Home > Magnus the Vast (Dokiri Brides # 4)(28)

Magnus the Vast (Dokiri Brides # 4)(28)
Author: Denali Day

He smelled like man and leather. Like a warrior. At once, thoughts of Samar, the ice cat, of the mountain they stood upon faded into the back of her mind. When he opened his mouth to sigh against her lips, she deepened the kiss.

Nadine was no stranger to lovemaking. Kissing, she’d done less of, but she was no blushing maiden to deny her body’s natural demands. So when she desired to taste the barbarian, she did. She ran the tip of her tongue along the swell of his bottom lip and reveled in the taste of him. Her fingers worked their way into his sandy mane of hair. It was deceptively soft. Not like anything else about this wild man. She smiled at the hitch in his breath when she gave the strands a little tug. How much kissing had Magnus done? She was dying to know, even though she’d never ask.

When she pulled away, Nadine was lightheaded. She was grateful for the heavy hand Magnus placed at her hip, which steadied her like an anchor where she stood. He looked at her like he’d been struck by the sun. She resisted the urge to clear her throat, and backed away while keeping her hand on Magnus’s chest. To her satisfaction, Samar was still there, his eyes fixed on her face. He’d not turned away. She’d decide later if that meant he deserved more or less credit from her.

Nadine licked her lips, giving the impression she was still reveling in the moment. Actually, she was. She spoke in a low, sultry cadence. “I’ll be along. Just after I’ve had my fun.”

Even in the darkness, Nadine noted the bobbing of Samar’s throat. He drew in a deep breath, then turned and walked away. As Nadine watched him go, she had the distinct impression that later she might regret what she’d just done. She was only making things harder for herself. Not that they’d been easy. But in this particular moment? Regret was the furthest thing from her mind.






A Story of Scars



His back to the sunrise, Magnus watched Nadine from atop the little hill at the far edge of the camp.

He let a smile cover his face as he studied the way she bustled to and fro among her men, pointing this way and that, directing preparations and keeping them all calm for what was to come. They acted as though having his people ferry them to Bedmeg was a more chilling proposition then trekking up a veligiri-infested mountain by night ever could have been. Magnus rolled his eyes. There was no arguing with desert dwellers.

Magnus raised his fingers to his lips and gave a sharp little whistle. He knew it would gain Nadine’s attention because it was so close to the one he used for Yrsa, but not quite right. Sure enough, her brown head of curls snapped toward him, and even from a distance he could see her look of confusion harden into annoyance.

She stomped toward him all the same, and Magnus worked to tamp down his growing excitement. A few Ebronian gazes followed her as she broke away, but no one said anything. Perhaps they were justly humbled while their lieutenants’ blood still stained the snow from last night’s whipping. Their new captain was in a foul mood. Magnus cocked his head. He could handle Nadine’s foul moods. He’d had precious little experience with anything else.

Nadine barely slowed as she neared him. “What?”

“Come with me.” Magnus half turned away while extending a hand toward her.

Nadine scowled at him. “Why?”

“I want to show you something.”

“In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m busy. I will be prepared when your clan arrives.”

Magnus huffed. “Yes, your pointer finger must be exhausted. I can’t imagine how your men will break camp without your direction.”

That was decidedly the wrong thing to say. Nadine narrowed her eyes at him before turning on her heels and heading back down the hill. Before she could take two steps, Magnus started toward her. “Wait.”

She turned. Regna, even her scowl was enchanting. She could melt the flesh from his bones with the heat of that glare, and Magnus would lie in a grinning puddle at her feet. He chewed on his lower lip. “My brother won’t be back for at least another hour. If you come with me now I’ll—” he broke off, trying hard to think of something that would entice her.

Nadine arched a brow. “You’ll what?”

“I’ll make sure you’re not sorry.” When she looked like she was about to turn around again, Magnus hurried to add, “And if you are, I’ll shave my head.”

Nadine’s eyes widened, and her lips parted. She looked only half as shocked by the declaration as Magnus felt. What in Helig’s name had he just promised? Glanshi. He swallowed and pressed his shoulders back, determined to show no weakness. “So, will you come with me?”

Perhaps it would be better if she didn’t.

She seemed to swallow down a laugh, and with pursed lips she said, “Lead the way.”

They walked over the hill, putting the breaking campsite behind them. The morning sun glowed orange in the distance and met the crystal-blue sky in a stunning shade that dazzled the eye. Or at least, it did his. What did the sunrise look like to a lowlander? He knew his Dokiri eyesight was far sharper. But surely something so vivid had to make an impression to Nadine. He inhaled deeply and reveled in the crisp morning air.

“Where are you taking me?” Nadine’s footsteps crunched along behind him.

“Patience, kandiri.” He glanced back at her and winked. “I know it’s not your strong suit.”

She cocked her head at him. Her hand rested on the lancet at her belt. “And I know intelligence isn’t yours, which is why you insist on mocking me even as you walk in front of me.”

“Ah, yes. I forgot, your hands are masters of the rod. I’m a lucky man.”

There was a moment of silence as they walked, and Magnus smiled even as the urge to cover his backside nearly overwhelmed him.

Nadine muttered, “One of these days I’m going to put my hands on you, all right.”

“I’m praying for the day.”

The crispness of the air dissipated, and a tinge of sulfur took its place. The small opening of a cave came into view. Its icy mouth glowed blue-green in the light of the rising sun. Magnus dropped to his knees when he was close enough to touch. He threw a glance back at Nadine. “I’ll go first.”

Nadine glanced warily at the cave’s entrance. “Through that little thing?”

“If I can fit, so can you.”

She didn’t say anything else, but her discomfort was obvious. Magnus clicked his tongue before dropping into the hole, whistling an upbeat tune as he went. An underground hum filled his ears as soon as the dimness of the tunnel overtook him. He had to raise his voice to make sure his humming carried loud enough for Nadine to hear him. It wasn’t totally dark. The sun was bright enough that it carried through the ice, emanating an aqua glow. Before long, he could stand up inside the cave. Magnus looked around, scanning the surroundings for predators.

A thin layer of ice covering the ceiling illuminated a bubbling spring below, keeping it from becoming a watery death trap. Walls of smooth limestone kept the area clean. No mud or roots encroached here. It was all rock, and water, and ice. Magnus was used to the strong scent of sulfuric steam rising from the gurgling surface of the pool, but Nadine would likely need a moment to breathe easy.

Magnus nodded to himself when he was satisfied there were no predators or squatting animals. He’d scouted this place just an hour before, but one couldn’t be too careful. Nadine shuffled in behind him, and he turned toward her. “You’ll be safe here. The water’s not deep, but you have to be careful where it bubbles. It gets hot in the—”

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