, a good old-fashioned chaperone. This would be fine. She was not going to shag her cocky intern. Definitely not going to happen.






“Nick, I’m worried. It’s Chris. I don’t know where he is.”

Nick pinched the bridge of his nose. His mother sounded desperate. He tried his best to keep the irritation out of his voice. This was not the first, second or even third time he’d gotten a call like this. “When did you last hear from him?”

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