Home > Breaking For Brian (The Billionaire's Consort #4)(19)

Breaking For Brian (The Billionaire's Consort #4)(19)
Author: Peter Styles

“What if I do that and it’s not my thing?”

“Have you even tried?”

I shook my head. “No. And when he tried to push edging on me, I balked.”

“Brian is big on trust. It’s not so much about you subbing as you trusting him enough to be that vulnerable. Show him that you’re willing to explore that side of yourself. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover you like things you never imagined you would like.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

“You’re attracted to Brian, right?”

“More than makes sense sometimes.”

“Something inside you is drawn to that part of him. You can fight it, or you can be adventurous. Your choice. That’s my advice.”

“I don’t know if it will work, but I’ll give it a shot. If you’ll just make sure he’s here next time I come-”

He reached out and grabbed my sleeve. “Whoa there, friend. You can’t leave. You’ve been compensated for the entire night.”

“I’m not interested in any of these guys.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Alex said with a shrug. “You made a commitment and if you don’t honor it, you’re done here.”

My eyes narrowed. “You knew he wouldn’t be here tonight, didn’t you?”

“I knew this afternoon when the RSVP list was finalized.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Alex?”

He sighed. “Because this is my job, Jeremy. And that doesn’t include making special concessions for friends and family. That’s not how it works and I’ve already pushed the boundaries to get you what you wanted. You’re going to have to suck it up and hold up your end of the deal.”

“And Brian?” I was fuming, but more at myself than anything. Alex was right, and I’d basically tricked him into recruiting me and revealing Brian’s membership. I owed him at least the night, but that didn’t make me any happier about it.

“The next event is a little different, but if you show up, you may be pleasantly surprised.”

“How do I get invited?”

“You start by wiping that surly ass look off your face and going out there.” He smiled. “I promise if you just mingle, you’ll enjoy yourself. Think of it as networking. Have a good time, chat up some of the patrons. You don’t have to make promises tonight and they aren’t allowed to ask unless you make the first move. So enjoy, let them spoil you, then go home alone and get ready for the next event.”

“That’s all, huh?” I mused, then rolled my eyes. “Fine. You win. But I’m going to be counting the hours until midnight.”

“Good.” He laughed. “Just make sure you don’t leave until one.”


“That’s right, cinder-fella. Enjoy!”

It turned out the night wasn’t a complete wash, and while I was frustrated that Brian wasn’t there, being wined and dined by the elite men in our city had its perks. As promised, the men were cordial and polite, and no one pushed me into anything. There were a few hints here and there, but by the end of the night, I’d largely forgotten the names of every man I’d shared a drink or a dance with, and I was sure they’d done the same. There was only one man in my sights, and when I got my hands on him, I wasn’t letting him go.









I answered on the first ring when Neil’s number popped up on my caller ID. “We still on for tonight?” I asked by way of greeting.

“Yeah, but I have to make an appearance at The Club tonight. Want to meet me there?”

No. “Sure, of course. Is it open call already?”

“No. Just a mixer, so you don’t need a mask.”

I laughed. “I’m not there to sample the consorts anyway. I’m done with gold diggers.”

“They’re not all gold diggers. In fact, most of them are fine young men that you’d enjoy if you weren’t so busy picking jerks.” He sucked in a quick breath. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong.”

“It’s all right. I’ve heard it enough that it barely registers anymore. And you’re right. I need to stop picking men that treat me like crap.”

“How does a Dom even manage that?” Neil mused.

“Let’s change the subject, shall we?”

“Of course. The mixer starts in an hour. You think you can make it on time so we don’t look bad leaving early?”

“Of course,” I said, looking at my watch. “I just got home from work, but I can change and be there by then.”

“Great, see you there.”


I was only about five minutes late, but the mixer was already in full swing. I walked into the large meeting room that served as both dining hall and ballroom, and I immediately spotted Neil talking to a man I assumed was a consort, his back to me and hard to make out in the dim light. When Neil raised his hand in greeting, the young man turned to follow his gaze and my heart skipped a beat. I crossed the ballroom quickly, gave Neil a curt nod, then grabbed Jeremy by the wrist and led him to a quiet corner.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I managed through clenched teeth, shaking. “It’s not enough that I have to avoid you at work, now you’re here?”

“I didn’t realize you were avoiding me,” he said almost sweetly.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I was incredulous, but he remained passive, almost smug. “I told you this wouldn’t work between us. I have no interest in sparring with a twenty-something who insists that he’s the dominant one. I have my standards.”

“You told me, and you made it clear that you would be interested in pursuing a relationship if I was willing to be the submissive partner.”

“That’s twisting my words.”

“The sentiment was the same, no?”

My hackles rose, but I couldn’t deny he was right. “Why are you here? How did you even get invited?”

“I went through the recruiting process.”

“What?” I lowered my voice and got closer. “What?” I hissed. “You mean you’ve been working toward open call this entire time and not once thought it was a good idea to mention it to me?”

He shrugged and my blood boiled. “You said you wanted to keep work and your private life separate. I figured this counted.”

“You have a lot of nerve.”

“So do you. You said you would give us a chance if I would consider switching. I’m here, ready to show you that I am as good a submissive as I am a Dom. Unless you think you can’t handle me, and that’s why you said all those things.”

“You’re playing with fire,” I warned.

“So are you.”

“You know what, you want to do this? Fine.” I gestured to the Monsieur, a smile spreading across my face as Jeremy’s eyes widened.

The Monsieur glided over to us, a pleasant and engaging smile on his face. “May I help you gentlemen?”

“Yes,” I said, forcing myself to rein in my rage at Jeremy pushing me to the brink and shrugging in my face like it was no big deal. “This young consort has expressed an interest in a contract with me.”

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