Home > The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(32)

The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(32)
Author: Melissa Haag

“Wait, what?” Eugene said. “He’s going to turn me gay?”

“It’s not a matter of sexuality, Eugene,” I assured him. “It’s a matter of complete devotion. You won’t see gender when you look at Eras. All you’ll see is the one living creature you will do anything for to make him happy.”

“Uh, yeah, that sounds like he’s going to turn me gay.” Eugene looked at Eras. “I mean, it wouldn’t be so bad if he looked more like Oanen or Fenris. Can I pick a different future gay master?”

His snarky humor enraged Eras, who gripped my shirt tighter. I heard a few seams break under the strain and glared at Eras.

“Look at me, Eras. Do I look well-fed? I’m the Academy joke for a succubus. How could a joke possibly steal a meal from you, someone who’s been hunting since before I arrived? Unless you’re saying that you’re worse at feeding than I am.”

His face flushed scarlet as his friends laughed.

“The first skill we learn is to hide our true natures from our prey. I think, living out in the human world, you’re better at that than any of us will ever hope to be. You want me to believe it wasn’t you that night? Prove it. Take a hit off of Eugene. I’ll even prime him for you so you don’t have to work so hard. I mean, stealing a meal is what you’re good at.”

“There’s just one problem with your logic,” I said with forced calm. “You claimed that someone wiped your memory of the feeding. Even if I fed from Eugene, you’d have no idea if it was me. In order to pursue this, you’d need to get your memory back first, and I hear that’s messy business. Unless your memory wasn’t really wiped, and all these accusations are just to stir up a little trouble. But then, I’d have to ask myself, why would you do that? Unless you’re trying to get Megan home sooner like the mermaids.”

Doubt flickered in Eras’s eyes.

“You don’t want that, do you? There’s something else that you’re trying to hide. Something that would get you into trouble if anyone found out. Something that Megan sensed that night in the bar.”

Eras confirmed that the straws I was grasping at actually had substance when he immediately released me and stepped back.

“This isn’t over. I’m going to regain my memories and prove it was you. Then you’ll never get your mark and be stuck in this place until you slowly starve to death. Enjoy that picture of your future, succubitch. I’m watching you.”

He shoulder-checked me as he walked away, and I stared after him and his goons. His reaction had confirmed he was far from innocent, and I couldn’t wait for Megan to come home.

“Thanks, Eliana,” Eugene said. “I was a little nervous when they grabbed me.”

“You should still be nervous. Feeding is allowed in school since Adira and the Council don’t consider feeding on a human’s sexual energy harmful to the human. But it is. Trust me on that.”

“Okay. Can I ask why he wanted you to feed from me? I mean, didn’t you already do that in the pool?”

I shook my head.

“I almost fed on you. Remember what Eras said about priming you? Well, you were primed then. Try not to think about that, though. You don’t want any of those old feelings to resurface.

“As for why he wanted me to feed…well, he thinks another incubus or succubus stole a meal from him. Each of us has a unique energy signature when we feed. He would have sensed it at the time his meal was stolen. That’s why he’s trying to get others to feed while he’s around. And that’s never going to happen with me.”


I smiled sadly at Eugene.

“Because what I said is true. I’m the Academy joke. The starving succubus. I don’t feed. At least, not anymore.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

I shrugged.

“That’s what all the adults in my life are saying. But I feel fine, so who’s to say?”

“Well, that’s an interesting admission,” Adira said, stepping out of the pool door. “Would you like to repeat that to your mother, or shall I?”

“Do whatever you want, Adira. You will regardless.”

She canted her head and studied me for a moment.

“This new attitude doesn’t suit you.”

“I think it suits me just fine.”

“I wonder what your father would think. Perhaps it’s time he and I had a long conversation.”

I actually laughed.

“You do that. Maybe then you’ll finally understand that what a succubus can do isn’t a harmless consumption of energy. It’s so much more.” I took a step closer to her. “But be careful when you speak to him, Adira. A human under a succubus’s thrall can turn dangerous if they feel you’re threatening their keeper or trying to take them away.”

“Thank you for the warning. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather feed on Eugene and stop what will come with this defiance you’re clinging to? After all, that’s why he’s here. I handpicked him based on the preferences I’d noticed you have. Tall. Lean build. Appealing face. Dark hair and a sense of humor. He seemed to check all of your boxes. There’s no reason to deny yourself a meal you would truly enjoy.”

“I’m sure. Go have fun tattling. I have a class to get to.”

I turned my back on Adira and grabbed Eugene’s arm, hauling him away with me.

“Um, if I was handpicked for you, does that mean the Council is going to dump me back in an alley if you don’t feed from me?”

“No. It doesn’t. Megan made a promise to you and to them. She’ll raise hell if the Council breaks its word.” I stopped outside my first classroom and wrinkled my nose at Eugene when he immediately met my gaze. “Gods, I wish Ashlyn were here. Stop making eye contact. And if Eras and his friends come after you again, start screaming for Adira. Or better yet, start shouting Megan’s name. Never forget that everyone here will use you to get what they want without a second thought.”

His gaze immediately dropped to the floor.

“Got it. It’s just been, you know, a weird morning.”

“You have no idea.”

As soon as we parted ways, I sent a quick text to Mom.

Me: Adira is being particularly persistent about public feedings. She said I’m being uncooperative, which I am, and is going to call you. She also tried to use not so subtle threats against Dad to get me to do what she wants.

Mom: That devil needs to die once and for all.

Me: They’ll kick you out for murder, and you’re the only person in my life who’s actually making an attempt to understand me.

Mom: Baby, I’m incredibly sorry about yesterday. There was so much I didn’t understand, but I think I’m beginning to. Thank you for coming to me with this problem even though I let you down yesterday. I swear, I’m trying to be the best mother possible for you.

My chest tightened, and tears threatened to spill over.

Me: I know. I love you, Mom.

Guilt clawed at me as I took my usual seat.

While I waited for the room to fill, I sent another quick message.

Me: Adira is playing more games. Eugene is worried he’s going to end up in an alley again because he overheard her say she handpicked him for me (long story). Can you maybe put a gentle word in Adira’s ear, reminding her that the humans have rights? Also, I haven’t seen any progress on the library Eras was supposed to help build.

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