Home > Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(29)

Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(29)
Author: G.K. DeRosa

I shook my head, eyeing the elf. What would this deal really cost us?

“Fine.” Vander nodded to Dembrat. “You tell Delacroix he has a deal. Now tell us what you know.”

“Thax is watching you. He’s got guys on the inside now, ever since he and Delacroix parted ways.” The elf glanced up and shot me a toothless grin. “She won’t be safe in here for long. It’s only a matter of time till his men find an opening.”

A massive rock sank to the pit of my stomach. I’d never escape my cousin. Talon had been right, going after him was the only option. I refused to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. Whatever Remy saw in the oracle while I was in the castle must have changed. I was obviously a threat again.

He doesn’t know the half of it. My she-demon snarled in my mind.

Vander’s hand closed around mine, and he tugged me forward. “Come on. Let’s get you back to your cell. T is not going to like this.”



Chapter Seventeen



“You can’t seriously think I’d let you anywhere near that party after Delacroix’s warning?” Talon stomped across our cell, eating up the short distance with his long, angry strides. “I said no yesterday, and my answer hasn’t changed today.”

Narrowing my eyes, I glared up at the exasperating man. “Dembrat clearly said Thax has been watching me, as in past tense. Meaning this has been going on since I returned to Darkblood. What’s the difference now? He could have just as easily had one of his men slip a shank into my gut yesterday in the mess hall or while I was in the shower last night. You’re overreacting.”

He stopped his manic pacing and closed the distance between us, anger rolling off his forbidding form in waves. He loomed over me, his broad shoulders blocking out the light overhead. I met his fiery glare with one of my own, refusing to be intimidated. “I will not jeopardize your safety so that you can have a night ‘out’ to get wasted and rub up on horny inmates.”

“Come on, T, take it easy.” Vander scooted between us and placed his hand on his buddy’s shoulder.

Talon spun his blazing irises to his brother. “And you? I didn’t expect you to fall into her trap so easily. She bats her long lashes at you and you just cave?”

Vander’s lips twisted into a snarl. “I didn’t fall into anything. I offered to watch over her so she could have a little break. You don’t know what it’s like for her.”

Raging silver orbs darted from his friend to me and back, and a chill skirted up my spine. Talon towered over Vander, his hulking form dwarfing the large wolf. “I don’t know? Don’t pretend you’re the expert on all things Azara just because you’ve been training her. It’s an obsession that’s all. All those years you spent skulking in the shadows, but you’ll never know her, not truly. Not the way I did—” His jaw snapped, the crack of his teeth echoing in the small space.

My eyes widened, matching the surprise in Vander’s expression.

Talon huffed out a frustrated breath and whirled on his heel to face the wall. His fingers were balled into tight fists, clenching and unclenching with the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

“What the hell, T?” Vander growled.

He swiveled back to face both of us, anger staining his cheeks crimson. “Do what you want. Both of you.” His wings snapped out and he flew out of our enclosure, the glass door barely opening in time.

When he was gone, a thick silence settled over us. I slumped down on my bed and loosed a long breath. “What the hades was that about?”

“My brother convincing himself he’s the only one that can keep you safe.”

“I meant the ‘you being obsessed with me’ part.” I shot him a playful wink.

He grunted and slid onto the mattress beside me. “I was hoping your memories would kick in, and I wouldn’t have to relive that colorful bit of history.”

“So he was telling the truth?”

“I may have developed some inappropriate feelings for you while on duty.”

I glanced up to meet twinkling hazel irises. “And you told me about it after we met?”

He nodded.

I’d sensed some sort of connection with the wolf since I’d returned but was it romantic? “How did I react?”

“Well, you and Talon were—” He shook his head, cutting himself off. “It’s his story, Azara, he’s gotta be the one to tell it.”

“I’m tired of Talon being the ultimate say in everything,” I growled. “There’s a whole chunk of my life missing, and I don’t understand why I have to wait for the great Talon to decide when to shed some light on it.” I hopped off the bed and stomped to the small sink to grab my towel. “I’m taking a shower and then you’re taking me to the moon fest tonight. I don’t care what that controlling dragon says. I can take care of myself.”

“Azara, I don’t know if this is the right way to get back at him.”

I popped my hands on my hips and shot him a narrowed glare. “Can you take on some magicless inmates?”

He pulled his shoulders back and puffed out his chest. “Of course I can.”

“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” I threw my towel over my shoulder and marched out.



Flix passed me the small bottle filled with a deep purple liquid, and my mouth filled with saliva. I brought it to my lips and gulped down the sweet wine—with a kick. The burn of alcohol left a scorching path down my throat once the initial sugary bubbles had vanished.

“Wooo!” I whooped as I passed the bootleg beverage to Vander.

He, Valeria, Flix and I sat in a huddle between the dusty boxes in the pixie’s secret office pre-partying before the main event. I had no idea what was in the Fae wine, but my toes were already tingling. I leaned against the musty cardboard, a giggle on the tip of my drunk tongue. “This was a great idea, Flix.”

“Told ya.” He winked and grabbed the bottle back from my wolf bodyguard. Glancing up at the clock on the wall, he tried to stand but toppled onto Valeria, setting off a wave of giggles from the cute pixie. “It’s definitely time to get to the party.” He pulled out four small flasks and filled them with the remaining wine.

“I don’t know,” said Vander, winding his arm around my shoulder. “I’m having a pretty good time right here.”

His wolfy smell of earth and pinecones filled my nostrils. Yum, tasty. My she-demon swirled to life, the alcohol prying her from the depths of my insides. I popped up and offered Flix a hand. “I’m ready to experience this moon fest. Let’s do this.”

After Flix handed each of us a wooden flask, we followed him to the door. Vander trailed behind me, his hand on the small of my back, guiding me behind the pair of pixies. The moment we stepped out into the hallway, music and excited chatter filtered up the stairs. My heartrate accelerated.

Flix pouted, sticking out his lower lip. “Looks like they’ve started without us.”

“How rude.” Valeria grabbed his hand and yanked him down the stairwell.

I hurried behind them as a swirl of excitement flared. This was exactly what I needed. For one night, I didn’t want to think about my missing memories, my backstabbing cousin, or a certain broody dragon.

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