Home > The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(21)

The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(21)
Author: Melissa Haag

“On a scale of ‘hug Fenris because he was right’ and ‘drown him in a sack in the river,’ how mad are you at me?”

“Somewhere close to wishing that knee would have found its mark.”

He hissed a breath through his teeth, then ran ahead so he could jog backward, forcing me to meet his scrutiny. All the anger I felt poured out into my words.

“I hope you run into a tree. How could you do that to me? After seeing my reaction to what happened with Piepen, how did you ever think it would be okay? If I end up with another stain from this, I will kill you.” My voice had changed a little at the end to something truly bloodthirsty and vicious.

Rather than turning tail and running like any sane creature would do, Fenris stopped and opened his arms, enveloping me in a crash-collision hug.

His mouth pressed to the top of my head as he held me tight.

“I did that so you would finally open your eyes, Eliana. You danced, and no one was hurt. The dryads might be a little stunned by the effect you had on them, but do you see them trailing behind us? No. They’re fine. The druids are fine. I’m fine.” He pulled back to look me in the eye. “And you’re fine.”

I seethed up at him for a minute before my anger broke and my bottom lip trembled.

“I’m not fine. I don’t want another mark.”

He rested his forehead against mine.

“It’s on your clothes, not your skin.”

“I can feel it soaking through. I’ve never felt so dirty in my life.” A shuddering breath escaped me. “I just want to go home.”


He released me and walked at my side as we followed our trail back to the car. I could feel the way he kept looking at me and knew he was worried I was actually angry at him. I wasn’t sure how I felt since my mood seemed to fluctuate from one thought to the next.

I couldn’t truly hold Fenris to blame for what happened. He didn’t force me; he’d encouraged me. There was a difference between the two. Regardless, I’d known what the druids had wanted me to do. I wasn’t a new succubus naive to the results of a seduction. In fact, my initial reluctance had been due to just that.

In the end, Fenris was right, though. No one had been hurt, and the druids now knew about Ashlyn and would start looking for her. What I’d started out to do had been accomplished.

Yet, the cloying scent of earth and rain served as a reminder that, although I wasn’t hurt, I was far from untouched by today’s events.

“You’re still thinking about it, aren’t you?”

“My shirt is sticking to me. It’s impossible not to think about it.”

“Give me your phone.”

Distracted by my thoughts, I handed it over without questioning him. It was barely lunchtime. I’d faced my parents, discovered my mom was staying indefinitely, learned Adira was tracking me with a spell, and now wore clothes that would have Mrs. Quill celebrating when she did the laundry. Which meant I had to hand wash this mess. How much more hell would I need to endure today?

“There,” he said, handing my phone back to me. “See? It’s not a problem.”

I looked down at my screen and read the text conversation in growing horror.

Me: Does dryad cum cause permanent stains on skin?

Mom: No, it’s perfectly safe. Why?

Me: I have some on me and am freaking out.

Mom: Baby, I’m so proud of you for expanding your palate! Dryad spend is completely harmless and delicious, too, if you want to taste a little.

I gripped my phone and tried to breathe.

“Does that look mean I’m running home on four paws?”

“Why, Fenris? Why would you tell my mom something like that?”

“You’re worrying about so much already, and I didn’t want you to add another thing to the list.”

“But now, I have,” I said, looking up at him. “My mom thinks I’m feeding on other creatures. She’s going to tell Adira. What do you think will happen then?”

“Nothing. You’re going to put your foot down and say you prefer me. See? I thought it through.”

“It won’t go that way. It never goes the easy way.”

He sighed and looked off into the trees for a moment.

“No, I don’t think it has for you,” he said softly. “Do you want to tell me what happened with Ashlyn?”

“Here? In the Drys Woods, where the trees have ears? No.”

“Somewhere else then.”

“Where? Between Adira’s spies and her spell, there’s nowhere I can go that will be private anymore. Gods, I wish there was.” Because now going home to change would no longer be a simple clothes swap, thanks to Fenris.

I wrinkled my nose as I realized I’d screwed up again by not texting a warning to Mom right away and quickly sent one.

Me: Please don’t tell Adira.

Mom: Baby, I’m so sorry…I already told her and am using your initiative as a reason she needs to leave you alone. Especially after her presence this morning. Forgive me? I’ll check with you first, next time.

“Mother Mary’s holy underwear,” I yelled a moment before I threw my phone. Fenris’s quick reflexes stopped it from sailing beyond his reach.

“The cabin is yours anytime you want it,” Fenris said, tucking my phone in his pocket. “And your tracking spell should be gone by Tuesday, right? You’ll have your freedom and a quiet place where we can talk.”

“I don’t trust those druids. Not after what they’ve already done.”

“Then we’ll find a different druid to help you.” He shoulder-bumped me playfully, which started me walking again.

“As far as I can tell, they’re all the same. Self-interested mercenaries who will perform any spell, regardless of its ethics or the harm it might cause others, all for a promise of payment or reputation gain. The girls should have helped as a result of feeling bad about what happened, not because they wanted something else from me.”

“Not all druids are like that.”

I arched a brow at him. “Oh? And you have a lot of experience with druids? What spells have you asked for?”

Fenris actually flushed.

“Given your current view on self-interest, I’d rather not say just yet. Soon though.”

I shook my head at him.

“I hope whatever it was, you don’t come to regret what you did.”

“I haven’t yet,” he said with a wink.

We walked in silence for a while, and my anger and annoyance eventually faded. So did my righteous heat. Tucking my hands into my pockets and trying to ignore the wet spots on my clothes, I shivered.

Fenris glanced at me, and I shook my head.

“Whatever you do,” I said with chattering teeth, “do not pick me up. I won’t be responsible for what happens if my shirt rubs against me any more than it has to.”

He made a face.

“I’m serious. It won’t be pretty.”

“Fine. Then, you carry me. I’m tired.” He set a hand on my shoulder and moved like he was going to jump into my arms. I squeaked and scrambled away. He grinned unrepentantly at my scowl.

“Actually, that gives me an idea. How do you feel about a wolf-back ride? No shirt pressing, and we could get out of here faster.”

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