Home > The Lesbian Billionaires Seduction(29)

The Lesbian Billionaires Seduction(29)
Author: K.C. Luck

I watch Madison bristle a bit at the jab before running a hand over her face in frustration. A glimmer of stress is beginning to show. “Unfortunately, the current state of things in my country seems to reward the incredulous. In today’s climate, Georgia’s plan might actually work.”

“No. We won’t let her get away with it,” Zena snaps from over the phone. “She’s harassed us enough already. Particularly Lila.”

I watch as Lila shakes her head. “No,” she interrupts. “I don't think all those threats were made by Georgia.”

“I agree,” I add before anyone can comment.

“What are you talking about?” Val interjects from the phone.

I move closer to best be heard. “When I specifically mentioned the message on the mirror while we were at the ski lodge, Georgia looked surprised. Actually, she seemed offended we would think she would do something so amateur.”

The phone is quiet for a moment, and I watch Madison’s face as she processes the new information. “Then that would imply someone else wants to make trouble for us,” Zena finally comments. “Perhaps completely unrelated to what Georgia is trying to accomplish.”

“Well, that’s fucking fantastic news,” Madison growls. “So, there are multiple lunatics involved?”

There is a bit of static on the line as I hear someone clear their throat over the phone. Then, Kris speaks up. “Whoever they are, they are clever. The threats against Lila on the Dark Web were made anonymously, but the assumption always was they were from Georgia’s people. An outside party never crossed my mind.”

“Now that you know it, can you go back and retrace those threats?” Madison asks.

There is the sound of a keyboard clicking over the phone. “I’m already sending a message to my network to do just that,” Kris answers sounding a bit irritated Madison even bothered to ask. I like Kris more and more.

Lila leans forward to get our attention. “I don’t want to focus on that right now. We need to get Georgia to release Chloe.”

Madison shrugs. “That’s easy. We move up the wedding and spread the word. Trick Georgia into showing her face.”

I start to ask if that will be possible with such short notice but then reconsider. They have the power of money, influence, and connections. When they join forces, the billionaires can pull off anything.






The last week was a whirlwind of activity as the wedding moved up. Now, whether we are ready or not, tomorrow is the wedding. I try to help where I can, but my primary focus is Lila. With the idea another person or group may be after the billionaires, we cannot be cautious enough, so I am ever vigilant. Thankfully, no new threats have come up on the web. Madison continues to assure me her estate is the safest place for Lila, so we stay together in one of the mansion's suites. Regardless, I sleep with one eye open.

The plan is still to use Madison’s sailboat for the ceremony, followed by a small reception onshore. Of course, small is a relative term in this case. Over one hundred people are invited to the exclusive VIP-only event. Lila assures me this is a minuscule amount of people, thus making invitations the ticket of the year. I wonder if Georgia DeLane plans to try and attend this, too. Surely, she won’t be that bold. Getting her discreetly on the boat could be hard enough. Especially since no one knows her plan. Kris has sent out veiled requests for a conference, but so far nothing. So, we wait and move forward with the wedding preparations.

“I am so worried about Chloe,” Claire says over dinner tonight in the mansion's dining room. It is one of two, this one smaller and according to Lila, more intimate. Considering the table can still seat twelve, I wonder what the formal dining room looks like.

Lila, sitting beside Claire, touches her arm. “I know. Me too, but I can’t think Georgia will dare do anything. In fact, the woman can be very gracious when it suits her.”

“And if she does step out of line, she knows our agreement is off,” Madison adds before taking a bite of the perfectly prepared braised lamb chops. I agree with that thinking more than I believe Georgia is gracious. If only she would contact us to confirm Chloe is all right. As if my thought conjures the woman, Madison's new phone chimes the now-familiar billionaire's alert. She pulls it from her pocket to answer. “Go.” She listens and then disconnects.

“Well?” I ask in no mood to exercise my usual patience. Madison pushes back from the table to stand.

“That was Kris. Georgia wants to talk to me. Us actually. Including Claire,” she says with a frown. “In fifteen minutes.”

“How?” Lila asks before I can.

Madison shakes her head, disbelief mixed with dislike on her face. “She’s coming here. But we must meet out in the open, so let's go poolside.” As surprised as I am to hear Georgia is coming to the estate, I also understand why she wants it outside. Drones can watch us. I assume she has one, with the cost being no issue. And, with her team watching, if anyone makes a move to arrest her, no doubt, Chloe will pay for it.

Moving to the patio around the dazzling blue infinity pool overlooking the ocean in the distance, I notice we arrive just in time to see the sun setting. The view of reds, oranges, and yellow is breathtaking. “Beautiful,” Lila murmurs stepping closer to me while we await Georgia’s arrival. Putting my arm around her shoulders, I look forward to a night soon when we can appreciate what should be a romantic moment.

“Well, isn’t that just splendid,” I hear Georgia say from behind me. I whirl to see the woman emerging from the house. She is dressed in black and strides towards us with a look of utmost confidence. Beautiful yet dangerous. I think for a moment of a cobra but then refocus. I can't let myself miss anything. Noting one of Madison’s junior assistants is with her, I realize this was the only person Madison wisely assigned to wait at the main entrance for Georgia’s arrival. She wants to ensure none of her security or other staff try anything stupid.

“Let’s not waste time talking about the view,” Madison snaps, her voice cold as ice. “What the fuck do you want?”

Georgia raises an eyebrow. “God, you are such an asshole,” she says in reply to the question. Her eyes slide to Claire. “Claire, you are looking fabulous as always.”

When Madison sucks in a breath to say something most likely even more antagonistic, I raise a hand to interrupt. “Before we talk about anything, how are you going to assure us Chloe is all right?” I ask.

Georgia pulls a cell phone from the pocket of her black duster jacket and tosses it to me. “Only one name in the contacts. Give it a call. Operators are standing by,” she says with a grin. I don’t hesitate to dial the number.

Chloe’s voice, with her familiar Australian accent, answers. “Hello, it’s me,” she says without preamble. “And I’m fine. Quite well, in fact. But don’t make any deals with her.”

I meet Georgia’s eye knowing I’m about to press my luck. “Do you know where you are?”

Georgia snorts a laugh. “Seriously? Like I would leave stationary announcing our accommodations in her room?” she asks, clearly not expecting an answer. “Just hurry up and ask her what you want to make sure she's fine, and let's move on.”

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