Home > The Lesbian Billionaires Seduction(33)

The Lesbian Billionaires Seduction(33)
Author: K.C. Luck

I nod and head down the short stairs to let Lila and Claire know we are ready. A quick rap on their cabin is answered by Lila cracking the door a little. “Is everything okay? We heard a motor.”

For a moment, I cannot reply as I look into the face of the woman. In such a short time, I have come to care for her so much. The emotion is so strong it fills my heart, and the need to apologize for last night rises in me, but I don’t. This is not the time. Later, when we can be alone, I will find a way to make her listen. Swallowing my feelings, I motion toward the deck. “Georgia arrived via speedboat. Everyone is ready.”

“And Chloe?”

“Safe and sound.”

Lila visibly relaxes at this news. “Thank God,” she says. “All right. Give us a minute and then start the music.” When she starts to shut the door, I place my hand on it to stop her.

“Lila,” I begin but then pause. She looks at me, and for a moment, our eyes hold. There is a gentleness there which reassures me all is not lost. “I will see you up top,” I finish and then step away to let her go. As the door closes behind me, I hurry to go back to tell the others. Emerging, the tension is thick on deck. Madison and Georgia both scowl at the other. At any moment, it feels like they will be throwing punches. “They are ready,” I say as if I can’t tell they are nearly at each other’s throats. “Start the music.”

The words seem to snap Madison back to the moment, and she blinks as if coming out of a trance. There is no time for fighting right now. This is her wedding day. As Kris starts the music, and then the two of them take their places at the back of the boat to await the bride's arrival, I see Madison's hands are shaking. She is actually nervous, and somehow, I find this the most touching gesture of all. Suddenly, Lila emerges, and for a moment, my heart stops. She looks stunning in the flowing, soft pink dress she wears. When she crosses the deck to stand beside me, I catch the scent of her perfume. Passion rushes through me. I desire everything about Lila, and I know at my core, I always will.

“You look beautiful,” I whisper in her ear. She smiles and glances up at me.

“Thank you,” she says softly. “But wait until you see Claire.”

Turning to watch, the woman emerges slowly, her eyes locked on Madison. She is breathtaking in white. Her off-the-shoulder, lace, mermaid wedding dress fits her perfectly. Her blonde hair is in tousled curls, with a sheer slim veil down her back. Simple yet elegant and absolutely stunning. A glance at Madison, and I see she is frozen in place while she watches her bride come closer. Attraction leaps like electricity between them. As much as Madison can infuriate me, I am convinced no two people could be more perfect for each other. They balance each other, and it is an honor to be a witness at their wedding. When Claire finishes her walk to stand across from her love, the two join hands, their eyes still locked. Kris, looking pale, but ready to soldier on, clears her throat to begin. “We,” she starts with a chirp and then pauses. Swallowing hard, she starts again. “We are gathered here today…”

As I listen to the words, a part of me registers another sound under Kris’ voice. It is far away but growing louder every second. Concern floods through me, and I glance over my shoulder to assess what might be happening. My stomach clenches when I see the last thing I want. Another speedboat. Black and gray, so it is hard to see against the water, but clearly headed in this direction and coming fast. “Shit,” I say under my breath. Georgia double-crossed us, after all. Grabbing Lila by the arm, I turn her toward the stairs to go below deck. As much as I hate to do it, I interrupt the vows before either Madison or Claire can say ‘I do.’

“Someone is coming,” I call out while pulling my handgun. “Get below deck.”

“What the fuck?” Georgia roars, her face filled with fury. She pulls her own gun and trains it on me. “You set me up.”

Suddenly, we are at an impasse. I aim at her, and she aims at me. Without looking away, I nod my head toward the stairs. “Madison, get them safe. I have this under control.”

“Oh, you think so?” Georgia snarls turning to point at Claire. Madison leaps in the line of fire to shield her, and thankfully no one pulls a trigger.

I have never seen a person look angrier than Madison does at that moment. “No one set you up,” she hisses. “I would never risk Claire's safety doing anything that stupid. That boat is not mine.”

Indecision crosses Georgia's face, and I suddenly wonder if she is telling the truth. The boat is not hers either. Then, who is coming? In an instant, I know that the boat cannot get to the Water’s Edge. Taking a deep breath, I lower my weapon. “I believe you,” I say. “But I need to borrow your speedboat.”

Georgia shakes her head but thankfully turns her gun away from Madison and Claire. “No way. You're not taking it. I won't be trapped here without a way to escape.”

She has a point, but there is no time to argue. The approaching speedboat is closing in on us. “It wasn't really a request,” I tell her and moving swiftly, I jump over the rail to land in the sleek, red craft. Thankfully, the key is still in the ignition, and as I turn it, the engine roars to life. Boats are not my expertise, and I hesitate, assessing the instruments. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I see someone else jumping the rail to join me.

“You don’t even know how to drive this, do you?” I am shocked to hear Georgia say behind me. Whirling around, she points her gun at me again. “Move.” Considering if I can get my weapon up fast enough to shoot first, I decide against trying and instead slide out of the way. “Now get off my boat. I’m leaving this little party.”

“Wait—” I start, ready to plead with a woman with no honor. Her boat is our best chance of stopping the unwelcome visitors.

She waves her gun, motioning me back to the sailboat. “Go,” she interrupts. “It's probably just paparazzi for crying out loud. You all need to just—” Before she finishes, gunshots ring out. One hits the windshield of Georgia's boat, and the other whizzes past my head. On instinct, I drop to one knee and raise my gun to return fire. As I unload on the boat, nearly upon us, I realize my shots are being matched by Georgia’s. She is firing on what is suddenly our common enemy. Facing what is probably an unexpected resistance, the speedboat veers to change course. I get a quick look at a man’s face and then see he is armed with an assault rifle.

“Georgia, get down!” I yell pushing the woman toward the bottom of the boat just as the assailant opens fire. Bullets rip along the sidewall of the craft, and for a fleeting moment, I think Georgia's boat will surely sink now. Then, I am returning fire, happy to see them turning away to flee. Lowering my gun, I let out a long breath of relief. We are safe.

“Fuck, you’re bleeding,” Georgia says from beside me. Blinking with surprise, I look down at myself. In the heat of the moment, I didn’t feel it, but now pain in my abdomen roars through me as I watch a stain of red bloom on my uniform.






Everything is confusing now. The reality of being shot clouds my thinking as I squeeze my eyes shut to ward off the pain. Suddenly, I feel hands on me, lifting me by the arms, and it hurts like hell—as in the worst pain imaginable, and a scream of sheer agony escapes my throat. Still, whoever is pulling me does not relent, and I wonder if the cry was only in my mind. Then, I hear Chloe's voice clearly. “Don't fight us, Jael,” she says. “We have to get you up here. The speedboat is sinking.”

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