Home > Wicked Envy(32)

Wicked Envy(32)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

“Learn to loosen your grip a little,” Andrew throws back at her. “Control freak isn’t a good look on you.”

“Bite me, Collings,” Avril snarls.

“Been there, done that,” Andrew growls back. I want to laugh, but I can’t when I see the look on Avril’s face.

It turns red and her eyes blaze with fury. “Don’t you dare fucking bring sex into this.”

My eyes flick past the two of them to the stewardess, who has her back to us in the open galley. I’m sure she’s getting quite the earful.

“Dane,” Andrew says calmly, and my eyes snap to him. “Where do you weigh in on this? You know we are far from a done deal with Fabron. Chances are we’re going to come out of there knowing jack shit and we’re going to need to move on development.”

“The matter of a month or so isn’t going to kill him to wait for it,” Avril says to me, and my gaze goes to her. What does it say about me that I don’t give a fuck about their argument, but I’d kill to go down on her right now.

I shake my head and hold my hands up to make the peace, but Andrew’s apparently not done. He turns in his chair to look at Avril. “You know, I don’t know what your problem is but it seems like every proposition I put before you, you shoot it down. You do realize I’ve got more education than you when it comes to the science of what we’re trying to do? You do realize, Avril, that this is about science and yet you don’t fucking give me an ounce of respect for it.”

“Well, maybe if you didn’t act like a brat ninety percent of the time, I’d be able to give you a little more respect.”

I wince because that was harsh and unprofessional, and things are way out of hand. “Avril,” I say in a warning voice. Her head snaps my way, eyes blazing so fiercely my mouth snaps shut.

“Why don’t you bite me too, Dane?” she snarls, and then pushes out of her seat. She walks past my chair and into the bathroom behind us, slamming the door shut behind her.

I look at Andrew, and I can see satisfaction on his face that he got the better of her emotions as he stares at the closed bathroom door.

“You’re a jackass,” I tell him.

He looks back to me. “She started it.”

“Fucking mature,” I say as I undo my seatbelt and get up.

I’d like to say that this is an unfortunate result of the three of us venturing into intimate territory, but sadly, these arguments have happened on a few occasions in the past. Both of my partners are passionate people, and it’s why I wanted them on this journey with me. They take their jobs seriously, which can ignite sparks because the chief operations officer can often be in direct conflict with research and development. It’s a fine line they both have to balance on, and they’ve had meltdown arguments before.

When I reach the bathroom, I give a soft knock and test the door handle. It’s unlocked, so I take that as permission to enter since Avril doesn’t say anything from inside.

The luxury of a private plane designed for international flight is a decent-sized bathroom with a shower and vanity. I find Avril with her hands gripping the sink, staring in the mirror at herself.

“He pisses me off so bad,” she says in a low voice as she looks at me through the mirror. “He’s a child. Well, a man-child.”

I think to myself she wasn’t thinking that last night when he had her ass, but I know it’s not the time to bring it up. So instead, I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach. I pull her up so she settles back into me and as I look at her in the reflection, I ask, “What’s really going on?”

Avril sighs and brings her hands up to rest over my forearms, leaning her head back on my shoulder. It’s an intimate embrace. Definitely not one we would have ever found ourselves in before we started fucking each other, and shit if I don’t like being able to hold her like this in comfort. Doesn’t mean my dick isn’t slightly hard from the knowledge that we’re secluded away in this bathroom and I could bend her over the sink, but that’s not why I came in here.

“He doesn’t respect my position and always makes me feel like shit if I have to say no to one of his requests,” she mutters. “And I get the distinct impression that now that he’s fucking me, he thinks he can get away with that shit even more.”

I release Avril so fast she gasps, and then gasps again as I spin her around. Taking her by the shoulders, I put my face right into hers and tell her in a low, menacing voice. “Don’t go there, Av. What happened out there has happened countless times between the two of you. That has nothing to do with what we’re doing in our private lives.”

Contrition immediately softens her face and her head falls forward to rest on my chest. She sighs and says, “I know. I’m being such a bitch, and I have no clue why.”

I wrap my arms around her again, this time to squeeze her. “It’s just what you two do. You bicker like siblings.”

She gives a giggle and lifts her head up. “How come you and I never fight like that?”

“Because I’m the boss and you can’t treat me that way,” I say with a grin.

To this, she responds by going quickly to tiptoe and planting a fast kiss on me. “You’re a jackass just like Andrew.”

Big mistake putting that mouth on me.

My arms tighten around her and kiss her back, but mine’s not fast. Instead, it’s slow and deep and there’s no mistaking what I want when I grind my cock into her.

“Dane,” she whispers, all throaty and needy.

“Christ, I fucking want you so bad,” I mutter as I drag her skirt up her thighs. “Want me to call Andrew in here?”

She shakes her head. “I’ll make it up to him.”

I push past the surge of jealousy over her need to keep us both on even ground with her. I should be happy I have her alone now, yet I’m already envious of her making this up to him. Which is weird, because to my knowledge, Andrew hasn’t been with her alone since that one and only time at his apartment. The past four nights, Avril and I have been at the club and Andrew only joined us two of those nights. The other nights, he begged off with “too much work to do” but I actually know he’s keeping some distance. Andrew told me he only wanted the threesome as it was the best way for him to keep the intimacy between him and Avril to a minimum. Andrew… protecting his heart, and I’m wondering if perhaps he didn’t have the right idea since I spend too much fucking time thinking about being with Avril.

Making quick work of my pants, Avril manages to free my cock, which is stiff and aching for her. She strokes me while our mouths work at each other. Because I know we shouldn’t stay too long in here, I spin her around so she can brace against the sink.

“Ass out,” I tell her. She lowers her torso parallel to the floor and arches her back so her ass is tilted beautifully in the air.

“Hurry,” she says in an urgent tone.

Pulling her underwear to the side, I expose the back of her pussy, which is glistening wet for me, and I don’t hesitate putting the head of my cock right there.

She’s tight and not ready other than being soaked, so I work my way into her with short thrusts, going deeper each time.

Avril lifts her head and stares at me in the mirror. When I lodge myself all the way in, she gives me the sexiest smile I’ve ever seen on a woman. Narrowing her eyes slightly, she challenges me. “Now fuck me hard, Dane. Make me see stars.”

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