Home > The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(29)

The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(29)
Author: Melissa Haag

“I come from a completely different environment,” I admitted. “My mom has men falling over themselves to get her attention, and they’ll share just for a scrap of affection. Possessive isn’t healthy, but dedicated doesn’t sound bad.”

Her expression turned thoughtful.

“Yeah, I think I could handle dedicated.”

“If it’s love at first sight like I’ve heard, maybe talk to your mate right away and tell him what you want. You never know; he might want the same thing.”

“I’m so glad you came over. I’ve been walking around sick to my stomach over the upcoming gathering. At least Aubrey isn’t around to make us all more miserable about it.” She sat up suddenly. “I forgot to tell Fenris that Elbner’s been fed. Do you want to come with me?”

“With you?”

That sheepish expression returned.

“I could text, but this gives me a reason to see him in person. And if you’re there, maybe he won’t send me home right away.”

I truly felt sorry for Jenna. Here I was, trying to avoid any male Mom and Adira threw my way and feeling sorry for Fenris for having to deal with a similar situation. And, I’d never stopped to think of the other side. Jenna was desperately trying to gain Fenris’s attention because she liked him as a person. Hadn’t Nico and Nikhil said something similar? That they were curious about me? And, I turned all my hate and resentment over my situation at them. Guilt hit me hard.

“Of course I’ll go with you,” I agreed. “It’s the least I can do to pay you back for helping me with Elbner.”

Jenna jumped up off her bed and checked herself in the mirror, giving her cheeks a quick pinch.


When I’d agreed to go with her, I’d thought we’d head to another cabin in Blueleaf. However, instead of taking a path between the homes, Jenna took a trail that led into the woods. I shivered as I hurried after her.

“How far away does Fenris live?” I asked.

“Oh, we’re not going to his house. He’s never there anymore. He tends to wander the woods. It’s like a big game of hide-and-seek to find him.”

She looked back over her shoulder at me. The hungry glint in her eyes and a shift in her scent told me she really hoped it would turn into something more. Her pace gradually increased, and I found myself jogging to keep up with her. While strength and stamina were part of the standard succubus package, I’d always been a little behind on the stamina part. Winded, I slowed to a walk then stopped to brace my hands on my knees and catch my breath.

My stomach rumbled hungrily at the same time the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I straightened and scanned the trees and blanket of snow around me. Nothing moved. The only sound was my own forced-quiet breathing. Yet, the feeling remained.

Something, or someone, watched me.

“Eliana?” Jenna called from ahead.

“Coming.” Following her trail, I found her at an outcropping.

“This is one of his favorite spots.” She set her hand on the rock. “It’s still warm. He should be around here somewhere.”

I huddled further in my jacket and looked at the ground. The only tracks I saw were our own.

“Don’t bother,” she said. “I think he’s part woodland spirit or something. He never leaves a trail.”

I recalled the trail he and I had left in the Drys Woods and knew that wasn’t true. At least, not all the time.

“Do we wait? Shout? Call him?”

“That would be too easy. This is part of the fun. Finding him.”

I thought of my already cold toes and silently disagreed.

“Come on.”

Since I was nice and easily swayed by my own guilt, I hurried after her. Once again, I grew winded and had to fall behind to catch my breath. Like the last time, the sense I was being watched prickled along the back of my neck.

I turned a slow circle in the trees.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

There was no answer.

“I don’t like games.”

Silence replied.

Refusing to be intimidated, I followed Jenna’s trail. My vision flickered between normal and enhanced until I saw her in the distance, looking up at a thick, old tree.

“Werewolves climb trees?”

“Fenris sometimes does. But I don’t see him up there. Are you okay down here while I go check if his spot is warm?”


Jenna scrambled up the tree, sniffing limbs as she climbed. My head was tilted to the sky by the time she called out that Fenris wasn’t up there and looked down at me.

Her eyes widened.

“Don’t turn around,” she shouted.


Hands settled on my shoulders.

“Because I’m naked,” Fenris said. “So what’s a girl like you doing in a woods like this?”

I rolled my eyes but stayed looking up at the tree as Jenna scrambled down.

“Looking for you. I forgot your comment about playing hide-and-seek when I said yes, though.”

“Not a fan of seeking? If you’d rather hide, I’m willing to seek,” he said playfully.

“Yes, we’d love to hide,” Jenna said, landing in front of me.

She gave me a pleading look.

“Sorry. My toes are frozen.”

Fenris chuckled. “Chicken. You know I have the advantage.”

“What advantage? Nakedness?”

He leaned in close to my neck and inhaled deeply.

“Smell,” he whispered.

My eyes went black, and since I was facing Jenna, there was no hiding my reaction to Fenris. Her mouth dropped open, and I cringed, swamped in guilt and ravenous hunger.

“Do you think you’re special?” I asked. “You’re not the only one who can find prey.”

“Who said anything about prey? We’re talking hide-and-seek.”

I closed my eyes, struggling not to inhale lungful after lungful of his sweet scent.

“Fenris, back up.”

“I think you should listen to her, Fenris,” Jenna said anxiously.

He sighed, and I held very still, willing myself not to turn around and jump on him like I’d done in the cave. A tremble coursed through me, and Fenris’s hands briefly tightened on my shoulders.

“As soon as I do, Eliana will run, and then I won’t learn why she was out here in the first place.”

“I just wanted to tell you that Elbner’s been fed,” Jenna said.

“That doesn’t explain why Eliana is here, helping you look for me.”

Jenna didn’t answer, and I knew she wouldn’t. I inhaled the scent of her shame and felt some of my hunger recede. Poor Jenna, so twisted up for Fenris. Poor Fenris and me, so desperate for an escape from all the pressure people were putting on us.

I opened my eyes. Although each ridge and groove of the bark behind Jenna stood out in stark clarity, I knew I had enough control to step away from Fenris.

“I’m out here because I ran into Jenna at Megan’s. You should have told me Elbner was being impossible, Fenris. Both of you stood out in the cold for no reason.”

Some of that darkness crept in again at the thought of how long Fenris had been out there.

“Not for no reason,” he said. “We did it to help you.”

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